Area Deans & Lay Chairs with Senior Team Being ambitious for the Kingdom Strategy Update 07 November 2018
Changed Lives → Changing Lives Our Diocesan vision for mission Discerned by Synod Mission heartbeat of our Diocese Relevant to all of us ANNA
Changing Lives Conversations Questions to ask in our communities “How has knowing Jesus changed your life?” “How can we best support one another to be 7 day a week disciples?” This is about all of us Specifically looking for 15 groups to ask these questions Speak to AD Jo or Peter Ingrams ANNA This is the kind of question we know is being asked in many local churches and house groups across the Diocese We'd really like to learn more from what happens when these questions are asked intentionally of specific groups and how that can shape our shared and individual discipleship.
Strands of the Strategy Declining attendance Young people Disadvant-age Clergy retirement Missional Learning Communities Prioritising young people Engaging with disadvantaged communities Enriching leadership Missional Prayer Network ANNA Reminder: these are the four key issues that we discerned. [CLICK] These are the four strands of the strategy that we have put in place. [CLICK] The arrows show how each strand will help to address these issues. [CLICK] And of course all of this needs to be underpinned by prayer.
Strands of the Strategy Declining attendance Young people Disadvant-age Clergy retirement Innovations Hub Prioritising young people Engaging with disadvantaged communities Enriching leadership MLCs Youth Hubs Ignite Missional Prayer Network ANNA And we have four key projects in place to help drive forward the strategy in the strands. You’ll note that we have more correctly shown the first strand as “Innovations Hub” within which the Missional Learning Communities project sits. More on this later. [CLICK] As you will know, we have Strategic Development Funding from the Church Commissioners in place for Ignite and we recently submitted a stage 1 bid for Youth Hubs. SDF SDF MPN
Engaging with Disadvantaged Communities Focus on establishing self-sustaining IGNITE projects in every Archdeaconry and in the Channel Islands Patrick & Debbie Ellisdon project leaders in place Most Enablers have been recruited What are we hoping to achieve by 2022? 9 new self-sustaining Ignites 780 people through the doors A body of material and experience to benefit the whole Diocese Ignite COLIN Ignite is a tried and tested initiative That doesn't guarantee that every Ignite plant will be a roaring success - we are taking some risks here - but nevertheless, Ignite has a track record of making new Christians, of bringing the good news to people who are normally overlooked. Possible question about how they will become self-sustaining Ignite Enablers will build / build on initial community contacts Running Ignite will involve recruiting and training a team of volunteers – this is clearly understood by all locations The volunteers will be trained eventually to host the events Parishes will be supported by a grant initially to help with running costs But they will be encouraged to keep good records of costs and consider how they will fund these after the grant period The project leaders will be in place for longer than the enablers and will help oversee the transitions
Ignite Locations COLIN
Engaging with Disadvantaged Communities Which are the groups that are most disadvantaged in your community? What are you already doing to reach out to them? What else could you do? Could the Ignite model be helpful for you? What else might work? What kind of support might be most helpful to you? COLIN
Prioritising Young People Intentional evangelism and discipleship with non- churchgoing teenagers First Youth Hub in Sittingbourne Deanery in 2019 Children and Young People’s Framework Will explore other models too What are we hoping to achieve by 2027? 3 new youth hubs across the Diocese 480 in worshipping communities 360 new disciples 72 young people in leadership 4 youth hub leaders trained A model to enable further hubs and youth outreach Youth Hubs COLIN (Note: The Children and Young People’s framework has been overseen by DBE – the Diocesan Board of Education. Given that this is a priority area for our strategy, ABC endorsed the need to gather a wider group of people together around the framework.)
Prioritising Young People Where are the teenagers in your ministry context? What are you already doing – or what do you need to do - to reach them? Would your Deanery be interested in hosting one of the future Youth Hubs? Are there any other models that are working well? COLIN
Missional Prayer Network We are a praying Diocese Novena Thy Kingdom Come Diocesan Day of Prayer Daily/weekly prayer in parishes Prayer undergirds and resources all that we do Barbara Wallace prayer coordinator in place Extensive consultations – including deaneries Exploring how the network can best resource and connect prayer across the Diocese Rollout from January 2019 Inspiration for mission COLIN
Missional Prayer Network Novena Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage 7th & 8th June 2019 (24 hour) Enhanced intercessions diary More insight into the specific needs & stories of parishes Seasonal prayer cards for churches and schools Prayer “app” with Diocesan prayer material Termly prayer gatherings More accessible prayer resources What are we hoping to achieve? Listen for God’s direction in prayer and for mission Connect pray-ers across the Diocese Equip those who pray and those who want to pray more, and more deeply MPN COLIN The Prayer app will not be an expensive bespoke solution but an existing one that supports incorporation of subscribed additional material (e.g. PrayerMate). With the prayer resources, we're not looking to recreate the wheel but make a wide range of prayer researches ,much more easily accessible online - our new website will help with this! [CLICK] This is what we are hoping to achieve.
