Will Your Faith Endure? ~ Matthew 7:24-27
Will Your Faith Endure?
Will Your Faith Endure? Our actions today will determine tomorrow’s destiny. Matt. 7:24-27
Will Your Faith Endure? Our actions today will determine tomorrow’s destiny. You cannot be a mediocre Christian and hope to remain faithful to God. Jn. 6:51-66; Cf. 2 Cor. 13:5; Heb. 10:25
Will Your Faith Endure? Our actions today will determine tomorrow’s destiny. You cannot be a mediocre Christian and hope to remain faithful to God. How much time do you spend studying God’s word? Rom. 10:17; 1 Tim. 4:12-16
Will Your Faith Endure? Our actions today will determine tomorrow’s destiny. You cannot be a mediocre Christian and hope to remain faithful to God. How much time do you spend studying God’s word? Look at your prayer life. Lk. 18:1
Will Your Faith Endure? Our actions today will determine tomorrow’s destiny. You cannot be a mediocre Christian and hope to remain faithful to God. How much time do you spend studying God’s word? Look at your prayer life. Serve God in your daily life. Acts 26:20; Matt. 5:14-16
Will Your Faith Endure? These principles apply to any congregation as well. What it does today will determine its destiny for tomorrow. Let us never become lazy when serving God as a congregation. Let us never forget to pray. We cannot predict the future, but we can continue building a strong foundation of faith in our lives (and in the church) day by day. If we will make the commitment to doing this, our faith will last until the day we die, and we will have a church that remains true to God’s Word.
Will Your Faith Endure? ~ Matthew 7:24-27