Record Book Workshop Fall 2018
Why Should I Do A Record Book? Awards Scholarships Accurate picture of past experiences Keepsake
What Happens With My Record Book? YOU create it Drop it off at the Extension office by September 15th Judged by Volunteers Awards assigned to qualified projects Awards given at the Fall Awards Banquet
What Kind of Award Can I Receive?
Outstanding First Year Award Criteria Attend at least half of your club meetings Give a presentation or working exhibit Complete project records for at least two projects, including two goals for each project. Take an active role in 4-H
Project Award Criteria Any project can receive an award You can apply for (4) project awards per year You must be in the project for two years to be eligible, along with the other requirements we will discuss.
How Many Times Can I receive a Project Award? Once as a junior (4-6 grade), Once as an intermediate (7-8 grade) Once as a senior (9-12 grade) Total of 3 times!
Senior Specific Awards 4-H Ak-Sar-Ben Danforth “I Dare You” Leadership Achievement 4-H Spirit A letter of recommendation is required for Senior Awards
I have all the project awards I can apply for I have all the project awards I can apply for. Should I still do a record book? YES!
Why Should I STILL Do A Record Book? If you have done a good job on your record book, but are not eligible for a project award, you can earn a merit award. This book will be a great record when applying for college and college scholarships if you keep it up yearly.
What is the 4-H Award Ceremony? This award is given based on your record book. It is NOT an award based on your project or the ribbon you received. The award is based on how well you did your record book.
Sunday, October 28th 3pm Linn County Fairgrounds Save the Date! Sunday, October 28th 3pm Linn County Fairgrounds
Record Book Requirements Most Important - Be prepared by YOU! Be neat and carefully organized. Be complete. Include all of your 4-H experiences & accomplishments. Be easily readable. Follow directions required for awards.
What NOT To Place In Your Record Book Do not include 4-H ribbons, pins, certificates or other awards. They may fall out and be lost! Do not include items in your project write ups that DO NOT pertain to your project. ex. community service listed should ONLY pertain to the project.
What Order Should My Record Book Be In? Award Nomination Form Title Page Table of Contents Yearly 4-H Summary Non-Project Pictures & Clippings Project Forms
Record Book Requirements – Nomination Form
Club First & Last Name Grade L&W Feeders Maggie Yoder 10th Grade Title Page Club First & Last Name Grade L&W Feeders Maggie Yoder 10th Grade
Table of Contents Yearly Summary 4-H Story (Optional) Non-projects Clippings & Photographs (Optional) Project Record List Specific Projects i.e. Dog, Photography, etc.
Yearly Summary
Yearly Summary Helpful Hints Use a new form each year. Place the current year first in each section. Age & grade are for your preceding 4-H year. (What grade you finished in May)
Yearly Summary Helpful Hints Print neatly or Type. Be Specific – more detail is better. Under Recognition, Communication, and Community think about all areas of your life – school, church, girl scouts, FFA, boy scouts, etc.
How To Properly Fill Out The Yearly Summary Form - Participation Pick the correct way: A) I did a lot of 4-h stuff this year. B) 4-H meetings this year C) 12/06 Club party , skating & pizza 1/07 Business Meeting 1/07 Beef Workshop 2/07 Presentation Day
How To Properly Fill Out The Yearly Summary Form - Recognition Home Improvement – Blue Ribbon Woodworking – State Fair Consideration Breeding Beef – Blue Ribbon Breeding Beef – Reserve Champion Home-raised Heifer Science Fair – Best of Show Fall & Spring Quarter – Honor Roll
How To Properly Fill Out The Yearly Summary Form - Communication 1/07 4-H presentation to club 3/07 Debate Team 4/07 Read book report in class 5/07 Lead 4-H Pledge 6/07 FFA Speech 7/07 4-H Presentation @ fair
How To Properly Fill Out The Yearly Summary Form – At Home Walk the dog. Vacuum the house. Make my bed. Take the garbage out. Feed my fish. What do you do at home??
How To Properly Fill Out The Yearly Summary Form – At School Basketball Honor Roll Math Counts FFA Speech Competition Chess Club
How To Properly Fill Out The Yearly Summary Form – In The Community 1/07 Donated food for the homeless with my 4-H club 5/07 donated food for homeless at school 6/07 visited a care center with girl scouts 7/7/07 participated in fairground clean up for 4-H
How To Properly Fill Out The Yearly Summary Form – Project Records You do not need to fill this part of the Yearly Summary out, unless you are NOT filling out a separate project record. Complete each section explaining your goals, what you did, and what you learned for the entire project AREA, not the individual projects you took to fair. Example: Food and Nutrition Project Area NOT: The Chocolate chip cookies I took to the fair.
Your 4-H Story - Optional HOWEVER- The committee members love reading the story and YOU will enjoy reading what you wrote in later years. I would encourage you to write your story. Remember it is YOUR STORY – include whatever you want.
Non – Project Clippings & Photos This is a tab where you place any articles or photographs pertaining to your 4-H year that DO NOT pertain to a project. Community Service Holiday Parties Meetings Field Trips
Project Record Forms Specific Project Forms One form for all ages – SIMPLIFIED FROM YEARS PAST! Different forms for different project areas Fill out a form for each project in a project area EX: Home Improvement is the project area. You refinished a bench and built a bookshelf. You will fill out one form for the project area
Project Record Form – Clover Kid Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
Project Record Form – Breeding Animal BEEF, SHEEP, GOAT, SWINE 4th – 12th Grade
Project Record Form – Market Animal BEEF, SHEEP, GOAT, SWINE 4th – 12th Grade
Project Record Form – Non-Market Animal Cat, Cavy, Dog, Horse, Pet, Poultry, Rabbit 4th – 12th Grade
Project Record Form – Dairy Animal Dairy Cattle 4th – 12th Grade
Project Record Form – Bucket Bottle Bucket Bottle Calf 4th – 12th Grade
Project Record Form – Photography Photography 4th – 12th Grade
Project Record Form – Static, Clothing, Communication 4th – 12th Grade
Where Can I Find These Forms?
How To Properly Fill Out The Project Record Form – Goals Goals for your specific project NOT the project area Must have at least two (2) goals to be considered for an award NO EXCEPTIONS!
What is a Goal? A goal has three parts, it should tell you 1.The action: How you are going to do it. 2.The result: What you will do. 3.The timetable: When you plan to have it done. HOW WHAT WHEN
Great Goals Meet These Criteria: Are specific (not too general or broad) Meet your needs & interests Provide you with an opportunity to achieve Can be accomplished Show progress from year to year
Poor Goals Look Like This: I want a blue ribbon I want to take a good picture I want a lot of money I want to win
Goal Writing Sample HOW WHAT WHEN I want to train My heifer to lead Before the fair I want to make Three new cookies Before the July meeting
How To Properly Fill Out The Project Record Form – During The Year/Action Plan This tells the story of how you took your goals and achieved your finished project Be specific – Just like your goals!
Action Plan Examples Poor Example Great Example I painted my project First I removed all of the old paint off of my stool using paint thinner. Then I sanded and used steel wool on the entire stool to remove additional residue. I then used three coats of Krylon spray paint…
How To Properly Fill Out The Project Record Form – Citizenship & Leadership Project area specific Only include examples that pertain to your project area.
Citizenship & Leadership Section Examples Woodworking I helped a younger member in my group by showing him how to sand. Food & Nutrition I baked cookies and took them to the Care Center. Home Improvement I helped my Clover Kid Group make pillows
What Order Should My Record Book Be In? Award Nomination Form Title Page Table of Contents Yearly 4-H Summary Non-Project Pictures & Clippings Projects