Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH)
Leibniz Universität Hannover (2013/2014) Architecture and Landscape Sciences Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science Economics and Management Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Humanities Law Mathematics and Physics Mechanical Engineering Natural Sciences 23,900 students (2,084 in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), 4,741 employees and 442 Mio. € budget (102 Mio. € third-party funds)
Current research applications Development of sensors and sensor systems for fast compound detection in medical, biotechnological, safety and security applications Exhaled breath and breath condensate (metabolic profiling, diagnostics, exposure assessment, bacteria identification) Bioprocess control by metabolic profiling Cell and tissue characterization by electromagnetic properties Hazardous trace compounds and contaminants in air and water (toxic industrial compounds, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, …)
Technologies and know-how Ion mobility spectrometry (all aspects) Quantitative IMS (HiKE-IMS) Ion sources (CD, UV, ESI, DBD, x-Ray) Gas phase ion chemistry FEM-simulation (multi-physics) MEMS technology and design competence Electromagnetic sensor principles Sensors and Nanosensors Electronics (analog and digital) Sample gas generation (ppb) Prototyping and small scale production (155 m2 CNC machine shop)