Ancient Egypt
The Pharaohs
What was the role of a Pharaoh in ancient Egypt? Egyptian kings were called Pharaohs Pharaoh = “great house” Egyptians believed a strong central leader was needed to make Egypt strong The Pharaoh guided Egypt’s every activity His word was law Pharaohs had officials to oversee things – canals, planting crops, grain storage, collecting taxes Pharaoh was the 1st to cut grain to bring a good harvest, bull ceremony would mean rich soil. Pharaoh was the 1st to cut grain to bring a good harvest He drove a sacred white bull through the streets of the capital city, Memphis. Egyptians believed this ceremony would bring rich soil and good crops.
Life of the Pharaoh in ancient Egypt? The Pharaoh lived with their families in beautiful huge palaces Palaces would include beautiful gardens and pools of water. Servants took care of all their needs Egyptians believed Pharaoh was the son of their sun god, Re Citizens played music when he appeared in public Bystanders were required to bow down and touch their heads to the earth.
Examples of Pharaohs Narmer 3100 B.C. Khufu 2540 B.C. Ahmose 1550 B.C. Believed to be the first Pharaoh to unite Egypt. Wore a double crown to represent Upper and Lower Egypt. Khufu 2540 B.C. The largest and grandest of the pyramids was built for him. Ahmose 1550 B.C. Led a rebellion that drove the Hyksos out of Egypt. Egypt became richer and more powerful. Hatshepsut 1480 B.C. 1st ruled with her husband until his death. Then ruled on behalf of her young nephew. Eventually made herself a Pharaoh. Dressed like a man so as not to appear weak in public. Greatly increased Egypt’s trade, restoring wealth.
Examples of Pharaohs Thutmose III 1479 B.C. Amenhotep IV 1370 B.C. Led an aggressive wars of conquest . Expanded Egypt’s borders Regained control of Nubia. Egypt controlled more territory than any other time before. Amenhotep IV 1370 B.C. Came to power with wife, Nefertiti. Change Egypt’s religion to worship only one god, Aton. Amenhotep changed name to Akhenaton which means ”spirit of Aton.” Egyptian people felt his attacks on the gods was an attack on Egypt. Egypt lost land during his reign.
Examples of Pharaohs Tutankhamen (King Tut) Ramses II 1279 B.C. Became Pharaoh at age 10. Relied on palace officials and priests for help. Restored the old religion. Ruled for only 9 years. Ramses II 1279 B.C. Extremely effective ruler. Launched huge building program and built several major temples. Many temples built by enslaved people captured during war. Last truly great pharaoh of Egypt. Under Ramses, Egypt was so prosperous that 9 other pharaohs took his name. Had more than 100 children.
Egyptian Medicine
Egyptian Medicine Egyptians were very afraid of sickness and disease . They tried to bathe regularly and shaved their entire bodies to avoid sickness and disease. Men and women shaved their heads. Egyptians purified their bodies on a regular basis. They tried to eat a healthy diet that avoided “unclean” animals including fish. Egyptians doctors served as part doctor/shaman (medicine man). They performed healing rituals and recited prayers for the sick. They practiced spiritual healing and medical healing.
How did the Egyptians know so much about the human body?? Egyptians learned much about the human body while embalming the dead. Embalming required cutting open and stitching up the body. Egyptians learned about human organs when they removed them for embalming and burial. Egyptians experimented with herbs and spices to create the most effective preservatives for embalming. Some of the plants which Egyptian doctors used were: boswellia sacra, fennel, thyme, henna, juniper, aloe, flax and the castor oil plant. Many experimental herbs and drugs were used by doctors to treat different illnesses.
How did the Egyptians know so much about the human body?? Egyptian doctors wrote the world’s first medical books on scrolls of papyrus. Egyptian doctors became skillful at stitching up cuts and broken bones. Egyptian doctors began focusing on treating individual parts of the body. This would lead to specialized medicine and doctors. Some Egyptian doctors were the first dentists and pharmacists in history. Egyptian doctors wrote about their medical experiments and techniques.