Movies ELL 2035
Discussion Questions 1. How often do you watch movies? Have you seen any good movies lately? 2. Where do you usually watch movies (in the theatre, download at home, DVD room)? 3. What is your favorite movie? 4. Who is your favorite actor? actress? director? 5. What movie were you looking forward to but turned out (resulted) to be really disappointing? 6. Are you looking forward to any movies this or next year?
Vocabulary 1. a sequel 2. a prequel 3. a trilogy 4. a series 5. a bomb / a dud / a flop 6. a blockbuster / a smash / a hit a. Harry Potter, James Bond, Star Wars, Marvel b. the Hobbit, X-Men: First Class, Fantastic Beasts c. Titanic, Avatar, Avengers: Infinity War d. D-War (terrible movie) e. Iron Man, Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, Back to the Future f. (continuation) Kingsman 2, Terminator 3, Toy Story 4, (next installment)
a series
a trilogy
a prequel
Vocabulary 1. a flick, a film 2. a trailer 3. genre 4. the cast 5. the setting 6. a spoiler (spoiler alert) 7. the box office 8. a chick flick 9. a rom-com 10. ‘that’s a wrap’ 11. a cameo a. a short preview of the movie b. actors and actresses in the movie c. where and when it takes place d. the type of movie it is (romance, comedy, war, horror, chick flick) e. a movie f. giving information about the movie, like telling a surprise or the ending g. the money a movie makes h. a short appearance by an actor in the movie i. a film designed for women (usually romantic or emotional movies) j. short for a romantic-comedy movie k. that’s the end
Common Mistakes – Movie Edition 1. I like the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. I like the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. 2. My best movie is ‘The Lord of the Rings’. My favorite movie is…. His (The director’s) best movie is… 3. 탤런트 = an entertainer / a star / a celebrity
History of Movies
Quick History of Moving Pictures
Background moving pictures (motion pictures) – movies starting in the 1890s many were shot in Hollywood, California first movie with sound – 1927 75% of Americans went to the theatre once every week helped promote patriotism during the wars 1930s – 1950s: Golden Age of Hollywood increase in movies made abroad decline in the 1960s – 1970s rebirth with the VCR (1980s)
Discussion 1. What was the last Korean blockbuster? 2. Have you gone to a movie that was a dud? 3. Have you seen any good trailers recently? 4. What is your favorite trilogy? movie series? 5. Who is your favorite entertainer? If you could meet any entertainer, who would you meet? 6. What Korean movie (or famous movie from your country) do you recommend to foreign visitors? 7. What is your favorite form of entertainment: movies, TV, the internet or books?
Can you give a brief (plot) review of a movie you have seen?
It’s set in New York City, alien worlds and space It’s set in New York City, alien worlds and space. The setting is in NYC and outer space. It stars (starred) Robert Downey Jr. It was released in 2018. The main characters are the Avengers and Thanos. The genre is sci-fi/fantasy. Avengers: Infinity War is considered a blockbuster. It was very successful at the box office making about $1 billion dollars worldwide. It’s about…(story/plot)…