Wouter Noordkamp The assessment of new platforms on operational performance and manning concepts
23 October Contents Introduction Simulation Based Performance Assessment (SBPA) Manning concept framework Combining both methods Conclusions
23 October Background ANEP-49 Ways to Reduce Costs of Ships Integrated approach Feasibility and consistency of designs
23 October ANEP-49 Ways to Reduce Costs of Ships Costs Life cycle disposalin-service production design & development introduction life cycle costs fixed spent
23 October Operational Effectiveness How does the platform perform its tasks? Taking into account realistic circumstances: Operational effectiveness Enemy attacks Non availability of systems
23 October Survivability How well is the platform equipped and prepared for executing tasks when being attacked? Survivability Follow-on missions cannot be executed Unexpected costs of reparation
23 October Sustainability How well is the platform equipped and prepared for executing tasks in normal circumstances? Sustainability How often do systems fail? How easy is maintenance? Enough spare parts?
23 October Is this all? Operational effectiveness Survivability Costs Sustainability Assessment Framework Expected role Missions and tasks Scenarios
23 October SBPA Step-by-step plan Repeat for each design alternative Input Combine Weights Utility Calculate FOM surv Determine MOEs Deployment Tree MOEs Scenario s Tasks Definition phase P roduct effectiveness Calculate LCC LCC/Cost Cost effectiveness Comparison of results and sensitivity analysis LCC tree Input Utility Tree MOEs Input Utility Tree MOEs Sensitivity analysis Operation al effectiv eness Survivability Sustainability Weights Combine Calculate FOM op Calculate FOM sust Determine MOEs Determine MOEs
23 October SBPA Step-by-step plan Description of operational deployment
23 October SBPA Step-by-step plan Set-up of evaluation of performance Operational effectiveness Survivability Sustainability Set-up of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis
23 October Evaluation Operational Effectiveness Weights Simulation/Expert judgement Aggregation of partial results to generate overall operational effectiveness Operational Effectiveness Framework Evaluation hierarchy Mission task tree Scena rio Mission Scenario Task Operational Effectiveness
23 October SBPA Step-by-step plan Evaluation of alternatives
23 October SBPA Step-by-step plan Analysis of results Cost effectiveness analysis Comparison of alternatives Sensitivity analysis
23 October Simulation Based Performance Assessment A methodology for assessing operational performance and life cycle cost of a platform Application: Can be applied during all phases of the Defence Materiel Process and in maintenance/ modification programmes. The methodology is being adjusted for translating operational requirements into technical requirements.
23 October Manning concept framework
23 October Strategic ambition
23 October Functional demands Focus on the platform Operational context Scenarios Missions and tasks MOEs to evaluate these tasks
23 October Conceptual design Focus on manning teams Organisational structure Tasks and work processes Teams Architecture Examples: Command bridge Modular teams Support ashore
23 October Detailed design Focus on single crew members Working environment Outside view Workplace Noise People Education Workload Technique Ergonomics Automation Rules and laws
23 October Use of the framework Strategic ambition Functional demands Conceptual design Detailed design
23 October Manning concept framework A framework to support the generation and evaluation of manning concepts On effectiveness and costs Provides a structure to consider all relevant manning related aspects
23 October SBPA and manning concepts
23 October Conclusions SBPA & Manning concept framework Support the design and acquisition process of new platforms Integral assessment on performance and costs At various levels of detail Not an easy recipe Provide a structure to assess relevant aspects
23 October Conclusions SBPA & Manning concept framework Support the design and acquisition process of new platforms Integral assessment on performance and costs At various levels of detail Not an easy recipe Questions ?