Activity 1.2.1 By: martin Cabrera.


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Presentation transcript:

Activity 1.2.1 By: martin Cabrera

Is the energy source classified as nonrenewable, renewable, or inexhaustible? The resource that I'm researching is coal. This resource is a nonrenewable source.

How is the energy source made useable? How Coal turns into Electricity Coal is burned, which produces steam. 2. Steam turns a turbine. 3. The turbine generates electricity. 4. Power lines carry the electricity to our homes.

What are the infrastructure requirements for utilizing this energy source? 1. Source of coal Ex: A mine 2. Transport, trucks, barges, and rail lines  3. Power plant to burn it, generator to make power  4. Power lines to move electricity where needed 

What emerging technologies will make this energy source safer, more usable, more efficient, cleaner, etc? Once CO2 has been captured, it must be sequestered, or permanently stored. Current options focus on such geological formations as oil and gas reservoirs, unmineable coal seams, and deep saline aquifers, all of which are geologically sealed and unlikely to allow injected CO2 to escape. While these technologies are very promising, it still must be proven that large quantities of CO2 can be stored effectively underground and monitored for long periods of time. The methods also must be acceptable to the public and regulatory agencies. Large-scale field trials of prototypes of coal-fueled, near-zero-emissions power plants are needed to test the viability of several of these new clean coal technologies.