Missional Prayer Network How does prayer in your Deanery/Benefice/Parish enable deeper listening for God’s missional direction in our homes, schools and communities? How can we better connect with one another in prayer that supports and sustains God’s mission? How might we share and develop creative resources to equip us in prayer for mission? COLIN
Enriching Leadership Increasing number of Curates From 6 to 9 per year ‘Changing Lives Conversations’ Missional Learning Communities Include days just for incumbents Teams to include emerging & established lay leaders We offer a great deal of training and education Audit to ensure that it is fit for purpose Key focus on young vocations, lay and ordained COLIN
Missional Learning Communities Background Listening to incumbents Especially about the difficulties of engaging with the complex cultures of multi-parish benefices Diagnosis: our situation is serious Requires a deep culture change on our part There is no simple cost-free way to achieve this A set of initiatives won’t do the job MLCs have twin culture changing processes Action Learning in the practice of mission Disciplined pursuit of Six Spiritual Practices STEVE
Missional Learning Communities Culture change Active (lay) discipleship Faith expressed in the public sphere Churches confidently making relationships and partnerships Leaders (lay and clergy) enabling missional spirituality and leading in mission Dwelling in the Word Spiritual Discernment Hospitality Announcing the Kingdom of God Focus for Missional Action Dwelling in the World The Six Spiritual Practices STEVE [CLICK] These are the Six Spiritual Practices
Missional Learning Communities Research base UK, Partnership for Missional Church process, June 2018 82 churches, 109 respondents 71% of respondents: significant impact on lay discipleship 76% taken up new ministry roles 90% of churches formed new missional partnerships 72% claimed a positive impact on new partnerships where faith an explicit part Stories: changed clergy leadership styles USA, Partnership for Missional Church process 17% median increase in worship attendance STEVE Summary of the USA research is in the backup slides Have just included the headline here
Missional Learning Communities What is involved? Incumbent plus 5 lay leaders or emergent leaders 4 Saturdays a year for two years + 2 days for incumbents Meeting with 5 other similar communities First wave starting in January What are we hoping to achieve by 2026? Change from 2% annual decline to 1% increase Over 3,000 new people in our churches A change of culture MLCs STEVE [CLICK] This is what we are hoping to achieve by 2026 once we have rolled this out across the whole Diocese. Yes, this looks ambitious, we appreciate that, but it is based on research. We want to be ambitious for the kingdom.
Missional Learning Communities Is this something that could help your benefices to think more clearly and intentionally about mission? Still places available for January 2019 We urgently need more to sign up! Who could you encourage to do so? Speak to Steve Coneys STEVE
Innovations Hub Will be exploring other innovative models to support church growth Arranging Michael Moynagh to speak in 2019 Leading thinker on new forms of church Discussions with a handful of churches looking to plant Opportunity to feed in ideas that you think are worth looking at or exploring Speak to Steve Coneys or AD Darren STEVE
Changed Lives → Changing Lives The strategy is continuing to develop and evolve We need your expertise and insights It is vital that you are a part of it Let’s be ambitious for the Kingdom ANNA
Backup Slides
Frameworks & Strategy Strands Licensed Ministries Framework Local Church Development Framework Co-Chair: +Trevor Children & Young People Framework Co-Chair: AD Jo Communities & Partnerships Framework Co-Chair: AD Stephen Co-Chair: AD Darren Children, Schools & Young People Communities & Partnerships Mission & Ministry Support Functions Missional Learning Communities Strategy Strand SRO: AD Darren Enriching leadership SRO: +Trevor Missional Prayer Network SRO: Julian Engaging with disadvantaged communities SRO: AD Stephen Diocesan House Teams Prioritising young people SRO: AD Jo Diocesan Board of Education Statutory Board Chair: John Moss A co-chair will be elected by each framework who will also attend ABC
Missional Learning Communities Research base USA, Partnership for Missional Church process 17% median increase in worship attendance 77% correlation to longevity of pastorate 64% correlation to increase in conversions 74% correlation to increase in lay leaders 73% correlation to increased participation young adults 62% correlation to new constituency base