Data Analysis, BT Formatives/Galileo Correlation 5th Grade Presentation TCPS, June 1, 2017
STEEP Oral Reading Fluency Action Plan 5th Grade SY 2016-2017 May 25, 2017 Step 1 – Identify strong areas and challenge areas STEEP Oral Reading Fluency Fall Median Winter Median Spring Median 2015-2016 77.75 Frustrational 99.87 Instructional 102.25 Mastery 2016-2017 76.4 92.5 109.4
STEEP Math Fall Median Winter Median Spring Median 2015-2016 39 Fall Median Winter Median Spring Median 2015-2016 39 Frustrational 58.5 Instructional 68.75 Mastery 2016-2017 33 66 76
Step 2 – Identify specific skills to be retaught STEEP ORF Fall - Winter 76.4 - Frustrational Winter - Spring 92.5 - Instructional Findings from Item Analysis Similar trends of increased median between the 2 school years (frustrational and instructional). Both years show a growth of 10% increase. Students need more practice to build up their reading fluency. Poor phonemic awareness to decode/articulate unfamiliar words. Specific skills on which to focus Decoding words/phonics Syllabication (multi-sw) Repeated readings (read alouds) Reading with expression Reading with accuracy Pausing (slow down) at punctuations Stopping to self-correct Word recognition Vocabulary building
Findings from Item Analysis STEEP Math (Division) Fall - Winter 33- Frustrational Winter - Spring 66- Instructional Findings from Item Analysis Students have to master steps in basic division (quotient up to 10) Students have difficulty on division facts. Students need to practice doing the skill under timed test. Specific skill on which to focus Review basic division and multiplication steps. Drill on the division fact family Provide more practice on division facts (ex. Supplying the missing factor in the number sentence/equation) Give more practices on division timed test.
Step 3 – Strategies for Reteaching Brainstorm: Identify strategies and ideas for re-teaching low standards in math and reading MATH READING STEEP MATH Review the steps in simple division. Explain the process of division Use flashcards to drill and play regularly Watch Khan academy video on simple division Drill on DMS division daily Peer tutoring on division Provide centers specifically on basic division. Complete timed exercises regularly using BT resources and other sources Show powerpoints and videos provided in BT and Youtube. Work on division fact family and missing facts. Engage in technology division lessons and exercises like Study Island and IXL. ORF STEEP Integrate phonics with practice of sounds and speech to enhance better decoding skill. Model and practice word syllabication on how to divide multi-syllabic words. Ex. clapping hands Create a vocabulary book with student create definitions, sentence, etc. Model and practice reading with expression and pausing at punctuations to slow down the reading.. Model and practice on how to stop and self-correct. Practice repeated read aloud in pairs or small groups to strengthen fluency. Create an individual progress chart to monitor fluency and accuracy. Create centers specifically for phonics, vocabulary & recognition, fluency and accuracy. Use technology and websites in connection with phonics, word recognition, etc.
Tuba City Primary School SY 2016-17 5th Grade DMS Probes Results Probes Frustrational % Instructional Mastery Probe 1: Add/Subtract 0-20 7.3 48.8 43.9 Probe 2: Multiply/Divide 0-12 18.1 28.5 53.4 Probe 3: Multiply/Divide 3 Digits by 2 Digits 33.7 35.8 30.5 Probe 4: Add/Subtract Decimals with regrouping 10.8 49.4 39.8 Probe 5: Factors, GCF 14.7 36.8 47.5 Probe 6: Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide 9.6 25.1 65.3 Probe 7: Reduce Fractions 20.5 37.5 42 Probe 8: Equivalency 14.2 49.9 35.9 Probe 9: Identifying LCD 11.5 36.1 52.4 Probe 10: Convert Mixed Fractions to Improper and Back 27.4 43.5 29.1 Probe 11: Convert Fractions, Decimals, and Percents 25.8 34.3 39.9 Average 17.6 38.7 43.6
Step 1 – Identify strong areas and challenge areas Action Plan Step 1 – Identify strong areas and challenge areas Class Development Profile: Low and High Mastery Percentages MATH Probes with lowest percentages Frustrational Instructional Mastery Probe 3: Multiply/Divide 3 Digits by 2 Digits 33.7 35.8 30.5 Probe 10: Convert Mixed Fractions to Improper & Back 27.4 43.5 29.1 Probe 11: Convert Fractions, Decimals, and Percentage 25.8 34.3 39.3 Probes with highest percentages Probe 6: Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide 9.6 25.1 65.3 Probe 9: Identifying LCD 11.5 36.1 52.4 Probe 2: Multiply/Divide 0-12 18.1 28.5 53.4
Findings from Item Analysis Specific skill on which to focus Action Plan Step 2 – Identify specific skills to be retaught Item Analysis: Top 3 probe to be retaught Probe Findings from Item Analysis Specific skill on which to focus Probe 3 Multiply/Divide 3 Digits by 2 Digits 34% of students have difficulty operating on long multiplication and division Drill on multiplication and division Review on the steps of long multiplication and division Explain and exercise on the whole process of long multiplication and division Prove 10 Convert Mixed Fractions and Back Prove 11 Convert Fractions, Decimals and Percent 27% of the students are unable to visualize mixed fractions and improper fractions. They are confuse about the equivalent of mixed fractions to improper fraction. 26% of the students find this conversion too difficult. They are overwhelm about the multiple steps and are unable to relate the values to each other. Show the students how mixed fractions and improper fractions look like. Review the steps in converting mixed fractions to improper fractions and back. Review each skill individually. Show each value and how it relate to another Practice the steps of conversion.
