Committee Members: Sheila Jones Valerie Butterfield Ann Isackson


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Presentation transcript:

Committee Members: Sheila Jones Valerie Butterfield Ann Isackson Repeat Course Policy Committee Members: Sheila Jones Valerie Butterfield Ann Isackson

Why have a policy? Students and faculty should be aware of the academic impact of a student repeating coursework. Michigan Colleges and Universities have various policies in regard to number of attempts of repeat courses and how they are recorded on a student’s academic record. GRCC already has an established practice: all attempts and grades are reflected on a student’s transcript but GRCC uses the best attempt when calculating GPA and the cumulative credits earned. Recently it was discovered that this practice is not always applied consistently and Student Records is in the process of adjusting records as needed. Students that receive federal financial aid should be aware of regulations regarding repeated coursework. Federal aid pays for one additional attempt of a successfully completed course. Federal aid pays for unlimited repeats of unsuccessfully completed coursework.

Benchmarking Lansing Community College Lake Michigan College Uses the student’s best attempt at a course for GPA and earned credits. Advises students of Federal financial aid regulations pertaining to repeated coursework. Lake Michigan College Uses the student’s best attempt at a course for GPA and earned credits. Muskegon Community College Uses most recent attempt at a course for GPA and earned credits. Limits number of attempts to repeat a course without instructor consent. Grand Valley State University Uses the repeated attempt at a course for GPA and earned credits. Limits number of attempts to repeat a course without advisor consent.

Draft Policy Statement A repeated course is a course that a student enrolls in and attempts more than once. Each attempt is recorded on a student’s transcript. For courses which can only be taken once for credit the attempt with the highest grade will be used when calculating GPA and earned credits on a student’s academic transcript. Federal financial aid may be used to pay for only one repeat attempt of a successfully completed course (D- or better). Federal financial aid will pay for unlimited unsuccessful repeats of a course. However, students repeating courses should also be aware of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Credit Hour Students.

Feedback If you have any additional feedback on this proposal or would like to join the committee working on this proposal please email: Valerie Butterfield by Friday, December 2nd.