Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases TEKS: HE.7B 11/27/2018
What does it mean to be asymptomatic? What the difference is between Bacterial infections and Viral infections? Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. If treated early enough, there will be no long-term effects. Viral infections can not be treated with antibiotics. Once they are in they body, they don’t go away. Any medication taken is for the symptoms only. The virus will still be there. What does it mean to be asymptomatic? It means there may not be any symptoms, but the infection can still be spread from person to person. Review the difference between bacterial and viral infections. Discuss what it means to be asymptomatic, meaning that an infected person will show no signs of infection or have any other symptoms that indicate an infection. Stress that most STDs are asymptomatic especially in woman because the reproductive organs are located inside the body, whereas males have reproductive organs outside the body. Note that some of the bacteria and viruses discussed in this lesson are infections and some are diseases. We’ll use the terms STD and STI interchangeably. 11/27/2018
People can have and spread an STD even if they have REMEMBER… People can have and spread an STD even if they have NO SYMPTOMS ! Remind students that you may still have an STD and spread it even if you do not have symptoms. 11/27/2018
People can have and spread STDs even if they have Symptoms for People with a Penis Symptoms for People with a Vagina “Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are both bacteria. The symptoms are very similar for everyone. For people with a penis, there can be a discharge from the penis and pain during urination. People with a vagina may have a discharge from their vagina, pain in their lower abdomen. Please let students know that in many cases people do NOT have any symptoms. Please stress that it is important to get a regular STD check if a person is sexually active, have multiple partners or change partners.” People can have and spread STDs even if they have NO SYMPTOMS! 11/27/2018
Chlamydia in Travis County Chlamydia is the most frequently reported bacterial STD in the United States with 1,441,789 cases reported to CDC in 2014. Chlamydia is known as a "silent" disease because the majority of infected people have no symptoms. If untreated, chlamydia infections can progress to serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences. Travis County recorded 7,230 new cases of chlamydia in 2014. The majority of reported chlamydia cases were females (124% more than males) and most were Hispanic (43%). Discuss with students. 11/27/2018
Gonorrhea in Travis County Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported disease in the United States with 350,062 reported in 2014. Travis County reported 2,206 new cases of gonorrhea in 2014. Gonorrhea is most frequently reported among males. African American people have consistently had the highest rates of gonorrhea over the past decade in Travis County. In 2014, the majority of reported gonorrhea cases were diagnosed among people 15 to 29 years old. Discuss with students. 11/27/2018
People can have and spread STDs even if they have Symptoms for People with a Penis Symptoms for People with a Vagina “Trichomonas is a parasite which can be cured with antibiotics. There are usually no symptoms in people with penises. Symptoms in people with vaginas include discharge from the vagina, itching, odor, and many times females DO NOT have any symptoms.” Please stress that it’s healthy vaginas have discharge, but when that discharge changes color, consistency or smell it means something is wrong and it’s time to see a health care provider. Explain to students that everyone is different. People can have and spread STDs even if they have NO SYMPTOMS! 11/27/2018
People can have and spread STDs even if they have Symptoms for People with a Penis Symptoms for People with a Vagina (1st stage) (2nd stage) (1st stage) (2nd stage) “Syphilis is a bacteria. The symptoms for everyone are sores and rash. These do not have to be located in the genital area. Many times with syphilis do not have any symptoms. Syphilis is curable if it is treated early. There are three stages of syphilis. If it is not treated early it can eventually cause brain damage.” People can have and spread STDs even if they have NO SYMPTOMS! 11/27/2018
Syphilis in Travis County Syphilis has often been called "the great imitator" because so many of the signs and symptoms are indistinguishable from those of other diseases. Syphilis can be treated at any stage of the disease, but if left untreated can be fatal. Travis County reported 193 new cases of primary and secondary syphilis in 2014. Primary and secondary syphilis is most frequently reported among males. At the beginning of the decade, cases were most frequently seen in 25-29 year olds. In 2014, that remained true, however there have been increases in every age group over 14 years old. Syphilis statistics in Travis County 11/27/2018
