Magnetism, Electricity & Circuits!!!
A.Magnetism is the properties and interactions of magnets 1. magnet: a material that exerts an attractive force on certain other materials.
2. The earliest magnets were found naturally in the mineral magnetite which is abundant the rock-type lodestone. These magnets were used by the ancient peoples as compasses to guide sailing vessels.
3. Magnets are made of iron, nickel, cobalt …or some material with at least one of these elements.
4. A magnet has two poles: a North Pole and a South Pole 4. A magnet has two poles: a North Pole and a South Pole. If you cut a magnet in half, you do not separate one pole from the other – instead, both new pieces will have a north and south pole. (Draw and label)
5. Magnetic substances like iron, cobalt, and nickel are composed of small areas where the groups of atoms are aligned like the poles of a magnet. These regions are called magnetic domains. All of the domains of a magnetic substance tend to align themselves in the same direction when placed in a magnetic field. These domains are typically composed of billions of atoms.
6. Magnetic Force = is a push or pull exerted by a magnet. If you have ever played with a magnet (who has not???), you observed that it either pushes or pulls on another magnet or metal object…just depends on how you hold it. 6. Magnetic Force = is a push or pull exerted by a magnet.
As discussed earlier…magnets ATTRACT, or pull toward, metal objects made of either iron, nickel or cobalt. a. Between two magnets, the magnetic force depends on how the poles are facing towards each other.
b. By far…a magnet’s force will always be strongest at its poles…however, the magnetic force is not limited to its poles but exists around the magnet via a magnetic field.
c. At the poles of a magnet, the magnetic field lines are closer together.
d. Unlike poles of magnets attract each other and like poles of magnets repel.
https://www. youtube. com/watch Bill Nye: Magnetism—have to watch from Youtube
e. The earth is like a giant magnet! The nickel iron core of the earth gives the earth a magnetic field much like a bar magnet.
7. Magnets can be used to create electricity!