ETM 607 – Simulation Software and Arena Modeling Review simulation software. “Hands-on” experience with a discrete-event simulation software package, Arena. simple single server queue input, model logic, outputs additional logic features In-class exercise, model and analyze complex process
ETM 607 – In-Class Exercise Camshaft Machining Line Process Flow Grind “Main Bearings” Grind Lobes Polish Lobes
ETM 607 – In-Class Exercise Camshaft Machining Line – Process Details Operation Name Cycle Time Downtime Dress 10 Main Grinder ~Unif(5.6,6.0) ~Exp(540) 100 cycles Rep. ~Norm(15,5) ~Unif(10,11) 20 Lobe Grinder ~Tria(12.1,12.5,15.0) ~Exp(360) 50 cycles Rep. ~Norm(25,5) ~Unif(8,9) 30 Polisher ~Unif(3.2,3.4) 350 cycle ~Norm(12,2) 20 10 20 30 : : 10 20
ETM 607 – In-Class Exercise Camshaft Machining Line – Process Details Develop an Arena Model of the Camshaft Machining Line Include unplanned downtime Include dress cycles Determine the minimum number of machines for each operation to support a production rate of 250 camshafts per shift Assume a shift is 450 minutes Output Analysis Report queue sizes, machine utilization, machine downtime for various “number of machine” combinations. Provide a recommendation for the number of machines for each operation. Email group results to