Midian Oppresses Israel (6.1-11) Israel did EVIL in the sight of the LORD The hand of Midian OVERPOWERED Israel Midian would DEVOUR the produce of the land, and would leave no food, ox, or donkey Israel CRIED out the LORD The LORD sent a PROPHET He reminded them of the EXODUS He told them do not be AFRAID He called them out for not OBEYING God’s voice
And the hand of Midian overpowered Israel, and because of Midian the people of Israel made for themselves homes and strongholds in the mountains and the caves (6.2)
Mighty Menacing Midianites Descendants of Abraham by his wife Keturah following the death of Sarah. Moses wife was a Midianite They were quite prosperous when Israel conquered them (Number 31:32-54) They didn’t continue as a national people after the rise of the Israelite kings
Now the angel of the LORD came and sat under a turpentine tree…while Gideon, son of Joash, was beating out wheat in the winepress to hide it from the Midinanites (6.11)
The Call of Gideon An angel of the LORD comes to Gideon and calls upon to realize that the “LORD is with you…” (6.11-12) If the LORD is with us, then why is all this happening? (6.13) Where are his wonderful deeds? The LORD has FORSAKEN us (6.13)