Setting the Scene: Preventing Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers June 16th 2010 Setting the Scene: Preventing Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers Annette Bartley
Setting the context Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB -1000 lives campaign) Releasing Time to Care (RTTC-NLIAH) Transforming Care (1000 Lives plus) Preventing Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers Celebrating the successes and spreading the learning
The Reality in Practice
Transforming Care at the Bedside Launched in 2003, Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) that engages leaders at all levels of the organization to: improve the quality and safety of patient care on medical and surgical units increase the vitality and retention of nurses engage and improve the patient’s and family members’ experience of care improve the effectiveness of the entire care team
TCAB core themes Transformational Leadership Teamwork &Vitality Patient and Family centred care Value-added Care (Lean element) Safety &Reliability Transforming Care spread to Wales as TCAB in 2008 when it was adapted and introduced as a national development initiative forming an integral part of the 1000 Lives Campaign. Whilst aligned to the work of the Campaign, the initiative focused specifically in two pilot sites Conwy & Denbighshire NHS Trust (now Betsi Cadwaladr ULHB) and Hywel Dda NHS Trust, and ABM UHB also focused specifically on the reduce Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers using the SKIN Bundle to simple tool developed by the Ascension Hospital system in the USA
A key feature of the programme was the use of the IHI Model for Improvement. This simple yet powerful tool enables staff to test ideas on a small scale and learn from them in practice before widespread implementation. Some of you will be very familiar with this especially if you have been involved in the 1000 lives campaign. But for those of you that aren’t we will have a session later to-day to expand upon this 6
TCAB Wales In 2008 was adapted and introduced as a national development initiative forming an integral part of the 1000 Lives Campaign. Development initiative Focus on improving patient outcomes and their experience of care Multi-disciplinary team approach Three pilot sites Transforming Care is set apart from traditional quality improvement programmes by its focus on innovation ― generating, testing, and implementing new ideas that dramatically improve outcomes on frontline wards and units. The work undertaken in ABMU which can readily be incorporated into Transforming Care is an excellent example of this.
whilst aligned to the work of the 1000 Lives Campaign, the initiative focused specifically in two pilot sites Conwy & Denbighshire NHS Trust (now Betsi Cadwaladr ULHB) and Hywel Dda NHS Trust, and ABM UHB also focused on the methodology piloting a SKIN bundle to reduce Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers. Please take the opportunity to view the storyboards displayed in the refreshments area, which showcase the work undertaken by all organisations across Wales as part of the Transforming Care initiative.
Preventing Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers
National learning community Transforming Care has developed a vibrant learning community where ideas and changes which will transform patient care that are tested in one site can be shared across the community to accelerate the scale and pace of change, and I’m delighted that today we have the opportunity to learn from the work in ABM University Health Board.
Destination Zero! ‘If you want to build a ship do not gather men together and assign tasks. Instead teach them the longing for the wide endless sea’ (Saint Exupery, Little Prince)
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