Indicator 13, Secondary Transition IEP Record Reviews 2018-2019
Agenda Overview What’s New Process Levels of Support Reporting
Purpose of IEP Record Reviews To improve academic achievement, career and college readiness and post school outcomes for students with disabilities To identify trends and areas of strength in IEP development and implementation To make data informed decisions about professional development and technical assistance needs in IEP development, implementation and transition planning To gather statewide data on Indicator 13 for the Colorado State Performance Plan submitted to OSEP
Overview AUs will review 3% of all IEPs min 10, max 50 20% of the total IEP review count for Transition IEPs min 5, max 10 Samples pulled from 2017 December Count Separate column in the DMS.
Overview Double the sample size – provides flexibility for AUs in file selection Review IEPs dated between July 1, 2018 – June 1, 2019 Full record reviews Any individual corrections needed for I 13 compliance must be done, documented and uploaded to the DMS by June 1, 2019 AU target for I 13 compliance - 100% Data collection window closes and the DMS files will be locked June 1,2019 CDE provides tiered Levels of Support
What’s New The DMS Transition Age column will include students who were age 15 as of July 1, 2018 OSEP will allow us to include these students in our SPP Align with Colorado ECEA 4.03(7)(b)(i) Decrease burden to AUs in having transition age youth in 2 different columns May decrease number of students in your sample who have left school Reviewing transition plans of younger students may improve in-school and post-school student outcomes
What’s New Standard Record Review includes an additional question to verify compliance with IDEA and ECEA language: (not part of I13 compliance calculation) The notice of meeting must indicate that a purpose of the meeting will be the consideration of the postsecondary goals and transition services.
Compliance Components for Indicator 13 Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals (PSGs)in education/training, career/employment, and, as needed, independent living skills PSGs are updated annually Each PSG is based on age-appropriate transition assessment Courses of Study are multi-year, specific, individualized and linked to PSGs Transition Services that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her PSGs Annual Goals directly and genuinely link to PSGs or Transition Services Documentation of Student Invitation to the IEP Written parental consent to invite an outside agency prior to the documented agency invitation (n/a is okay)
Calculating % Compliance Indicator 13 is an “all or nothing” indicator, meaning that a Transition IEP is considered compliant only if ALL required components are evident in the document. Calculation: % Compliant = (Number of youth age 15 and above with IEPs that contain each of the required components for secondary transition/sample size) * 100. Example: Required file reviews = 5 Compliant IEPs = 4 % Compliant: 4/5 = 0.8 x 100 = 80%
Process Transition Tracker Download, complete, and upload back when your reviews are completed – due by June 1, 2019 Includes a tab with raw data for your transition sample
Process Transition Tracker (this is your friend!) Identifies required number of reviews Prepopulated with the DMS Record Number, SASID, First Name, Last Name, DOB and Review By date Columns for AUs to complete: the IEP date, case manager, compliant/noncompliant, and reason not reviewed Use to verify your compliance results (no surprises) Required Required
How many files do I have to review? Process How many files do I have to review? CDE has uploaded a document to the DMS Compliance tab that spells this out for each age category.
Process Sign in to the DMS Compliance Tab Go to the Attachment Section Download Transition Tracker Select IEPs to review (July 1, 2018 – June 1, 2019 dates) Upload selected IEPs to the DMS* Complete full record review in the DMS by June 1, 2019 Corrections of any non-compliant sections must be completed and documentation uploaded by June 1, 2019 On the Transition Tracker, fill in IEP date and compliance outcome (compliant or non-compliant) for reviewed files Upload completed Transition Tracker to the Attachment section in the DMS Compliance tab by June 1, 2019 * Note: Instructions for uploading IEPs for Enrich and non-Enrich users can be found on the Directors’ Corner of the CDE website. 10
Levels of Support (Year 1 is 2017-2018) Years 2015-16 and 2016-17 were recalibration years. The baseline year for levels of support is 2017-2018. *Directors can find their trend data used to determine their AU’s level of support in the DMS on the Summary Tab, 2017-2018 Indicator 13 Results.
Levels of Support Universal Support Indicator 13 Compliance and Quality Tips Indicator 13 Webinar on August 27, 2018 will provide training on the record review process. Checklist of steps to follow in completing the review and certification of data submission process Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Guidance Documents Secondary Transition Assessment Module Secondary Transition Leadership Institute – professional learning and team planning Written communication, “Indicator 13 Overview and What’s New” available on the Secondary Transition website
All elements of Universal Support plus: Levels of Support Targeted Support All elements of Universal Support plus: Side-by-side IEP record reviews done by CDE team in partnership with the AU team either in person or virtually by February, 2019. Important Note: For those AUs participating in the Colorado Continuous Improvement Process visits, side-by-side record reviews will be a requirement.
All elements of Universal and Targeted Support plus: Levels of Support Intensive Support All elements of Universal and Targeted Support plus: CDE will provide required individualized professional development in the area(s) of Secondary Transition based on the AUs identified need. CDE will follow-up with a second check of IEPs written after the professional development.
Indicator 13 Reporting 2018-2019 Indicator 13 Compliance Results Spring 2020 AU Compliance Matrix and Determinations Currently in revision by ESSU
Indicator 13 Reporting Data submission window closes and DMS files will be locked June 1, 2019 By August 2019, CDE will upload a letter to the DMS Compliance tab indicating the AUs 2018-2019 final Indicator 13 compliance percentage. The 2018-2019 Indicator 13 compliance percentage will be used for AU Determinations released in Spring 2020. The CDE will use this data collection period for reporting state-wide Indicator 13 compliance to OSEP for the 2018 State Performance Plan. 19
Questions?? 20 303-866-6885 Contact Information Questions? Contact your Regional Senior Consultant, Secondary Transition Gloria Howell 303-866-6885 or Gail Lott 303-866-6721 Find your regional transition specialist using this link: 21