IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts – the final standard is here! IABA annual meeting 2018 IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts – the final standard is here! Introduction on the final standard and what it means to actuaries July 27, 2018
Agenda Background Overview General Model Premium Allocation Approach Impacts to financial reporting Transition
1 – Background Lela 3
Background IASB’s project on insurance contracts Insurance project started 1997 Mar 2004 IFRS 4 issued Jan 2005 IFRS standards adopted in Europe Discussion paper May 2007 Jul 2010 Exposure Draft of proposals Jun 2013 Exposure Draft of revised proposals 2017 IFRS 17 issued 2021 Effective date The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) develops International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) – IFRS 17 covers insurance contracts and replaces IFRS 4 The IASB Board is represented by large countries around the globe, including the US Most countries around the world, except for the US, follow IFRS either directly or with minor adjustments. US follows US GAAP (and US Stat) IASB and FASB (developer of US GAAP) have different perspectives
Background IFRS 17 key points What is IFRS 17? A comprehensive standard to account for insurance contracts applicable to companies that prepare financial statements under IFRS. It replaces IFRS 4, which was not a comprehensive standard Why was IFRS 17 developed? To bring consistency to financial reporting around the globe for companies reporting under IFRS 17, and to better compare those insurance companies to those operating in other sectors of industry What is the most fundamental element of change that IFRS 17 brings? Closer alignment of the accounting to the underlying economics of insurance
Background IFRS 17 improvements Existing issues How IFRS 17 improves accounting Variety of treatments depending on type of contract and company Consistent accounting for all insurance contracts by all companies Estimates for long-duration contracts not updated Estimates updated to reflect current market-based information Discount rate based on estimates does not reflect economic risks Discount rate reflects characteristics of the cash flows of the contract Lack of discounting for measurement of some contracts Keep this slide – it’s from the IASB Measurement of insurance contract reflects time value where significant Little information on economic value of embedded options and guarantees Measurement reflects information about full range of possible outcomes The information presented on the slide was prepared by IFRS Foundation. http://www.ifrs.org/Current-Projects/IASB-Projects/Insurance-Contracts/Documents/2016/project-overview-Feb-2016.pdf
Background Overview of the guidance IFRS 17 is the proposed new international accounting standard for insurance contracts which replaces the existing IFRS 4 standard. The new standard provides a single global accounting standard for insurance contracts. What is changing? Balance Sheet IFRS 17 requires a current measurement model, where estimates are re-measured in each reporting period. The measurement is based on the building blocks of discounted, probability-weighted cash flows, a risk adjustment, and a contractual service margin (‘CSM’) representing the unearned profit of the contract. Income Statement Requirements in IFRS 17 align the presentation of revenue with other industries. Investment components are excluded from revenue. Under IFRS 17, entities have an accounting policy choice to recognize the impact of changes in discount rates in profit or loss or in other comprehensive income (‘OCI’) to reduce some volatility in profit or loss. Disclosures IFRS 17 disclosures will be more detailed than required under current reporting frameworks. Disclosures will provide additional insight into key judgements and profit emergence. Disclosures are designed to allow greater comparability across entities.
