1 June 2018 – University of Hull
Welcome to the University of Hull
Aims of SITS Trainers Network Share knowledge, lessons learned, training approaches and good practice. Showcases (training, testing, support, e-Learning etc). Offer re-purposed training materials. Build up a profile of SITS training activities across Institutions. Skills analysis of STN members. Collaborative training initiatives (manuals, books, courses etc). Create a community of trainers/testers/support staff via networking events.
Agenda 10:45 – 11:15 Welcome to the University of Hull and the STN event/conference. 11:15 – 11:45 Updates and SITS Trainers Network Activities 11:45 – 12:00 Refreshments & Break 12:00 – 13:00 Revamping SITS User Training at UoL Richard Clark, University of London Overview of SITS training ‘revamp’ project at UoL during ‘18/19 Group Discussion topics 13:00 – 14:15 Lunch / Networking University of Hull tours (Campus / Library) 14:15 – 15:30 Updates/Presentations/Discussions: (14:15) Updates & Q&A’s via Tribal Group plc. Updates & overview of SITS training provided by Tribal Group plc Q&A’s – themed around training (14:45) Discussions & Debates Training topics common to member institution. 15:30 – 15:45 Refreshments & Break 15:45 – 15:55 Future activities for the SITS Trainers Network 15:55 – 16:00 AOB & Close
Apologies Received Alison Roy Sheffield Hallam University (has left organisation) Helen Lane Anglia Ruskin University Joelle Walker Regent’s University London (has left organisation) Luke Austin Glyndwr University Renee Stoll University of Bristol (has left organisation) Sara Kirby Tribal Group plc Robbie Vigers Meetoo
Name Institution Your Role Introductions... Please introduce yourselves to the group: Name Institution Your Role
11:15-11:45 Updates and STN Activities About the SITS Trainers Network. Previous STN events/conferences. Overview of resources available to STN members. STN Structure. Recent updates & current interests. Regional Updates: Vice Chair Update & M62 (Luke Austin). Midlands, Wales & West of England (Richard Block).
About the SITS Trainers Network Founded 29/02/2012 by Dr. Richard Clark & Mr. Aditya Vadali (co-chairs). STN is now 6 years old SITS Trainers Forum/Network Founded 29/02/2012 SIG/WG??? Network 30/05/2012 Mr. John Davis (Wolverhampton) replaced Mr. Aditya Vadali as co-chair. 21/11/2014 Mr. John Davis stood-down Richard continues as Chair 109 members 55 institutions +1 company: Tribal 06/05/2016 Mr. Luke Austin (Huddersfield) became the Vice Chair of the STN Note: Luke now at Wrexham Glyndŵr University
STN Events 1. University of Oxford (29/02/2012) 2. Celtic Manor, Newport (July 2012) 3. University of Wolverhampton (24/05/2013) 4. Celtic Manor, Newport (July 2013) 5. University of Edinburgh (28/02/2014) 6. Celtic Manor, Newport (July 2014) 7. University of Huddersfield (21/11/2014) 8. Bournemouth Arts University (20/03/2015) 9. University of London (22/04/2016) 13 10. Sheffield Hallam University (11/11/2016) 11. University of Surrey (19/05/2017) 12. Online Event (08/12/2017) 13. University of Hull (01/06/2018) 11
SITS Training Forum on MySITS www.mysits.com
SITS Training Forum on MySITS
STN LinkedIn Group
Current Structure: STN Chair SITS Trainers Network Dr. Richard Clark University of London Regional Facilitator London & South of England Carlos Bertrand Arts University Bournemouth Midlands, Wales & West of England Richard Block Aston University M62 Luke Austin Wrexham Glyndŵr University Scottish, SFE & North of England Vacant Ireland Vice-Chair
STN Updates & current interests Our sixth year as a Professional Network. External Presentations at STN Events Chris Sutton (The Training Foundation) TAP Accreditation Assima UK Ltd (Presentation of ‘STT Trainer’) – follow-up: next slide Work on Volume 2 of Collaborative Manual re-launched. Introduction to SITS:Vision Client Server Volume 2 eLearning & eTools: Moodle Blackboard Collaborate Camtasia Studio Snagit Screencast-O-Matic Eesysoft STT Trainer Oracle UPK Articulate Storyline 2 Prezi Google Hangouts Adobe Connect Socrative Cisco Webex Skype for Business
