I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Break! A Peek at This Week in… Mrs. Mahon’s Class 1-8/1-12 I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Break! Math We will discuss vocabulary for fractions. We will also compose and decompose fractions as well as add and subtract fractions. Reading/Writing Reading: Expository text features, summary/main ideas, analogies, multiple meaning words. Welcome Back and Happy New Year! Spelling Words: meant, build, flood, laugh, breakfast, enough, sweater, rough, bread, touch, spread, tough, already, built, ready, death, young, instead, heavy, ahead Upcoming Events January 10th-Awards Assembly at 9:00 January 10th-Family Reading Night January 11th-Spelling Bee 9:00 January 15th-MLK Holiday Science/ Social Studies Social Studies: We will read and discuss the article “LaSalle”. Science: We will study electricity and circuits.