Green Technologies In Minas Gerais (Brazil) Ricardo M. Pinto-Coelho Fundação HidroEx – Frutal (MG)


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Presentation transcript:

Green Technologies In Minas Gerais (Brazil) Ricardo M. Pinto-Coelho Fundação HidroEx – Frutal (MG) 1

2 Large political autonomy of states and municipalities million de Km million inhabitants -26 States - 1 Federal District Municipalities. -Five major regions: - North - Northeastern - Southeasthern - Middle-West -- South -(*) IBGE, 2007 BRAZIL IBGE, 2010

Fonte: FAO/ONU, 2004 Brazil is now one of the largest food producers in the world. According to FAO, the country is the one of the 10 largest producers of soya, livestock, chicken meat, sugar, coffee, orange juice, cotton and other tropical fruits. The country is still the largest producer of biofuel (ethanol).

Fonte: FAO/ONU, 2004 Brazil is now one of the largest food producers in the world. According to FAO, the country is the one of the 10 largest producers of soya, livestock, chicken meat, sugar, coffee, orange juice, cotton and other tropical fruits. The country is still the largest producer of biofuel (ethanol).

Fonte: FAO/ONU, 2004 Brazil is now one of the largest food producers in the world. According to FAO, the country is the one of the 10 largest producers of soya, livestock, chicken meat, sugar, coffee, orange juice, cotton and other tropical fruits. The country is still the largest producer of biofuel (ethanol).

Fonte: FAO/ONU, 2004 Brazil is now one of the largest food producers in the world. According to FAO, the country is the one of the 10 largest producers of soya, livestock, chicken meat, sugar, coffee, orange juice, cotton and other tropical fruits. The country is still the largest producer of biofuel (ethanol).

Fonte: FAO/ONU, 2004 Brazil is now one of the largest food producers in the world. According to FAO, the country is the one of the 10 largest producers of soya, livestock, chicken meat, sugar, coffee, orange juice, cotton and other tropical fruits. The country is still the largest producer of biofuel (ethanol).

Fonte: FAO/ONU, 2004 Brazil is now one of the largest food producers in the world. According to FAO, the country is the one of the 10 largest producers of soya, livestock, chicken meat, sugar, coffee, orange juice, cotton and other tropical fruits. The country is still the largest producer of biofuel (ethanol).

O cultivo da soja experimentou um grande avanço no centro-oeste do Brasil na última década.

Biocombustíveis (Etanol) Área plantada6,0 x 10 6 ha (álccol+açúcar) 3,0 x 10 6 ha (álcool) Produção Brasileira12 x 10 9 litros.ano -1 (2002) 17 x 10 9 litros.ano -1 (2007) 20 x 10 9 litros.ano -1 (2008) Destilarias350 destilarias Pessoas diretamente envolvidas700 x 10 3 pessoas Mercado Interno60% da frota nova roda com álcool (Flex) Mercado ExternoEUA, Japão, Inglaterra (5% na gasolina) IBGE, 2009


No Brasil, existem 200 milhões de hectares de pastagens dos quais 50 milhões degradados. Essas áreas (localizadas no anel do desmate da Amazônia) não produzem nada e ainda contribuem para gerar calor e falta de água e são fontes de assoreamento. Essas áreas já apresentam características climáticas de semi- árido e de deserto. IBGE, 2007

13 ANA, 2010

BRASIL – Um país caracterizado por um intenso processo de urbanização POPULAÇÃO (2008): 187 milhões Áreas urbanas: 151 milhões (80,7%) Áreas rurais: 36 milhões (19,3%) IBGE - Censo 2000 POPULAÇÃO (1950): 52 milhões Áreas urbanas : 19 milhões (36,5%) Áreas rurais: 33 milhões (63,5%)

Green Technologies in Minas Gerais Waste Management Recycling Solar Energy ……. [???? Much have to be done….] 15

16 Existing major legal basis in Brazil regulating different environmental issues (water resources, forest, biodiversity, etc). Nevertheless, the regulatory apparatus of Brazilian state does not cover key aspects of sustainable development such as the waste management and recycling or the use of new green technologies


18 A conventional landfill (waste deposit) is a distant dream im most cities in the country and in Minas Gerais, as well.

19 Lixão in São Paulo

Brazil: Wastewater Treatment Deficit IBGE, 2010

21 Recycling in Brazil The adoption of the recycling economy in this country should be placed as a top priority for the keeping of sustainable economic growth. Recycling is a serious business that involves university research, personal capacitation at all levels, strong social mobilization, legal basis and governmental support


23 Is Brazil ready to adopt the recycling approach ? In this book (2009), I reviewed the economy of recycling and sustainable development in Brazil. If I could say - in a single word – the message of this book, I would take the word opportunity. Our society is eager to adopt new behaviors of sustainable consum. On the other side, the government as well as the private sector need to be stimulated in this area.



26 This picture maybe represents the acutal stage of car recycling in Brazil: informality of the sector, illegal market of second hand spare parts, lack of thechonologies and the absence of major public policies, Nevertheless, the automobile internal market is the fourth largest in the World (Le Figaro, June, 2010) Car reciclyng in Brazil


Land fill of Belo Horizonte -3,0 Mio inhab. Capital of Minas Gerais state - it was operational for decades - the methane emission will be fueling an electric power station in the short run 28

Recycling of construction residuals is increasing - City administration runs a excellence programme (nationwide) Recycling of housing residuals in Belo Horizonte 29

The amount of discharge of house construction residuals has decreased dramatically following the begin of operation of the recycling programe of residuals of PBH 30

The recycling of housing residuals (an original solution) The programme: -Involves the poor communities (favelas) by - giving them an occupation with the possibility of relative good inputs (US$ 600.-/month) - uses horse power to push small carroças that are adapted to the narrow and the steep streets of Belo Horizonte - Faculty of Veterinary (UFMG) gives support to this programme (genetic improvement of best varieties of horses, clinical assistance, etc) - The programme is a big success since it involves improvement of the environment and the quality in the favelas, as well. 31

32 Missions of CMRR (Centro Mineiro de Referência em Resíduos) -Support of decision making in public policies in the areas of recycling and waste management - Capacitation (popular education) - Events


Green Technologies in Minas Gerais - Challenges for the near future Despite the positive scenario in terms of Science and Technology in MG state, there is a clear demand of an integrated policy linking the existing legal basis, the technological effort and the social mobilization in some key areas of green technologies: - Domestic water recycling - Automobile recycling - Selective waste management - Eco-Housing (low energy and water consum, new materials, intelligent houses) - Involvement of good producers in recyling (ex: plastic, cooking oil, glass and eletrocnics) - Support to cooperatives and small recycling firmas - Support for the creation of clusters of recycling firmas - New industrial uses of reclyced goods. 34

35 Many Thanks Ricardo Motta Pinto Coelho UNESCO – HIDROEX

Public universities in Minas Gerais sate In the last decade, Federal (Union) and State (MG) administrations have been giving strong support not only to increase but also to quality enhancement in the university sector as well as in research institutes. Public Research Institutes in Minas Gerais 36 Minas Gerais

37 The state agency FAPEMIG has increased dramatically the amounts aloocated to research in the last four years. Other state funding agencies Minas Gerais

38 Effort of personal capacitation in the state of Minas Gerais (Numbers of Master and PhD in the state) Minas Gerais

BH-TECH A new era for the advacement of science and technology in Minas Gerais 39 The UFMG is the third most important university in Brazil. It is building an advanced technological park that will boost the creation of high technology enterprises in MG state