Overview Greeting (5 min) Warm-up: Two minute lists (5 min) Explain midterm (5 min) Go over the material we learned (5 min) Quote of the Day (15 min) Missing Pieces Dialogue (10 min) BREAK 7. Comparisons (5 min) 9. Conversation War (30 min) 10. Exam review: Final question (10 min)
W6: Midterm Exam Review
Linking and Reduction in Greetings How are you doing? Hower you doin? How’s it going? Howzit goin? What’s up? Wassup? What are you up to? Whacha up to? What’s happening? Was happenin? What’ve you been up to lately? Waduv you benup to lately? How have you been? Howvu been? How’s life treating you? Howz life treatin you? are → er have → v “ing” → “in” /t/ → /d/
Warm-up: “2 Minute Lists” You receive a card. Don’t show your group. Read the title to your group. Describe the word or phrase without using any of the words on the card. ENGLISH ONLY. NO HANDMOTIONS.
Exam Procedure You will be in groups of 3 or 4. You will have 6-8 minutes to have a conversation. Your conversation will take place in the back of the classroom. Make sure you sign in. You will leave directly after the exam. NO TALKING during the exam. NO CELL PHONES during the exam.
6 minute mark: I will raise my hand. 7 minute mark: I will make a “cut” signal. 8 minute mark: I will say stop.
Grading Conversation Skills- 50% General Communicative Ability- 30% Participation and effort- 20% The midterm exam is 25% of your overall grade.
Where we’ve been…
Linking and Reduction in Greetings How are you doing? Hower you doin? How’s it going? Howzit goin? What’s up? Wassup? What are you up to? Whacha up to? What’s happening? Was happenin? What’ve you been up to lately? Waduv you benup to lately? How have you been? Howvu been? How’s life treating you? Howz life treatin you? are → er have → v “ing” → “in” /t/ → /d/
What have you been up to lately? Long time, no see. I know! It’s good to see you! Nice to see you! You too! It’s good to see you. Good to see you too. (You too.) What have you been up to lately? Not much. I have been studying a lot for the TEM4. How have you been? Pretty good. Things are going well. How’s life treating you? Not bad! I’m really enjoying this beautiful weather.
Expressing Opinion Personally I think that… As far as I’m concerned… I believe that… As I see it… I don’t think (that)… I don’t feel that… “That’s my two cents.” Examples: Personally I think that laughter is the best medicine. As far as I’m concerned, running is the best form of exercise. I believe that everyone wants to live in a peaceful world.
Asking for Opinion What do you think? Do/Don't you agree, Amber? Wouldn't you agree, Charles? What’s your opinion?
Agreeing Exactly. Definitely. I completely agree Agreeing Exactly! Definitely! I completely agree. You’re absolutely right! “You hit the nail on the head.” Conceding You may be right about that. You may have something there. You may have a point. That’s true, but on the other hand… Disagreeing I know what you mean, but… I’m not sure I agree with you. I hate to disagree with you but… Some people say…but… A lot of people think…but in reality… I can see your point, but I don't really agree with it. That’s more or less true, but… Convincing/Persuading The fact of the matter is… It’s clear that… It’s obvious that… You can’t deny that… You have to agree that…
Quote of the Day “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” - Sir Ken Robinson Practice using the functions for sharing your opinion, asking for opinion, agreeing, and disagreeing.
Do you understand me? I don’t understand you! Know what I mean? I don’t understand. Do you see what I’m getting at? Could you explain more? What do you mean by…? Am I making myself clear? What does “indubitably” mean? Do you catch my drift? Are you following me? I’m not following you. I understand you! I didn’t hear you! Mmhmm… I’m sorry I didn’t catch that. (Nod head) Can you repeat that? I understand. Sorry, can you say that again? Oh, I see what you’re saying. Got it! (My number is 15036077372.) 1503607….? (Clear?) Clear as a bell. What?
INFORMAL CLOSINGS Pre-closing: Closing: I’m sorry, I have to get going. I have class. I have to catch the bus. I’m meeting up with a friend right now. It’s been good talking with you. It was nice to see you. It was nice to meet you. Glad we got to hang out tonight. It’s been fun. That was fun. We should do it again sometime. Closing: Have a good day/afternoon/night. Catch ya later. See you later. Goodbye. (Bye.) Goodnight. See you later alligator. After while crocodile.
Missing Pieces Dialogue Repair Strategies
SIMILARITIES X and Y are the same. X is as _________as Y. X is just as ________as Y. X and Y both are/have ________. Both X and Y are/have ________. Neither X nor Y are/have ________. Examples: Apples are just as delicious as bananas. Apples and bananas are both good for your health. Neither apples nor bananas are high in calories.
DIFFERENCES X is different than Y. X is _________than Y. X is more/less ________than Y. X is not as _______as Y. X is ________ but/while Y is _______. X is ________ in contrast to Y which is _________. Examples: Noodles are tastier than rice. Noodles are more fattening than rice. Noodles are more popular in the north of China while rice is more popular in the south of China.
How many ways can you compare… a skirt and pair of pants
How many ways can you compare… traveling by train, airplane, or car
Asking for and Giving Advice What do you think I should I do? I’m not sure what to do. Do you have any suggestions? Do you have any recommendations? Do you have any good advice? I think you should _______. I recommend that you ______. I suggest that you _______. Why don’t you ________? Have you thought about ________?
Answer, Add, Ask Practice: Do you think there are advantages to arranged marriage? Answer: (Personally I think… As far as I’m concerned… I don’t think that…) Add: (share more of your thoughts) Ask: (What do you think? What’s your opinion? Do you think there are disadvantages to arranged marriage?)
Conversation War
2 teams compete against each other 1 team will get topic and use as many functions as they can in 2 min Must use 3-4 different people for each conversation Get points based on how many parts of conversation you use
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
What are the good and bad sides of shopping online?
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
During the weekend should a student continue to study or take the time to rest and relax?
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
Is college life easier for boys or girls?
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
What are the best ways for a college student to stay fit and healthy?
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
Should a person limit how much time he/she spends on the computer each day?
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
Is it true that the more friends you have the happier you will be?
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
What kind of television shows are the most interesting?
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
Should college students have romantic relationships?
Did you use…? (+1) Was it…? (-1) Greeting Clear Topic Starter Loud enough to hear Sharing opinion Interesting Asked opinion Agreeing Disagreeing Comparisons Giving advice Repair strategies Closing
Exam Practice
Exam Practice “Poverty with happiness is better than money with tears.” Agree or disagree.