STN Meeting - Assima UK Ltd (29/09/17) Assima UK Ltd: Catherine Thynne and Alastair Smith. STN: Richard Clark (UoL) and John Crofts (Surrey) + UoL staff. Showcased STT Trainer plus their ATS system. STT Trainer: record and edit ‘see it’, ‘try it’, ‘know it’ types of eLearning. ATS: Cloning not screenshot based – far more expensive (~50K licence). Records screen components as a simulation (i.e. of SITS etc). Price offered to SITS Trainers Network (as a collaboration of institutions): £4000 per user, per year for min of 5 users for 3 years (hosted by Assima) £3000 per user, per year for min of 5 users for 3 years (hosted by institution)
Summary of first Online Event (8/12/17) Welcome •Welcome to the SITS Trainers Network Online Event • Brief recap of the SITS Trainers Network and activities to date STN Regional Updates and Activities • Updates on SITS Trainers Network activities & Regional Updates • Minutes and summary of actions from previous event #1 Discussion: Approaches used to deliver SITS training Approaches and tools used by member institutions to deliver SITS training (class-based, eLearning, videos, one-to-one, champions/ambassadors) #2 Discussion: Keeping SITS training up-to-date What methods do we use to keep our training courses/materials up-to-date? #3 Future activities for the SITS Trainers Network AOB & Close #4
Online Event: Whiteboards (Intros)
Online Event: Whiteboards (Discussions) Documentation
Online Event: Polls
Vice Chair & M62 Regional Update A few things to note from most recent RUG and other Tribal led events at Glyndwr University: Tribal showcase of Tribal Edge. Evolution of the product from e:Vision/online to Edge/Mobile has led me to start thinking about training solutions on mobile devices for staff/students and would be interested in any involvement in mobile device responsive training packages that anyone in the network may have used? Maybe Adobe Captivate or other software?
Vice Chair & M62 Regional Update Tribal have implemented the Component Profile on the MySITS website.
Vice Chair & M62 Regional Update
Vice Chair & M62 Regional Update
Previous STN Institution Profile
Vice Chair & M62 Regional Update Given that it is now possible to view other institutions implementations of the SITS system there could be some gains made from using the system to offer training to other sites that have a similar component that you may have written training documents for. Re Glyndwr, Chester University is geographically close enough that a training event could be held on either campus if common ground could be established with the potential to “learning hubs”. Thoughts and opinions sought?
Midlands, Wales & W England Update
Discussion points for the afternoon
11:45 – 12:00 (Refreshments/Break)
[12:00-13:00] Revamping SITS User Training at UoL We’ve recently changed our public & internal ‘name’ (Public name) (Internal / Dept. name) https://london.ac.uk/news-opinion/london-connection/news-brief/thank-you-embracing-our-new-name
Previous SITS training at UoL 2009-2012 ‘SITS Project’ – 1 x dedicated trainer (Richard Clark). Pre Go-Live bespoke training (+ manuals & eLearning) Enquiries, Admissions, Registrations, Fees, Stock Control, Accessibility Manager, Assessments etc. SITS Training environment used, copy of Live with updates + training data (manually configured). Some basic eLearning as precursor to class based sessions. Mostly class-based sessions (1 or ½ day) & workshops/drop-in. Post Go-Live Training Support & Floor Walking support
Previous SITS training at UoL Training role changed after SITS Project completion (2012; 2016). SITS further developed (Assessments; New Programmes). More recently, re-engineering (Admissions, Registration). Challenges in keeping materials up-to-date. Changes not always communicated to trainer, user newsletters distributed upon an upgrade via ‘SITS team’. Champions in each department help new staff upon arrival (localised SITS inductions). Manuals, notes & eLearning have since fallen out-of-date No maintenance of training materials (no resource/capacity) Very few SITS training sessions currently offered.