2 – Overview Lela 8
Measurement Overview of measurement models General model Premium allocation approach (PAA) Variable fee approach Why is it needed? Default model for all insurance contracts To simplify for short term contracts with little variability To deal with participating business where payments to policyholders are linked to underlying items like assets Types of contract Long-term and whole life insurance, protection business Certain annuities US style universal life Reinsurance written Certain general insurance contracts General insurance Short-term life and certain group contracts Unit-linked contracts, US variable annuities and equity index-linked contracts Continental European 90/10 contract UK with profits contracts Mandatory? Mandatory Optional Mandatory
Background Measurement models Undiscounted reserves for past claims (including IBNR) Current IFRS/GAAP General Model PAA Discounting Risk adjustment Expected value of future cash flows Contractual Service Margin UPR less DAC Premium (less acquisition costs) unearned Expired risk Unexpired risk Qualifying for the PAA Automatically available for contracts with coverage period twelve months or less. Unlikely that all contracts will automatically qualify for PAA model. Mixed measurement models within a reportable segment may make results difficult to interpret. Drivers of profit Changes to yield curves will require better asset liability matching to manage income statement volatility. No prescribed method for measuring the risk adjustment but entity required to disclose methodology and confidence level and expected to be consistent year on year. * Size of blocks are for illustrative purposes only
Measurement Level of aggregation – portfolios & groups of contracts A portfolio: insurance contracts subject to similar risks and managed together Entity divides each portfolio of contracts into groups based on profitability and initial recognition date. Car insurance Portfolio 1 Group A Group B Group C Group D Group health Portfolio 2 Group Surety Portfolio 3 Group AA Group BB Group CC Breeze through this Minimum requirement
3 – General model Lela 12
General model Liability components of the general model Key components Discount future cash flows using rates to reflect the characteristics of the liabilities in terms of timing, currency, and liquidity. Discounting Reflect compensation entity requires for uncertainty inherent in the cash flows. Quantifies the value difference between certain and uncertain liability. Risk adjustment Contractual service margin to prevent gain on policy inception. Unearned profits recognized over coverage period. Contractual service margin Expected value (explicit, unbiased, probability weighted estimate) of the future cash flows that will arise as the insurer “fulfils” the insurance contract. Probability weighted expected future cash flows
General model Overview Discounting Risk adjustment Contractual service margin Best estimate of fulfilment cash flows Expired and unexpired risk Default model for all insurance contracts Based on discounted best estimate of future cash flows (in and out) Explicit margins: CSM to prevent gain on policy inception Risk adjustment Day 1 loss recognized in income statement Cash flow approach for all liabilities: LIC: past claims (including IBNR) LFRC: future cover
General model Best estimate of fulfilment cash flows Discounting Risk adjustment Contractual service margin Best estimate of fulfilment cash flows Expired and unexpired risk Consistent with observable market prices Current value Probability-weighted mean of range of possible outcomes Entity perspective for other cash flow estimates Incorporates all available information in unbiased way Include both intrinsic value and time value of options, forwards and guarantees
General model Discount Discounting Risk adjustment Contractual service margin Best estimate of fulfilment cash flows Expired and unexpired risk Discount rates should: Reflect the time value of money, the characteristics of the cash flows and the liquidity characteristics of the insurance contracts; Be consistent with observable current market prices for financial instruments with cash flows whose characteristics are consistent with those of the insurance contracts, in terms of, for example, timing, currency and liquidity; and Exclude the effect of factors that influence such observable market prices but do not affect the future cash flows of the insurance contracts. Options Method not specified OCI option for I/S Discounting is not required if cash flows are expected to be received/paid within one year from the date the claims are incurred
General model Risk adjustment Discounting Risk adjustment Contractual service margin Best estimate of fulfilment cash flows Expired and unexpired risk Reflects compensation that entity requires for bearing uncertainty for non-financial risks Measures compensation to make entity indifferent between: Range of possible outcomes Fixed cash flows with same expected value Key characteristics Explicit Company perspective (not exit value or FV) Consider risk arising from contract only Non-hedgeable risks only Fulfilment value (vs. transfer value) Consider diversification * Entities will be required to disclose the confidence level
General model Contractual service margin Discounting Risk adjustment Contractual service margin Best estimate of fulfilment cash flows Expired and unexpired risk Represents unearned profit over the coverage period Amortized Over coverage period in systematic way reflecting provision of coverage/service Service is provided on basis of passage of time (stand ready obligation) and based on the coverage units reflecting expected duration and quantity of benefits CSM cannot be negative * – once CSM is reduced to zero, expected losses arising will be immediately recognized in P/L Previously recognized losses can be reversed arising from favorable changes in estimates Adjusted for changes in risk and estimates of the fulfilment cash flows related to future services Locked in rates should be used for accretion of interest and calculation of changes in cash flows that offset the CSM * CSM can be negative for ceded reinsurance held.
