AP Human Geography Lesson 1 Movement
Cyclic Movement Journeys that begin at our home base and bring us back to it Commuting Going from home to work and back Seasonal Movement Nomadism Movement among a DEFINITE set of places
Nomadism Fewer and fewer societies remain Hunter-gatherer Pastoral (livestock dependent) Peripatetic (Tinker/Trader) Romani (gypsies) Carnival/circus folk
Periodic Movement Involves a longer period away from home than cyclic Migrant Labor Movement for long periods of time to work before moving back home Transhumance Seasonal movement of pastoralists and their livestock Vertical and horizontal Temporary job elsewhere College Military Service
Migration Permanent relocation across significant distances What might some examples of migration be?
International Migration Movement across country borders Immigration moving into a country Emigration moving out of a country
Internal Migration Migration occurring within a countries’ borders The Great Migration
Gender Differences Men are more mobile than women Migrate further Have more work choices Less fear of exploitation May need to provide for family