Time to change/update SITS training During late 2017, Richard Clark met with ‘SITS team’. ‘SITS team’ acknowledged that update-comms had lapsed a little. RC now receives more regular updates. Training environment regularly refreshed/upgraded. RC agreed to re-vamp ‘introductory SITS training’ during Q2/Q3 2018. RC to redevelop further SITS training modules during ‘18/19. Activity Based Working Not all staff are in the office/on-site. Range of technologies used: PC’s Surface Pro’s Other Mobile devices Office 365 / SharePoint etc
Plans to re-vamp training… Q2 (Apr/May/June) Q3 (July/Aug/Sept) Q4 (Oct/Nov/Dec) Review updated SITS functionality for staff users & identify Training Needs Automate import of training data after environment refresh Redevelop Intro to Client Server & Essentials of e:Vision class materials/manual Redevelop interactive eLearning Intro to Client Server & Essentials of e:Vision Launch eLearning courses Maintenance & updates Redevelop notes (tools) and Institution Guides (Applications/Registration) Develop new Essentials of Assessments materials (class-based + eLearning) Launch new course class-based & eLearning
Modernising eLearning for ABW Redevelop interactive eLearning Introduction to Client Server & Essentials of e:Vision
Work so far… (Articulate Storyline)
Work so far… (Articulate Studio)
Work so far… (Articulate Rise)
Articulate Rise in MOODLE - SCORM
Panopto (Recording / Editing)
Panopto (embed in Moodle page)
Discussions: How can we modernise and adapt our training for staff engaged in flexible or Activity Based Working? How do we all keep our materials up-to-date?
13:00 – 14:15 Lunch / Networking Lunch break choices (~20-25 minutes): Tour of the campus Tour of our library (art gallery & city views)
14:15 – 15:30 Updates/Presentations/Discussions [14:15-14:45] Updates & Q&A’s via Tribal Group plc Updates & overview of SITS training provided by Tribal Group plc Q&A’s (themed around training) [Chair: Richard Clark] [14:45-15:30] Discussion & Debate Training topics common to member institutions Topics/issues/ideas to be decided by delegates during the day
[14:15-14:45] Tribal Updates Tribal training for implementation/SITS teams rather than end-user training. Shared training sessions offered: SRL courses via University of Warwick (£250 per person) during April New courses via Northumbria University Foundation SRL: 5th June Practitioner SRL: 6th June Foundation Task Manager: 7th June Practitioner Task Manager: 8th June Uses cloud / vanilla environment Amazon cloud, imported training data, rolled back afterwards Tribal Empower Conference 2018 - June 11-12
Q&A’s (training themed) (Question) What options are available for quickly setting up sample data in SITS before a training session? e.g. I have 10 training sessions running and want to be able to "roll back" the system to the same point before starting each training session [University of Sheffield]
Q&A’s (training themed) (Question) Could an easy-to-use tool be created in the future for trainers so that they are able to import/setup/roll-back various aspects of SITS for training sessions? [STN Committee] What methods are available to help randomise data in specific tables (i.e. for use in training classes, manuals etc). [STN Committee]
Q&A’s (training themed) (Question) As the SITS Trainers Network has been running for 6 years now (voluntarily), would Tribal Group plc be able to offer some financial support to the STN (i.e. poster printing, leaflets for exhibitions, banner stand, web-site hosting, small costs towards events etc)? [STN Committee]
Q&A’s (training themed) (Question) When you have new starters, do you provide SITS training before granting SITS access? If so, how is that training delivered? In person group session, one-on-one or online module? [University of Brighton]
Q&A’s (training themed) (Question) “I’d really like to know more about what Tribal Group plc are doing with regards to GDPR and especially if there is anything we should be passing onto our trainees?” [Sheffield Hallam University] (Answer) Dr. Paul Duller (Information Consultancy Director) GDPR Legislation - blog with resources on the latest legislation and current thinking around GDPR https://gdpr101.wordpress.com https://blog.tribalgroup.com/blog/student-data-and-gdpr-what-are-their-rights
Discussions & Debates [14:45-15:30]
15:30 – 15:45 (Refreshments/Break)
15:45 – 15:55 Future activities for STN Further hosted and online events? Inclusion of Articulate 360 tools and other eLearning. Training presentations/showcases. Profiling skills and training programmes across STN member institutions. Conclude Vol 2 of ‘Introduction to SITS:Vision Client Server’ collaborative publication activity. Plan collaborative case-studies/guides (eLearning)
AOB and Close
Thank you and safe journey home