Liability for Remaining Coverage = $0 at Day 1 Initial recognition Liability for Remaining Coverage = $0 at Day 1 Day 1 Calculation of CSM Nominal Future Cash flows Discount Discounted Future Cash Flows (1) Premiums $2,000 $0 (2) Losses ($1,000) $20 ($980) (3) = (1) + (2) Future Cash Flows $1,000 $1,020 (4) = 20% x (2) Risk Adjustment (20%) ($196) (5) = (3) + (4) Fulfillment Cash Flows $824 (6) = -(5) CSM ($824) (7) = (5) + (6) Liability for Remaining Coverage
4 – Premium allocation approach Lela 20
Premium allocation approach Overview Expected to apply to most property/casualty contracts and annual health contracts Simplification that may be applied when the entity reasonably expects that it would produce a measurement of the liability for remaining coverage for the group that would not materially differ from the general model or when the coverage period on the product is one year or less Similar to current US GAAP unearned premium approach, but: Use of “mean” rather than “best estimate” for incurred claims Discounting of incurred claims is generally required at a rate reflective of the underlying liabilities-a risk-free rate with an adjustment for liquidity Inclusion of “risk adjustment” to reflect uncertainty in amount/timing of unpaid claims Revenue pattern based on the passage of time or expected timing of incurred insurance service expenses, if the expected pattern of release from risk differs Other key differences include (1) gross presentation as regards reinsurance in income statement (e.g., revenue is not “netted” for ceded reinsurance), (2) exclude “investment components” from revenue and claims incurred expense, (3) ceding commissions netted against reinsurance premiums, (4) present DAC net against LFRC, (5) more granular level of onerous contract testing (akin to UPR deficiency test) Discounted liability for incurred claims Liability for remaining coverage DAC Onerous + = Insurance liability
Premium allocation approach Eligibility criteria An entity may simplify the measurement of a group of insurance contracts using the premium allocation approach if, and only if, at the inception of the group: the entity reasonably expects that such simplification would produce a measurement of the liability for remaining coverage for the group that would not differ materially from the one that would be produced applying the General Model; or the coverage period of each contract in the group (including coverage arising from all premiums within the contract boundary determined at that date) is one year or less. Criterion (a) above is not met if at the inception of the group an entity expects significant variability in the fulfilment of cash flows that would affect the measurement of the liability for remaining coverage during the period before a claim is incurred. What is the unit of account? What are the coverage units? What is materiality?
Premium allocation approach Eligibility … tougher than it looks … At inception, would the PAA differ materially from the BBA (LFRC only)? Is the coverage period one year or less? Is significant variability in the fulfilment cash flows expected (which may affect the measurement of the liability for remaining coverage during the period before a claim is incurred)? PAA is automatically applicable More challenging to construct an argument that PAA is applicable Yes No ? May be possible to construct an argument that PAA is applicable Factors to consider Contract boundaries under IFRS 17 (different to current standard and Solvency II) Variability in your expectation of the present value of future cash flows All (re)insurance contracts with coverage period of one year or less Property damage type multi-year policies of 2 to 3 years, some reinsurance contracts (e.g. risk attaching) Construction, energy, engineering, A&H, D&O, credit, surety, warranty and seasonally impacted property damage type multi-year policies Decision tree Possible impact on lines of business No definition of “material” or “significant”
Premium allocation approach PAA vs. US GAAP: profit emergence example Assumptions: Example is for one unit of account – e.g. Accident Year 2017 Auto Liability Premium totaling $1,000 is earned in first year Initial expected/unbiased mean loss ratio on policy = 80%; additional $100 of claims are incurred during year 2. Thus, total profit = $100. 20% of claims are paid in the year they are incurred; remainder paid in the subsequent year after being incurred. Flat 5.5% discount rate applied. Risk adjustment equals 30% of outstanding liability for incurred claims at each reporting period; the risk adjustment is released as claims are paid.
Premium allocation approach PAA vs. US GAAP: profit emergence example Total 100 Under PAA, profit emergence is delayed vs US GAAP due to the presence of the risk adjustment. Under PAA, profit is smoother than US GAAP due to the release of risk adjustment offsetting an increase to incurred claims in this particular example.
