Speech Communications Pooling Ideas: Group Discussion
Word Bank Buzz session criteria dialogue discussion enlightenment erroneously evolve excel flaunt formulated forum panel Phillips 66 resumè round table symposium
Brain Teasers How does group discussion differ from conversation and debate? What are the specific characteristics of each of the six types of problem solving groups? What are your duties as a participant in group discussion? What are your duties as a chairperson in group discussion? How should a subject problem be phrased? What are the five steps in the problem solving process?
How does group discussion differ from conversation and debate? Democratic, cooperative method where several individuals contribute ideas, opinions, and facts aimed at solving a problem. It differs from conversation in that it follows a plan and has a specific purpose It differs from debate in that its method is to search for answers rather than to win support
Specific characteristics of each of the six types of problem solving groups Round table discussion Meets face to face around a table No audience Members informally explore a subject or delve into a problem
Specific characteristics of each of the six types of problem solving groups Panel discussion Four to seven people who discuss a problem in front of an audience No prepared speeches Informal, spontaneous discussion based on previous study takes place
Specific characteristics of each of the six types of problem solving groups Dialogue Public discussion between two people One asks the questions, and one (usually an expert) answers them
Specific characteristics of each of the six types of problem solving groups Symposium Three to six members who each present a prepared speech on a single subject before an audience Each member may talk on different aspects of the problem Or speakers who are experts present their personal views on the entire subject
Specific characteristics of each of the six types of problem solving groups Forum Audience questioning session that follows a panel, dialogue, symposium, speech, or film.
Specific characteristics of each of the six types of problem solving groups Phillips 66 Buzz session Six people who discuss a topic for six minutes—hence “66” Good for involving a large audience in a limited time Groups of 6 are formed out of the audience members who discuss the given topic in the 66 buzz method After 6 minutes, one member from each group reports for one minute or less on the group’s contribution
What are your duties as a participant in group discussion? Investigate the problem Follow in order the five steps in the “problem solving process” Describe--define terms, state symptoms Determine the causes of the problem and the criteria solutions must meet Suggest several possible solutions with strengths and weaknesses of each Select the “best” solution Prescribe definite ways to carry out the “best” solution Participate with enthusiasm Listen carefully to what the others say Be receptive to ideas
What are the duties in group discussion? Open the discussion Guide group thinking along the problem solving process Help the group to think “straight.” Secure the participation of everyone Record discussion points Keep track of time limit Close the discussion
How should a subject problem be phrased? Phrase the subject as a question which doesn’t limit the solution “How can we best…?”
What are the five steps in the problem solving process? Choose a subject for discussion Important to your group Involves a policy (should or should not be done) Phrase the subject as a question which doesn’t limit the solution “How can we best…?” Do research on your problem Outline the information on the activity sheet Hold a 20-30 minute group discussion on the topic
Word Bank Buzz session criteria dialogue discussion enlightenment erroneously evolve excel flaunt formulated forum panel Phillips 66 resumè round table symposium
Assignment Choose a subject for discussion Important to your group Involves a policy (should or should not be done) Phrase the subject as a question which doesn’t limit the solution “How can we best…?” Do research on your problem Outline the information on the activity sheet Hold a 20-30 minute group discussion on the topic