Understanding Homeopathy in Treatment of Seniors Jackie Krammer Classical Homeopath
My Background and Training Graduate of Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy Nationally certified through the Council of Homeopathic Certification In private practice since 2002 in Minneapolis Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Objectives Explain the basics of homeopathy Describe how homeopathy approaches health maintenance and prevention for seniors Describe how homeopathy addresses chronic conditions and acute illness Describe how to look for a professional homeopath in the community Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
What Homeopathy Isn’t Not vitamin or mineral supplements. Not herbal preparations, although some remedies are made from plants. Not a diet or exercise program. Not a lifestyle change. Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
What is homeopathy? Systematic form of healing that stimulates body’s innate ability to restore health Approaches health and illness at the energetic level, similar to acupuncture, quigong Addresses underlying susceptibility and fixed patterns Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Ancient Roots Not a new concept Welcomes traditional healing power of nature Practiced by ancient Greeks. Dates back to Hippocrates (460–377 BCE) Saw patient as a whole entity, promoting a holistic approach in medical science Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Example: Allium Cepa Made from red onion Remember the symptoms you get when slicing a strong onion? burning, watery eyes, mucus from nose Helpful for colds, sinus problems, hayfever, allergies – when the symptoms agree Modality: Discharge from the nose is acidic and makes the surrounding skin burn. Discharge from the eyes is bland.
Homeopathy treats the whole person, rather than the disease Diagnosis is just the beginning Can treat even if no clear diagnosis “It isn’t a ‘disease’, but I don’t feel right” A variety of ‘unrelated’ symptoms or symptoms in different organ systems Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
How we understand the whole person Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual expressions See symptoms as body’s attempt to restore balance Remedies are chosen based on the individual not the diagnosis
Promoting health Homeopathy gradually restore better health by treating underlying imbalance: results in a healthier immune system, more energy, better sleep Health is state of flow: a healthy person is less stuck in fixed patterns Seniors are better able to adopt lifestyle changes that prevent disease and promote health e.g. reduced arthritis pain makes it easier to move and exercise With less medication, seniors often feel better, more alert, less groggy Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Acute versus Chronic illness Time limited illness Expect rapid decrease in intensity and duration of symptoms Self prescribing possible with good reference books and an acute class to help with remedy selection Illness of months to years duration Understand patterns and big picture Medications & surgeries impact response Expect gradual return to health Professional consultation highly recommended Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Examples Chronic high blood pressure arthritis acid reflux, digestive problems anxiety, depression insomnia Acute urinary tract infections influenza surgery injuries
Betty’s grief 72 year old woman Chief concerns: hot flashes wake her at night, legs swell in evening, restless legs at night, only sleeps 2-3 hours at a time Longstanding grief: husband’s death, difficult relationships with her sons After homeopathic treatment physical symptoms improved, renewed relationships with her sons, better able to move on with her life Worked with her until she developed dementia Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Who Should Consider Homeopathy Resonates with some seniors e.g. this reminds me of what my mother did Are open to doing something different than what the doctor recommends Are on relatively few medications
Challenges in Treating Seniors Accurate description of symptoms by client Picture can be blurred by medication and memory loss Progress can be gradual due to previous treatments e.g. medication and surgeries Family interference vs family support
When you visit a homeopath Total person and all symptoms taken into account to treat chronic ailments In-depth interview lasts up to 2 hours Describe: chief complaint, other physical, mental and emotional concerns, your nature, what is typical for you Investigate health and family history, previous treatments Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Continued Care & Ongoing Management Meet every 4-8 weeks to assess progress Ask doctors to evaluate necessity of current medications Time to return to health depends on how long you’ve had problem, its severity & what medications you are on Steady, gradual return to health Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Complementing Other Treatment Homeopathy doesn’t replace conventional medicine Addresses underlying cause of disease Can work alongside allopathic drugs and may lessen need for allopathic medicine and treatment Wonderful complement to massage and chiropractic Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Arnica: One Remedy to Have Classic first aid remedy Great for bumps, bruises, falls, sprains 30C potency for everyday use Head injuries & concussions: consult a professional Wonderful for surgery: reduces pain and swelling Minimizes need for pain medication. Consult a professional 2-3 weeks before your surgery Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
How to take remedies Shake pellets directly into the cap then into mouth. Dissolve under tongue. Neutral mouth. Refrain from food, beverages, gum, mouthwash, toothpaste for 30 minutes before and 15 minutes after taking the remedy. For acute illness: dose is 2-3 pellets. Take up to four doses in 24 hours. Discontinue as soon as you see improvement. Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Key things to remember Treats the whole person and is highly individualized A well-chosen remedy strengthens overall health and immune system Continued care & management is essential Homeopathy can be integrated with conventional treatment Consult with a professional for ongoing, chronic concerns Benefits for seniors: reduced medication, improved sleep and energy Challenges: doctor-centric, ability to describe symptoms, support of family Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Finding a Homeopath Online directories: Minnesota Homeopathic Assn www.mnhomeopathicassociation.org National Center for Homeopathy www.homeopathic.org North American Society of Homeopaths www.homeopathy.org
Information Sources Reichenberg-Ullman, The Patient’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicine Dooley, Timothy: Homeopathy Beyond Flat Earth Medicine Cummings,Stephen & Ullman, Dana: Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathy Lansky, Amy: The Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808
Contact Information Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave South Minneapolis, MN 55409 612-824-7808 jackie@homeopathyminneapolis.com www.homeopathyminneapolis.com Jackie Krammer, Classical Homeopath 4306 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis 612-824-7808