Drill on multiplication and division Review the process and steps Step 3 – Strategies for Re-teaching Brainstorm: Identify strategies and ideas for re-teaching low standards in math and reading MATH Drill on multiplication and division Review the process and steps Explain the process and steps showing complete samples. Watch videos and powerpoints on the processes and steps. Provide a lot of practices Practice solving under time pressure Provide games and plays related to the skills Teacher/Staff- Student mentoring After school tutoring School break intersessions Saturday classes Study Buddy or peer facilitation Vigorous use the internet (Study Island and IXL) Competitions like DMS Master, DMS Hero, DMS Warrior, DMS Little Teacher Reflect on the scores using tracking sheets and reported to parents Scores translation to existing PBIS and Class Dojo
STEEP Oral Reading Fluency 5th Grade STEEP SY 2016-2017 May 26, 2017 Action Plan Step 1 – Identify strong areas and challenge areas STEEP Oral Reading Fluency Fall Median Winter Median Spring Median 74.5 Instructional 94 110 Mastery STEEP Math Fluency Fall Median Winter Median Spring Median 33 Frustration 66 Instructional 76 Instructional
Action Plan STEEP Math (Division) Fall - Winter 33- Frustrational Step 2 – Identify specific skills to be retaught STEEP Math (Division) Fall - Winter 33- Frustrational Winter - Spring 66- Instructional Findings from Item Analysis Students have to master steps in basic division (quotient up to 10) Students have difficulty on division facts. Students need to practice doing the skill under timed test. Specific skill on which to focus Review basic division and multiplication steps. Drill on the division fact family Provide more practice on division facts (ex. Supplying the missing factor in the number sentence/equation) Give more practices on division timed test.
2016-2017- Tuba City Primary School BT/Galileo Comparison 5.R.RL.03 M. Ruiz V. Atene P. Conzaga S. Lee Grade Level Avg. Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama. Galileo 68% 76% 63% 59% 67% 57% BT 54% 44% 48% 42% 47% 5.R.RL.05 Explain how different plot elements work together to build a story, drama, or poem. 86% 58% 56% 60% 5.R.RL.02 Summarize the theme of a story, drama or poem using evidence from the text. 82% 46% 38% 39% 41% 5.R.RL.06 Describe how a narrator's point of view influences how events are described. NOT ASSESSED ON GALILEO BM 43% 5.R.Rl.01 Cite evidence to support an inference made from the text. 64% 52% 61% 55% 5.R.RL.09 Compare and contrast stories in the same genre for similar themes and topics. 73% 50% 40% 32% 5.R.RL.04 Interpret the meaning of words or phrases in text. 77% 53% 5.R.RI.05 Compare and contrast the aspects of two or more texts using reading strategies (e.g., sequencing, cause/effect), graphic organizers and text summaries. 65% 45% 5.R.RI.02 Summarize two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details. 84% 91% 5.R.RI.07 Synthesize information from multiple print or digital sources to answer questions or solve problems. 92% 95% 90% 74% 88% 70% 66% 5.R.RI.01 35% 5.R.RI.06 Analyze multiple sources of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. 36% 5.R.RI.03 Describe cause and effect relationships between individuals, events or ideas in informational text. 100% 83% 93% 69% 5.R.RF.03 Apply word analysis skills in decoding words. 87% 75%