The Role of Congress Accountability to the people and the representation of those who elected them.


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Presentation transcript:

The Role of Congress Accountability to the people and the representation of those who elected them

Constitutional Power John Locke’s philosophy Article I, Section 8 The legislature is the most powerful branch It needs limits Article I, Section 8 Article I, Section 9 Bill of Rights

Limitations Enumerated Powers Implied Powers Enforcement power Article I, Section 8 Implied Powers Necessary and proper clause McCulloch v Maryland Enforcement power Civil rights Act 1964 Inherent Powers Congress power to investigate

Representation Article I, Section 2 Wesberry v. Sanders Gerrymandering Districts lines Wesberry v. Sanders “one person, one vote” Each district must be mathematically equal to other districts Gerrymandering Drawing district lines to achieve favorable political results for one political party

Gerrymandering Printed in 1812. Illustrates the electoral districts drawn by the Massachusetts legislature to favor the incumbent Democratic-Republican party candidates of Governor Elbridge Gerry over the Federalists. The cartoon depicts the bizarre shape of a district in Essex County Massachusetts as a dragon.

used to help or hinder particular constituents The term gerrymandering is derived from Elbridge Gerry (1744–1814), the governor of Massachusetts from 1810 to 1812. used to help or hinder particular constituents Used to help or hinder political parties Used to increase or decrease minority representation Strategies used: Packing To concentrate as many voters of one type into a single electoral district to reduce their influence in other districts. Cracking involves spreading out voters of a particular type among many districts in order to deny them a sufficiently large voting block in any particular district.

Cracking/ Breaking the Minority Packing the Minority Cracking/ Breaking the Majority

What the Supreme Court has to say… There has to be restrictions to redistricting Equal population in districts Lines must be contiguous or connected Districts cannot reduce minority voting strength District lines cannot be drawn solely based upon race Districts must be compact