Welcome to PE W When you E Enter this room, L Learning is fun and C Cooperation is expected O Our positive attitude & M Mutual respect are a part of E Everything we do and say! Coach Benson Coach Martin Coach Hughes
-SHAPE America & Human Kinetics, 2014 Physical Education The purpose of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. -SHAPE America & Human Kinetics, 2014
Physically Literate Students… Standard 1 Can move their body many ways and have the skills to play games Standard 2 Know how to implement strategy during games Standard 3 Understand how to get and stay fit Standard 4 Respect others, move safely and play fair Standard 5 Value movement, personal fitness and health
What are the Benefits of PE and Physical Activity? Improves physical fitness Develops physical skills Greater bone strength Strengthening peer relationships Reduced anxiety and depression Reduces stress Improves brain functioning Improves classroom behavior Improves concentration Reduces obesity rates Improves memory Increases confidence Teaches important life skills to students Makes children feel valued
Sonoran Foothills Physical Education Class Procedures Entering P.E. Enter quietly sit down squad lines. Super Sitter Position Criss Cross Applesauce Facing Forward Hands in Lap Sitting Quietly Class Procedures Only use equipment when the P.E. teacher asks you to. When you hear the whistle, stop (place equipment down), look and listen. Restroom/Water Break Policy The first 8-10 minutes of class will be dedicated to our warm-up/fitness activity. Students may ask to use the restroom or take a water break anytime after the warm-up/fitness activity when the teacher is not instructing. Water breaks: Special care and consideration will always be taken when the weather is extremely hot. Frequent water breaks will be given during class and students are encouraged to bring a water bottle. End of Class Procedures Everyone helps clean up. Line up quietly.
Know your P.E. days and come to class prepared Students are required to wear soft soled, athletic style shoes to participate in P.E. No sandals, flip flops, slip-ons, boots, crocs or high heeled shoes should be worn on PE days. Weather appropriate clothes that are comfortable and easy to move around in are recommended. Students who wear dresses/skirts on P.E. days should wear shorts underneath. Water bottles are recommended (students will have also have access to a water fountain).
Excused Non-Participation Each student is expected to participate fully each day. If a student is to sit out due to an injury or illness, a parent note or doctor’s excuse should accompany that child to P.E. for the day. If physical activity is to be modified, please be specific as to what the student’s limitations are. Extended illnesses or injuries should be accompanied by a doctor’s note for an excused P.E. day. If a doctor’s note is presented for non-participation, a doctor’s note will be required for a full return to P.E. as well. Students not participating in the physical activity portion of the class, may be given an alternative assignment to earn daily points.
PE Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Listen Follow directions Demonstrate good sportsmanship Be respectful of differences in ability of others Use equipment properly When you hear the whistle, stop, look and listen Play fairly Help others Clean up at the end of P.E. Demonstrate self control Be aware of your surroundings Use the equipment safely Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
Consequences Consequences for behavior infractions may include: Warning Sitting out of the activity Clipping down (or up for positive behavior; (primary grades) Notation on behavior card; (intermediate grades). Major or repeated offenses may lead to an office referral.
P.E. Exit Checklist I had fun I stayed active I did my best I followed directions I respected others I moved safely I learned something new
Sportsmanship Checklist I played fair. I was respectful. I accepted the outcome of the game.
Sonoran Foothills Physical Education Grading Rubric Grades K-8th
How you are Graded in PE Student grades are determined by a daily grade: 1. Proper shoes/dress 2. Appropriate participation 3. Sportsmanship 4. Listening/focus
RPE Rate of Perceived Exertion I am learning to monitor how hard I am working Scale Cardiorespiratory Feels like… 1-2 Heart beats slow Stand/walk Cannot hear breathing 3-4 Jog Heart beats faster 5-6 7-8 9-10 Heart beating very fast Hot Lots of sweat Hear breathing
We are looking forward to a great year in P.E.!
Sonoran Foothills Physical Education Grades 7th/8th
-SHAPE America & Human Kinetics, 2014 Physical Education The purpose of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. -SHAPE America & Human Kinetics, 2014
PE Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Listen Follow directions Demonstrate good sportsmanship Be respectful of differences in ability of others Use equipment properly When you hear the whistle, stop, look and listen Play fairly Help others Clean up at the end of P.E. Demonstrate self control Be aware of your surroundings Use the equipment safely Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
How you are Graded in PE Student grades are determined by a daily grade: 1. Proper shoes/dress 2. Appropriate participation 3. Sportsmanship 4. Listening/focus
Sonoran Foothills P.E. 7th/8th Grade Weekly Plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Skills Lesson 5 Lap Friday Examples of units of study may include: Volleyball Skills Basketball Skills Football Skills Tennis Skills Soccer Skills Rahi Ball Hockey Skills Recreational Games Fitness Principles Fitness Testing
We are looking forward to a great year in P.E.!