COM request to Tyre Industry Tyre manufactures (TM) will be audited ahead of the certification by type-approval authority. TM may define families of tyres on a not-to-exceed criteria basis (not worse than +0,3 kg/ton). TM may use own laboratories if designated as category A technical service (Directive 2007/46/EC Art. 41) or designated by the TAA as a laboratory complying with ISO 17025:2005. The measurement procedure will be the same used for Tyre Labelling Regulation (1222/2009). TM will provide the TAA an application for type-approval of specific tyre family. TAA will verify the application and issue a type-approval certificate. The type-approval certificate will contain the rolling resistance value of a tyre. TM will be subject to conformity of production requirements. They will be obliged to perform a predefined number of tests and provide reports to the TAA No marking of tyres will be obligatory however a robust traceability method needs to be defined. ACEA concerns a) Possible wide RRC range (ΔRRC) in a family . b) No traceability
Tyre Industry feedback to COM Tyre manufactures (TM) will be audited ahead of the certification by type-approval authority. TM may define families of tyres on a not-to-exceed criteria basis (not worse than +0,3 kg/ton). Tyre Industry is open to remove the family option. TM may use own laboratories if designated as category A technical service (Directive 2007/46/EC Art. 41) or designated by the TAA as a laboratory complying with ISO 17025:2005. The measurement procedure will be the same used for Tyre Labelling Regulation (1222/2009). TM will provide the TAA an application for typeVECTO-approval of specific tyre family. TAA will verify the application and issue a typeVECTO-approval certificate. The typeVECTO-approval certificate will contain the rolling resistance value of a tyre. TM will be subject to conformity of production requirements. They will be obliged to perform a predefined number of tests and provide reports to the TAA No marking of tyres will be obligatory however a robust traceability method needs to be defined. Traceability to be further discussed within the Tyre Expert Group. Open points: how to distinguish this VECTO approval from the classical type-approval procedure for which the tyre is already subject to To be further discussed Traceability to be further discussed within the Tyre Expert Group
Tyre Industry feedback to ACEA Possible wide RRC range (ΔRRC) in a family. Tyre industry is open to remove the family approach for the VECTO RRC data input in order to respond on the ACEA concern of a possible wide RRC range in a family. No traceability This point should be further discussed within the Expert Group on Tyre to better understand OEMs logistic need, while focusing on their process approval. To be remarked that: systems and requirements are already in place and commonly agreed between TM and OEMs based on quality systems using e.g. bar code or other solutions. TM are checked based on Annual surveillance/audits for ISO 9001/ 16949 compliance. Replacement tyres are out of this vehicle regulation scope and they are already regulated on performances including RR, to promote CO2 efficient tyres, eg. 661/2009 & 1222/2009. In addition, already today the HDV consumer is informed about the OE tyre Label Classes of each individual product supplied for the vehicle fitment and given as an option to the consumer, as required by 1222/2009 Regulation (art 6); these info will allow the consumer to select the proper replacement tyre later on based on an integrated approach.
Annex VII status Test procedure, declared values and CoP in principle agreed. Traceability issue to be managed by Expert Group on Tyre. Data confidentiality issue: as already explained in the past Editing Board discussions, the Expert Group on Tyre reminds the COM that the information relative to tyres should be properly managed in addition to engine maps, transmission efficiency maps or air-drag values (representing commercially sensitive data, which could be used to the detriment of the European industry). Technical ANNEX VII expected to be completed by end of May 2016.