Labor Unions & Strikes
Three Choices for Workers… Continue in misery Join a Union and possibly get fired or even killed Become a communist and start a revolution
Socialism Public control of property & income Society should be in charge of wealth Wealth should be redistributed equally Karl Marx & Frederick Engels How to get this done? Workers revolution
Could This Happen In America? How could this help workers? Who would be against Socialism/Communism in America? This is radical—is there something less radical that would help workers?
Less Radical—Labor Unions Unions: improve working conditions (not overthrow the system) Collective Bargaining Strikes (last resort) Best—national strike Why was this appealing to workers?
Employers’ Reaction No Union Meetings Union organizers fired Blacklisting Yellow Dog contracts Would not bargain collectively Strikes met with violence
The Tournament of Today: A Set-to Between Labor and Monopoly
Anarchists Meet on the Lake Front in 1886
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. Haymarket Riot (1886) McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.
Haymarket Martyrs
Governor John Peter Altgeld
Homestead Steel Strike (1892) Homestead Steel Works The Amalgamated Association of Iron & Steel Workers
Big Corporate Profits!
Attempted Assassination! Henry Clay Frick Alexander Berkman
A “Company Town”: Pullman, IL
Pullman Cars A Pullman porter
The Pullman Strike of 1894
President Grover Cleveland If it takes the entire army and navy to deliver a postal card in Chicago, that card will be delivered!
Government by injunction! The Pullman Strike of 1894 Government by injunction!