Catalog Export / ONIX Klopotek / GTS User Group Annual Meeting October 22-24, 2017
Title Management & Product Marketing Status Today Title Management & Product Marketing
Product Information System Product Agnostic video Online Content CD mp3 tracks games apps magazines Electronic chapters Stationary Broadcasting Services DVD Merchandising books Centralized Product Information System
Product Information System Klopotek Title Management & Product Marketing Title, Subtitle Originators Original Title Copyright & Contracts Edition Kit, Series, Project ISBN / EAN, ISSN, DOI Format, Binding, Medium Language, Images, Extent Costs Prices, Currencies Print Run Royalties Discount Group Classifications Locations, Warehouses Consignment Availability, Inventory Content Contribution, Chapters Images, Parts Gross Margin, Costs, Sales Break Even Estimate Revenue Planning, P&L Index Introduction Content Description Market Analyses Cover, Quotes Centralized Product Information System
Product Information System Klopotek Title Management & Product Marketing catalogs ONIX web sites flyers Centralized Product Information System
ONIX PPM Your choice of titles for a specific aggregator or market ONIX Export Profiles Your choice of titles for a specific aggregator or market ONIX format for chosen market (e.g. NA / BISG Best Practice, or UK / BIC) ONIX codes and classifications (e.g. BISAC, BIC) Title meta data, prices, texts, links to your web sites and cover images PPM ONIX files from one integrated title management and marketing application Flexible data conversion Checked against market standards Quick setup Longstanding expertise from ONIX release 1.0 to release 3.0 Publishers use PPM Title Management to feed their data to a multitude of recipients in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK.
Individual templates behind the scenes Flyers PPM Pull one-off materials directly from the product pool. Power-users can set up new export templates. Conversion based on XML & XSL standards. Publishers may incorporate their design according to their marketing style guide. Data extracts to HTML, text or XML formats. One-off materials for direct use (e.g. printing, PDF-printing, emailing), final finish by your designer, or in-house with MS Office, InDesign, Quark or other tools as needed. Publishers use their own set of templates to create flyers, books-on-display lists, conference special offers, and other one-off materials, and benefit from a streamlined, efficient and easy-to-use process.
Catalogs Title selection Review selection result Define export criteria Choose export template Extract data feed for marketing material PPM Complex marketing materials are arranged in export profiles. Individual title selections using Boolean logic with title and series meta data, prices, pub dates and classifications. Marketing material planning: Upload of individually prepared ISBN lists. Marketing activity log in product pool: record in which material a title was announced. Flexible navigation between marketing export profiles and their allocated titles. Individual user prompts for varying data output: e.g. to choose US or EUR prices for a material, or to indicate discount percentage for materials sent to particular conferences. Catalogs and more complex marketing materials are planned in profiles. Re-usable profiles hold all selection criteria and the individual output template and settings
Websites PPM XML+XSL Select Load Extract Display Web export profile holding the definition for the web data feed. Standard XML export from PPM. Import into web catalog - controlled by web site according to the catalog display and navigation requirements. Export profiles can be set up for different purposes: e.g. for the standard catalog, plus dynamic profiles for special actions (“our most recent titles” or “special price offer”). Increased flexibility based on highly structured data from Title Management. Efficiency boost: no double or manual data entry, but rich title, price and marketing information from PPM.
Future ……
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