PVHS TRUANCY PROGRAM The following slides represent the Truancy Program and intervention steps that PVHS and the SMJUHSD are incorporating to address Truancy.
School Attendance is the Law Education Code § 48200 School attendance is a student responsibility “Each person between the ages of 6 and 18 years…is subject to compulsory full-time education.” …and a parent responsibility! “…the parent or legal guardian…shall send the pupil to the public full-time day school…for the full time designated…” School attendance is required by law until the student becomes 18 years of age. Under the law, both students and parents are responsible for making sure a student goes to school.
What is “Truancy”? Education Code § 48260 1 or more days A student must be classified and reported as truant if the student is absent from school without a valid excuse (1) for 3 full days, within one school year. Education Code § 48261 A child who has been reported truant at least once and is again absent from school, without valid excuse, on 1 or more days shall again be reported as truant. Unexcused absences are also called truancies, and the number of truancies a student has determines how much trouble a student and parent can get into. Under the law, schools must keep track of how many days of school each student misses. Schools must report unexcused absences to the District and the State of California.
Your PF Teacher or Guidance Tech can provide you with a copy of your attendance profile
Sample Attendance Profile Guidance Technicians review attendance profiles with each student and PF teachers are encouraged to do the same at least once per term.
What Absences are Excused? Education Code § 48205 Student’s illness Medical, dental, eye appointments Illness or medical appointment of student’s child Attendance of funeral of immediate family member Religious holiday or ceremony Prior written request and principal approval in accordance with district regulation and policy A student whose absence is excused must be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided. All other absences are UNEXCUSED Just as the law defines what unexcused absences are, the law also defines when absences are excused. Please note that when a student misses school, and it is excused (example, if the student went to the doctor’s office), then the student has the right to make up any missed assignments and/or tests.
Unexcused Absences Under the law, a student’s absence will still be considered unexcused for the following reasons: Parents’ illnesses or appointments Siblings’ illnesses or appointments Car trouble Taking care of siblings Working Fatigue or oversleeping Running errands with parents Here are some examples of common things that can happen to all of us, but unfortunately are still unexcused absences. However, if a student has to miss school for an unexcused reason, the parents should still inform the school so that their attendance is marked as a Verified Unexcused absence.
The Legal Consequences of Truancy Parents 1st conviction $100 Fine 2nd conviction $250 Fine 3rd conviction $500 Fine Attendance of parent education and counseling Failure to abide by court order results in Contempt charges and $1,000 Fine For severe cases $2,500 Fine 1 year county jail Students Each conviction $50 Fine Court orders to attend school and counseling programs Community service 20-40 hours Suspension, revocation or delay of issuance of driver’s license 1 year Probation Up to 6 mos. For severe cases Contempt charges + $1,000 Fine Juvenile Hall STEP 3 Truancy Mediation Team (TMT) – 10 full days or 30 period cuts: 1. Review the Ed Code and Truancy Laws AGAIN 2. Review the District Attendance Policies AGAIN 3. Review the potential punishments- including fines and criminal charges 4. Review the possible next step – Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) and place student on a TMT contract
How can you avoid being Truant? Review your attendance profile Clear attendance absences within 48 hours via a note turned into the attendance office Allow for plenty of time to get to school Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than you think you should Have a reliable way to get to school Show up every day So, what can the average teacher do to help with Attendance and Truancy issues? Simply take the time to review this power point with your class and find time to encourage positive attendance with your students. You will be surprised how a periodic review of ones attendance profile by a trusted and respected teacher will motivate students to want to have better attendance and REDUCE THE NUMBER OF CUTS.