13th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography and Education “First Years of Teaching Primary Education. Reconstruction of Practices and Experiences in Disadvantaged Contexts” Alicia L. Carvajal J. UPN-Ajusco (México) 13th Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography and Education
Research Beginning Teachers / Novice / Inexperienced Maximum 5 years of service Chiapas State: Three teachers school offering two grades each one One teacher school offering six grades
Analysis axes Relationships with children, parents and the community, Conditions that lead them to change to a schoool in a less disadvantage context. Some questions raised by the new policies for admission and permanence al teaching positions.
Getting the job: working in the place and under the conditions the job requires Admission test. Unknown and remote places. Without basic services.
Teachers and community: learning how to establish relacionships since the beginning
Teachers being received by the community Place of residence
Difficulties Communication and use of the native language Dealing with loneliness by establishing realtionships with the community} School hours Teaching overload Without company Being woman in a male dominance situation
Changing schools: What the teachers win and wath they lose Working conditions Personal aspects: material and family advantages Differences of children and parents
…aNd the new institutional policies? Admission and permanence Schools diversity Learning How to evalue teaching and learning?
Lost objective: Teaching