GET IT NOW: FIVE YEARS LATER Stephanie J. Adams 27th Annual Electronic Resources Librarian North Carolina Serials Conference Tennessee Tech University April 6, 2018
Tennessee Tech University Nationally recognized public university located in Middle Tennessee Full Time Equivalent Enrollment: 9,019 (Undergraduate: 8,428; Graduate: 591) Faculty: 676 (including non-tenure track and adjunct) Carnegie Classification: R3 doctoral university, moderate research activity (as of 2016) Top 3 Undergraduate Programs by Enrollment: Mechanical Engineering, Nursing, Basic Business Top 3 Graduate Programs by Enrollment: MBA, Engineering, Curriculum & Instruction
What is Get It Now? Document delivery service from Copyright Clearance Center Average article cost: $30 Participating publishers: 131* Available in a mediated or unmediated model (81% of institutions use mediated) Works with link resolvers: Ex Libris SFX, Ex Libris Alma, ProQuest 360 Link, WTCox Journal Finder, OCLC Line Resolver, EBSCO Safeguards to control usage: spending limit, specific email domains, maximum # orders per user, duplicate order blocking *Get It Now – Participating Publishers:
Results of 2011-2012 Study The old way (journal subscriptions) was unsustainable Could not afford all journals needed by faculty Consistently paid for articles that were not being used (80% unused) Cancelled titles with cost per use >$30 Cut $250,000 in journal subscriptions, carry over savings Budgeted $100,000 annually for Get It Now See Bates, D. K. (2013). Individual article purchase: Catching the wave of the future, or getting pounded on the reef. Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference.
Angelo & Jennette Volpe Library Materials Budget By Fiscal Year *FY18 is a projection as of March 31, 2018
Print and eJournal Spending by Fiscal Year
Our Implementation: Then (2013) Unmediated Available to faculty and graduate students only (honor system) Discovery service: Summon, Google Scholar Link resolver: SFX Available as a service (user choice between ILL and GIN) No charge to patron Only delivered to or email addresses Marketing through library liaisons and word of mouth
Get It Now As A Service (Summon/SFX)
Get It Now As A Service (Summon/SFX)
Get It Now As A Service (Summon/SFX) Restricted to and email addresses.
Article Spending By Fiscal Year
Average Price Per Article Article Prices By Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Average Price Per Article Price Range 2014 $25 $24 - 35 2015 $18 – 45, 1 @ $61 2016 $26 $24 - 63 2017 $31 $18 – 63, 3 @ $98 2018 $29 FY2018 data extends through February
Get It Now As An Electronic Collection (Alma/Primo)
Get It Now As An Electronic Collection (Alma/Primo) 110 CCC Get It Now electronic collections available in Alma.
Fast Facts 4,034 article requests since September 2013 Most popular publishers by request: Elsevier (56%), Springer (11%), followed by Wiley, Taylor & Francis, SAGE Articles are from <10 different publishers in a typical year (56 in the anomaly year) Departments with the highest use: Curriculum & Instruction, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nursing, Chemistry
Get It Now Requests: Patron Status Without Anomaly (FY17) Year With Anomaly (FY17) Year The large number of unknowns in FY17 is due to the unavailability of patron information since it wasn’t collected in a timely manner. Email addresses (in GIN report) from 2016 were no longer in our Alma in 2018 and last names were no longer in TTU Directory.
Time To Delivery Fiscal Year Average Delivery Time % Delivered in <10 Minutes 2014 1.5 hours 30% 2015 2.6 hours 27% 2016 1.9 hours 74% 2017 4.5 hours 52%* 2018 0.5 hours 49% *Includes only 15% of articles in October. No delivery times available for remaining 85%. CCC average 2.6 hours.
Our Implementation: Now Mediated with 1 business day fulfillment Available to faculty and graduate students only (controlled by Alma user groups) Discovery service: Primo, Google Scholar Link resolver: Alma (embedded) Available as a service (user choice between ILL and GIN) No charge to patron Only delivered to or email addresses Advertised in Tech Times (daily campus email newsletter) when service resumed in August 2017 Checked twice per day during the week. No one checks at night or on weekends. There is a service for each publisher that must be activated under General Electronic Services. Create rules in the display logic (hide from user group: undergraduate students and hide if full-text exists).
Get It Now As A Service (Alma/Primo) Must use the “expand beyond my library” facet. This is our default.
Get It Now As A Service (Alma/Primo) MUST BE SIGNED IN FOR THIS TO APPEAR. Otherwise, you will see NO HOLDINGS FOUND. Lower usage since the change to a service in Alma/Primo because of the login. Summon with SFX didn’t require a login to see this as an option.
Get It Now As A Service Mediated using the Get It Now Add On in ILLiad.
Moving Forward Maintain access to Get It Now as a service (mediated) for faculty and graduate students Continue to emphasize ILL as free, cost associated with GIN Make additional eJournal cuts for calendar year 2019 Discuss possible configurations of GIN in Alma/Primo that would allow TTU to return to unmediated use
References Bates, D. K. (2014). Collection budget management and individual article purchase [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from s?key=zg2CPTNmLc8NTFGK Bates, D. K. (2013). Individual article purchase: Catching the wave of the future, or getting pounded on the reef. Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference. Boudreau, C., & Raimondi, J. of Copyright Clearance Center (2018, March 20). Phone interview.