Welcome to Curriculum Night! After signing in on the orange sheet, please find your child’s desk. Read your letter from your child. Please write back to them too! Please take the “Curriculum Night Follow-up” sheet home to complete & send it to school tomorrow with your student. If you have time to help ~ please sign-up for a volunteer opportunity. You can leave it tonight, send it in tomorrow or email me in the next few days.
Agenda A bit about me Code of Conduct Curriculum Overview Daily Schedule Homework Details Questions
Our Classroom Code of Conduct Show respect to everyone every day. Work hard & try our best This code was written by the students in Mrs. Lyons 3rd Grade class on the 9th of September.2014
The Nuts & Bolts of Our Smooth Operation Lend-A-Hand – student jobs Class Marble Jar Team Points Individual - Color Chart & auction tickets Blue ~ You are spot on! Yellow ~ Student/teacher private conference and a privilege revoked based on infraction Red ~ I will contact parents (call or email)
Writing for Stamina Writing & Reading Reading for Stamina Writer's workshop Writing Units of Study Narrative ~ true story Opinion ~ persuade Informational Once upon a time… Cursive Handwriting Reading for Stamina Listen & Share Conference with Mrs. Lyons Guided Reading Groups Grammar ~ Time-for-20 Vocabulary Making Meaning Program
Units of Study for 3rd Grade Making Meaning Units of Study for 3rd Grade Schema/Making Connections Making Inferences Visualizing Wondering/Questioning Determining Important Idea Understanding Text Structure Summarizing
Math Operations & Algebraic Thinking Number & Operations in Base Ten Problem solving in multiplication & division (working to 4-steps) Understand properties of multiplication and the relationships between Multiplication & division Multiply and divide within 100 Solve problems - identify & explain patterns in math Number & Operations in Base Ten Use place value understanding & properties to perform multi-digit math Geometry Understand concepts of area related to multiplication & addition Measurement & Data interpret data & estimate Number & Operations develop understanding fractions as numbers Math Stations practice – math tiles, games, reasoning, puzzles… On Line Resources: ~ (link on our classroom website) Everyday Math site I-XL Math site
Science Study life cycles, specifically Northwest Salmon Study Rocks and Minerals Weather ~ Observe patterns over the seasons Study forms of energy with a focus on water & our watershed
Social Studies Study Citizenship our Rights , Responsibilities, common good & American Symbols Northwest Coastal Native Americans Westward Movement – Pioneer Life
Technology Introduction to basic operations and concepts. Tools that may include: word processing database, graphics, multimedia Keyboarding – Type to Learn Network Skills – navigate to folder on server, save to USB, I-XL, and EDM
Health & Fitness A variety of lessons will be taught addressing: Learn how our nutrition choices effect our body composition & physical performance Prevent /reduce risks of contracting communicable & non- communicable disease Stress management techniques Decision-making skills Water Safety and Swimming
Our Daily Schedule 8:30 8:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:50 10:50-11:20 11:20-11:45 11:45-12:25 *11:25-12:05 12:30-1:35 1:35-1:55 1:55-2:45 *2:30-2:45 2:45 2:55 Morning Work & Business Literacy/Writing Block Snack (Please have a water bottle) Specialist Vocabulary Studies/Writer’s Share Lunch/Recess (*Wednesday Lunch/Recess -12:45 Dismissal) Math Recess Science/Social Studies/W.I.P. (*Friday – Class meeting) Assignment Calendar, Pack Up Dismissal
Specialist Schedule Week A Monday: Music 10:50-11:20am Tuesday: P.E. 10:50-11:20am Wednesday: no specialist Thursday: Library 10:50-11:20am Friday: P.E. 10:50-11:20am Week B Monday: Art 10:15-11:15am Tuesday: Music 10:50-11:20am Wednesday: P.E. 10:45-11:15am Thursday: Library 10:45-11:15am Friday: Music 10:50-11:20am
Homework Daily Assignments Projects Assignment Calendar Everyday Math – Monday through Wednesday Challenge Math Projects Writing Binder Collage Book Talks Assignment Calendar Students write assignments. Folders are collected on Thursday, filled, scored and sent home Friday. Please sign the bottom of the calendar for your student to bring to class on Monday, for me to check.
Miscellaneous Information Student Fees: Time for Kids magazine & National Geographic Explorers magazine: 3rd Grade students will also have a fee for the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery Field Trip coming up in October. (More info will be sent home) Margie is working on the total cost, so parents can pay one time for everything. All fees are paid on line at: https://web.issaquah.wednet.edu/touchbase/ Please provide a healthy snack every day. This should be quick & easy to eat. Please send in a Water bottle each day Please check: our classroom website for reminders/updates/newsletters/homework ISD adoption of a new report card
Mrs. Lyons Contact Details Thank You for Coming Mrs. Lyons Contact Details lyonsj@issaquah.wednet.edu Classroom Phone: 425.837.7291 Curiosity is the start to wondrous things…
ISF - Media Kit Power Point Presentation Join PTSA! Contribute to ISF! Help Students Achieve