Premium allocation approach Why is the PAA a useful simplification of the general model? Liability for Remaining Coverage, for unexpired risk, is accounted for using an Unearned Premium Reserve Under the General Model, an entity is required to establish an estimate of the expected value of future cash flows for both the expired and unexpired risk (and determine a CSM). Under the PAA, estimating the expected value of future cash flows is required only for the Liability for Incurred Claims, unless the contract is deemed onerous (which would then require the measure of the unexpired risk using the General Model framework to quantify the loss amount that must be recognized). Do not need to calculate a CSM Do not need to determine the estimated lifetime profitability of the contract at issue date No need to continue to solve for unlocked CSM at future valuation dates Companies can leverage current reserve estimates, with applicable adjustments: Unbiased mean, discounting, risk adjustment System updates are still needed to quantify and track these adjustments through time
5 – Impacts to financial reporting Adam 27
Presentation (PAA) Income statement Revenue and expense are recognised as services delivered and incurred respectively Interest expense is current or locked-in depending on accounting policy choice Insurance components Liability for Remaining Coverage (Unearned premiums less DAC) Risk adjustment for unpaid claims Discounted expected cash flows for unpaid claims 20XX Insurance revenue* X Insurance service expenses (X) Insurance service result Investment income Insurance finance expenses Finance result Profit or loss Gains and losses on financial assets at FVOCI Effect of discount rate changes on insurance liability (optional) Total comprehensive income ~ ~ Non-distinct investment components Insurance contract revenue* consists of the following: Expected claims and benefits Expected expenses Amortization of CSM Release of risk adjustment Amortization of acquisition costs Premiums due or written prohibited If OCI option is chosen, difference between current and locked-in market variables are presented in OCI
Disclosure requirements Amounts Detailed roll forward schedules and reconciliations Reconciliation of sources of profit Contracts written in the period Relationship interest and investment return Significant judgements Processes to estimate inputs to methods Effect of changes in methods and inputs Confidence level for determining risk adjustment Yield curve(s) used to discount cash flows Nature and extent of risks Nature and extent of risks Insurance risk on gross/net basis Concentrations of insurance risk and claims development Quantitative disclosures about non-insurance risks
6 – Transition Lela 30
Transition Effective date is 1 January 2021, but at least one year of comparative numbers required Transition is retrospective, so historic data is required. Transition is aimed at determining the CSM on the transition date. Impact of transition is recognized in opening equity Approach: Full retrospective approach When historical data exists and hindsight is not required Modified retrospective approach When not all historical information is available but information about historical cash flows is available or can be constructed Measurement at fair value When no historical information about cash flows is available to determine the CSM If impracticable
Transition Required for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2021 (applied to in-force policies starting January 1, 2020) At transition, each group of insurance contracts (Unit of Account) should be reported as the sum of the fulfilment cash flows (including onerous contract liability if required), risk adjustment and CSM Current CSM = initial CSM at inception and adjusting it to reflect the experience until the transition date at locked in rates Capture the cumulative amount of insurance finance income or expenses recognised in other comprehensive income at transition Full retrospective Closest outcome to full without undue cost or effort Allowed to adopt each simplification below only if there is insufficient data: Grouping of contracts (e.g., more than one underwriting year) Use of yield curves (e.g., discount rate specified as of Transition instead of at inception of contract) Cash Flows estimated at inception = FCF at Transition, adjusted by CF known to have occurred since inception Risk Adjustment estimated at inception = RA at Transition, adjusted by expected release based on other similar contracts Approach to capture cumulative impact in other comprehensive income at transition Modified retrospective IFRS 13 market participant price to transfer the asset or liability = FV at Transition Fulfilment CF and risk adjustment liabilities measured based on IFRS 17 measurement approach at Transition date CSM balance or loss component at Transition is set as the difference of the above 2 items Fair value could be derived by adjusting IFRS 17 fulfilment and risk adjustment liabilities to reflect a market participants viewpoint and include other non-attributed expenses that a market participant would expect to be covered by the premium Not required to separate contracts into underwriting year Fair value
Questions? Lela Patrik Adam Kallin FCAS, MAAA PwC, Actuarial Services Director, Philadelphia (267) 330-2237 lela.patrik@pwc.com Adam Kallin PwC, Actuarial Services Manager, Atlanta (678) 419-2272 adam.j.kallin@pwc.com
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