Pi0 Calibration short-term plan Vladimir Litvin, Marat Gataullin Caltech, CMS
Intro Caltech has a responsibility in pi0 calibration Caltech pi0 calibration group (FTE): V. Litvin (50%), M. Gataullin (80%), Y. Yong (50%), 4th person (? 50%). What we have done so far: [ORCA] Completed analysis with OSCAR/ORCA and published the note [TB2006] Checked out analysis and calibration algorithms on TB2006 pi0 data and published the note (best TB06 results so far) [CMSSW] Pi0 producer, first version of pi0 calibration module with L3 algorithm, and first version of DQM monitor were implemented [MISC] set up the environment for private production at FNAL (up to 100k events per day), Caltech will follow suit soon with capacity ~100k events per day as well. Main problem right now is absolutely new Selective Readout in CMSSW wrt ORCA. We are in contact with P. Gras to understand better current Selective Readout and adjust our pi0 selection
Short-term plan Short-term plan and tasks breakdown: New SR study. Redo the pi0 selection and analysis with new SR. (V.Litvin, M.Gataullin, Y.Yong – end of May) Border effect (M. Gataullin, V. Litvin, 4th person – middle/end of May) Complete TB2006 (M.Gataullin, Y.Yong – middle May) Porting software to cmssw 14x (V.Litvin – middle May) and 15x (end of May) Add folding to the calibration module (V.Litvin – middle of May) Check the calibration algorithm with folding with private production (V.Litvin, M. Gataullin, Y. Yong – end of May) and without folding with 16M officially produced data (upon data delivery – probably June) Make a separate version of pi0 calibration module where Mpi0 and spi0 will be defined from fit. Right now both values are fixed during initialization. (V.Litvin – end of May) L1 trigger module (Rome responsibility). Had a talk with Shahram and they will do this as soon as L1 trigger will be stabilized a bit. Probably with CMSSW 150 on SLC4 (end of May). If not, we will do this at the end of May, beginning of June (V.Litvin, 4th person) Check pi0 rates in Endcaps (M. Gataulin, V.Litvin, 4th person – May/June) Eta calibration in Barrel and Endcaps (M.Gataullin, V.Litvin – May/June)
Medium-term plan Medium-term plan and tasks breakdown June prototype testing (?) Nothing clear yet – will be in touch with Luca Malgeri. If it will be done, we will participate. (V.Litvin, 4th person, Y.Yong – will be at CERN in June for 2 weeks) Transfer agent between online farm and calibration farm (?) Not our responsibility, but we will have a backup solution (Iosif’s transfer agent) CSA07 participation (?) Plans are not defined yet – what kind of dataflow will be checked? We are ready to run pi0 calibration stream now (V.Litvin, 4th person, Y.Yong) Database access and calibration coefficients storage (?) Will be in touch with Francesca Cavallari and will test it in July/August. (Comment: would be nice to have one DB project for both pi0 calibration and laser monitoring. Vladlen seems like a good fit here – he already did first estimations and worked with Francesca)