Components of Physical Fitness


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Presentation transcript:

Components of Physical Fitness

Your Hand-out Fill in the missing information on your hand-out. You will need this information for your first written test in PE 10

Physical Fitness Physical fitness is the entire human organism’s ability to function efficiently and effectively. It is made up of at least eleven different components, each of which contributes to total quality of life. Physical fitness is associated with a person’s ability to work effectively, to enjoy leisure time, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergencies.

Hypokinetic Diseases A condition or disease resulting from a sedentary lifestyle, or "too little activity." Examples include obesity, diabetes, back pains, etc.

Physical Fitness (Total Fitness) is made up of two main components: 1) Skill Related Fitness – include factors that relate to the possibility of you becoming a good athlete (ie: speed, coordination) 2) Health Related Fitness – pertains to how well the systems of your body operate. Are your heart and other muscles in the body in good shape? It is related to your overall state of health.

1] Health Related Fitness: Five Components: flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition

(A) Flexibility range of movement possible at various joints specific to each joint; most frequently over-looked as people can get along fine without being very flexible – especially if they are inactive

(B)Cardiovascular Fitness ability of your heart, blood, blood vessels, and the respiratory system to supply O2 and necessary fuel to the muscles and the ability of the muscles to utilize fuel to allow sustained motion during exercise. Best type of exercise to improve cardio fitness is Aerobic Exercise!

Aerobic Exercise activities which force the body to use a large amount of O2 for a sustained period of time. Must be done for 15-30 minutes to be effective jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobic dance are common examples of aerobic exercise

[C] Muscular Strength Muscular Strength – ability of muscles to exert a force one time. Example—bench pressing your maximum. Males, in the past, have been more interested in developing muscularity than females This gap has decreased as of late; however, most females will not develop extremely large muscles because of the amount of the necessary hormone in their bodies: testosterone.

(D) Muscular Endurance Muscular Endurance – ability of muscles to work hard for long periods of time. A fit person can repeat movements for a long period without undue fatigue. - Abdominal muscular strength and endurance can be measured by performance of sit-ups for a one-minute period of time - Push-ups or pull-ups, or even dips, are also used to evaluate are and shoulder muscular strength and endurance

(E) Body Composition ratio of fat to muscle, bone, and other tissues that compose your body you need a certain amount of body fat for good health. Percent body fat can be calculated in three main ways: 1) Under-water weighing 2) Skin-fold caliper – measures thickness of skin-folds (triceps; calf) 3) Electronically using a machine

2] Skill Related Fitness helps success in sport; individuals with a higher level of skill-related fitness are more likely to be physically active. Components: The skill related components are agility, balance, power, reaction time, coordination, speed.

(A) Agility ability to rapidly and accurately change the position of your body and to control the movement of your whole body. most important quality for sports because you must change direction rapidly and always have your body under control

(B) Balance ability to keep an up-right posture, while either standing still or moving balance in a Dynamic (moving) or Static (still) situations important for activities such as skating, skiing, wind-surfing and gymnastics Evaluation: - standing on the ball of one foot for as long as possible - Walking a balance beam - doing head / hand stands

(C) Power The ability to do strength performances at a rapid pace. You must transfer energy at a fast rate. Power = Strength + Speed Evaluation: - vertical jump - standing long-jump

(D) Reaction Time amount of time it takes to get moving once your senses signal the need to move Evaluation: - meter-stick test

(E) Coordination the ability to use the senses with the body parts to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately. It is the integration of eye, hand, and foot movements. necessary for success in sports such as tennis, golf, and basketball Evaluation: - dribbling, shooting, place-kicking

(F) Speed ability to perform a movement in a short period of time. Evaluation: - short runs s/a the 50m or 100m sprint

Analyzing Fitness it is important for you to know your fitness level in both Health-Related and Skill-Related components self testing is important to determine if your physical fitness program needs to be modified or adjusted

Training Once you have analyzed your health and skill related fitness it is important to develop methods of training that will help you improve areas of weakness to attain desired results. Incorrect training is both inefficient and frustrating! Training Principles

Circuit ?

Group Work Refer to your hand-out on the Components of Fitness Posters

Components of Fitness Posters Read through chapter 2 of the text Plan a draft of your poster on loose leaf. Posters must be neat and eye-catching. Questions must be thoroughly answered*** on your poster Exercises must be well thought out and correctly demonstrated when you present. Plan how you will present your information to the class. SEE THE RUBRIC***

The Plan Design a draft of your poster on white paper/loose leaf Show me your draft/plan Transfer your final draft to your chart paper. It should be a beautiful finished product. (visuals of two exercises, visuals to show your components of fitness, definitions, answers to your questions) Plan your presentations, which will be done in the gym—see your rubric

Presentation Work—Day 2 You have ___more minutes to plan and organize your presentations and complete your posters. If someone is absent, DEAL WITH IT! THE PRESENTATIONS ARE TOMORROW IN THE GYM Be organized, clear, and thorough as you deliver your information. Know who is doing and saying what. Plan your demonstrations. Be sure you will have any necessary equipment. If possible, everyone should take part in your demos. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY---IT WILL IMPACT YOUR GRADE***