BARRY BASKET Barry Basket started baking from a young age with his grandparents as loves making fresh bread and healthy sweet treats. Barry likes good coffee, indie music and going on bike rides.
BARRY’S BAKERY Barry Basket has just opened a Boutique Bakery selling Vegan, Gluten Free and Healthy Baked Goods. His shop is located on Shoreditch High Street and is gaining good coverage in local press for its range.
BARRY NEEDS YOU Barry is launching a new range of fusion donuts, that are really healthy but super delicious. He wants to let people know about his new range and get them to visit his shop. Gmail: Password: bakedgoods Barry B @BBoy Any social media experts out there who can help with my bakery? Promoted by Barry B 13/10/2016 233 RETWEETS 291 FAVORITES Reply to @BBoy 140
Barry’s Brand LATO Montserrat #365899 #666666