Weather Instruments
Weather Instruments Thermometer Doppler Radar Anemometer Barometer Weather Satellite Wind Sock 2
Weather Balloons Weather balloons: Carry equipment as high as 30 km above the Earth’s surface Measure temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, wind speed, & direction
Weather balloons Pictures courtesy of http://www. srh. noaa
Thermometer Thermometer: Used to measure: air temperature
Barometer Barometer: Used to measure air pressure
Psychrometer An instrument used for measuring the water vapor content of the atmosphere; a type of hygrometer.
Anemometer Used to measure wind speed
Wind Sock Used to measure wind direction
Wind Vane/Weather Vane Used to measure wind direction
Radar Used to find location, movement, kind & amount of precipitation
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Weather Satellite Orbit the Earth & send information back to Earth; used to track storms, wind speed, humidity, & temperature @ different altitudes
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Collecting & Analyzing Weather Data 2 groups who gather information: National Weather Service (NWS) NOAA (National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration)
NWS Produce maps based on information gathered from over 1,000 weather stations nationwide