Victory! But… Numbers 31
Victory! But… BACKGROUND Numbers is an account of the time between the Exodus and the entry into the Promised Land The people of God are on the move, led by Him They are encamped in Moabite territory This chapter concerns the revenge of the Israelites upon the Moabites/Midianites and Balaam It is the final significant battle before Moses dies and before they enter the Promised Land
Victory! But… PREPARING FOR BATTLE A detailed plan for a small force of men All of the tribes are included in the army except the Levites Phinehas the priest goes with them using the silver trumpets from the Tabernacle The Ark of the Covenant goes with them (symbolic of God’s presence) God is with them
Victory! But… AN AMAZING VICTORY Not one Israelite soldier is killed (v 49) The entire Midianite army is killed Baalam is killed Five kings of Midian are killed Every woman and child is captured Huge quantities of animals and goods are seized
Victory! But… BUT… They had spared the women and children contrary to God’s command The boys and women who were not virgins are put to death Why? The boys would have formed a nucleus of opposition in the future The women had taken part in the seduction in chapter 25
UNCLEAN/PURIFICATION (19 – 24) Victory! But… UNCLEAN/PURIFICATION (19 – 24) The soldiers were ceremonially unclean and needed cleansing Moses and Eleazar had to go outside the camp to meet them Their plunder also needed to be cleansed
Victory! But… LESSONS FOR TODAY The Christian life is a battle God can aid us in the fight but we also have our responsibilities Be ruthless with the enemy/sin – put it to death (Romans 8:13) Be focused on the battle God’s justice is absolute – sin MUST be dealt with Remember that Jesus has won the ultimate victory for us – be thankful!