For more detailed instructions, see the Getting Started presentation. Special Diets These icons indicate that detailed teacher’s notes or useful web addresses are available in the Notes Page. This icon indicates the slide contains activities created in Flash. These activities are not editable. For more detailed instructions, see the Getting Started presentation.
Special diets Lots of people choose what they eat very carefully for all sorts of reasons. Can you think of any? personal preferences health problems religion or culture their time of life sporting activities
Special diets
Diets without meat
Replacing the nutrients Vegetarians and vegans choose to restrict their diet because of their personal beliefs. If you choose to leave out whole food groups from your diet, you have to be very careful that you still get all the nutrients your body needs. Meat is a good source of protein, which vegetarians and vegans have to replace with nuts and beans, plus meat substitutes like tofu and Quorn. Vegetarians can also get extra protein from dairy products like cheese. More information about vegetarians and vegans and foods to eat can be found at Some vegetarian food is designed to look like meat, like these Cumberland sausages.
Times of life
Food intolerance Some people have to restrict their diet because their bodies react badly to certain types of food. We call this food intolerance. Other people are allergic to some foods. Their body thinks the food isn’t safe and releases chemicals like histamines to deal with it. The most common allergies are to milk, eggs, nuts, fish, shellfish, soya and wheat. A severe allergic reaction causes the body to go into shock, and in rare cases the person can die. Labelling foods clearly is very important to people with food intolerance or allergies.
Choosing alternatives
Health problems Some medical conditions can mean that people need special diets. Diabetes develops when someone’s body can’t use glucose properly, and this can lead to too much glucose in the blood. Some types of diabetes need to be treated with insulin to help the body process the glucose. Other types can be controlled by diet. People with diabetes should eat a diet that is low in fat and sugar and high in fruit, vegetables and starch. More information about diabetes can be found at
Sports nutrition Sportsmen and women take their diet very seriously, because it can help to improve their performance. Physical exercise uses up energy, and it is important to eat the right foods to provide an energy store. Starches release their energy more slowly than sugars, and are good for long distance. It is also important to keep up fluids to avoid becoming dehydrated. Exactly what the best diet is for sport will depend on the type of sport, and professional sportsmen and women will be helped to find the best diet by their trainer.
Spot the mistakes
Summary If we eat a balanced diet, most of us will get all the nutrients we need. If we exclude a food group, we must make sure we still get the missing nutrients from other sources. Some people restrict their diet for religious reasons. Some have medical reasons for avoiding certain foods. Some people change their diet for personal reasons. Sportsmen and women may have special diets planned for them by their coach or a dietician. Our dietary needs change as we grow older, and are not always the same for men and women.