People can have and spread STDs even if they have Symptoms for People with a Penis Symptoms for People with a Vagina “Herpes is a virus that cannot be cured. There are medications that can suppress the outbreaks, but nothing that can cure it. Symptoms include blisters and raw areas, but with many cases there are not any symptoms that appear.” People can have and spread STDs even if they have NO SYMPTOMS! 11/27/2018
People can have and spread STDs even if they have Symptoms for People with a Penis Symptoms for People with a Vagina “HPV is better known as genital warts. HPV is a virus that does not have a cure. Symptoms include warts and bumps, but like many of the other STDs, HPV sometimes does not have symptoms.” People can have and spread STDs even if they have NO SYMPTOMS! 11/27/2018
People can have and spread STDs even if they have Symptoms for People with a Penis Symptoms for People with a Vagina “HIV and AIDS are caused by a virus and cannot be cured, but can be treated. Usually, symptoms do not appear in males or females.” People can have and spread STDs even if they have NO SYMPTOMS! 11/27/2018
HIV in Travis County In 2014, 4,405 people were diagnosed with HIV in Texas. 244 of those were in Travis County In 2014 males accounted for 81.3% of the total HIV cases. In 2014 in Texas, Whites/Other made up 20.9% while African Americans comprised 37.4% and Hispanics comprised 37.5% of new HIV diagnoses. By age group, HIV diagnoses peak in persons 20-29 years old. HIV statistics in Travis County 11/27/2018
AIDS in Travis County In 2014, 2,254 newly diagnosed cases of AIDS were reported in Texas. In 2013, 93% of the newly diagnosed AIDS cases were male. In 2013, 24% were Whites, 48% were African American, and 41% were Hispanic. In 2014 in the United States, the highest rate was for persons aged 45-49 years followed by the rate for persons aged 40-44 years. AIDS statistics in Travis County 11/27/2018
AIDS Opportunistic Infections Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome infections or illnesses that take advantage of a weakened immune system Opportunistic Infections “AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. AIDS doesn’t kill people. AIDS weakens the immune system, which makes the body more susceptible to infections that the body cannot fight off. These infections that take advantage of your weakened immune system are called Opportunistic Infections.” 11/27/2018
The Immune System: Helper T cells: white blood cells that activate the immune response when a pathogen enters the body. Healthy people carry about 500 – 1500 helper T cells in about 20 drops of blood The HIV virus attaches itself to the helper T cells forcing the T cells to make copies of the HIV. This is called replication. “Helper T cells are white blood cells that activate the immune response when a pathogen enters the body. Healthy people carry about 500-1500 of these cells in about 20 drops of blood. The HIV virus attaches itself to helper T cells in order to replicate. When a person’s white blood cell count gets below 200 per milliliter of blood, a person is said to have AIDS.” When a person’s white blood cell count gets below 200 per milliliter of blood, they are said to have AIDS. 11/27/2018
BLOOD Vaginal Fluid semen Breast milk Fluids that transmit the HIV virus: BLOOD Vaginal Fluid Emphasize that saliva is not on the list. semen Breast milk 11/27/2018
How is HIV transmitted? “HIV is not transmitted through food or air (for instance, by coughing or sneezing). There has never been a case where a person was infected by a household member, relative, coworker, or friend through casual or everyday contact such as sharing eating utensils or bathroom facilities, or through hugging or kissing. In the U.S., screening the blood supply for HIV has virtually eliminated the risk of infection through blood transfusions. And because of strict medical precautions, you cannot get HIV from giving blood at a blood bank or other established blood collection center. Mosquitoes, fleas, and other insects do not transmit HIV.” 11/27/2018
with an infected person Sexual activity with an infected person ABSTINENCE is the only 100% effective way to prevent HIV (and all other STDs) through sexual transmission. “HIV can be transmitted through sexual activity with an infected person.” 11/27/2018
with an infected person Sharing needles with an infected person 11/27/2018
injecting drugs or steroids sharing drug equipment or drug solutions sharing objects used for piercing or tattooing blood transfusion “Sharing needles with an infected person is another method of transmission, putting drug addicts, piercing or tattooing and blood transfusions at high risk for transmitting HIV. Due to increased sanitation and awareness about receiving HIV from a blood transfusion, it is very rare in today’s society.” 11/27/2018
Infected mother to infant before or during the birth process or breast feeding “Before or during the birth process, an infected mother can pass HIV on to her infant through vaginal fluids or breast feeding.” 11/27/2018
Testing for HIV: HIV antibodies may be found within 6 – 12 weeks after infected with HIV. “Both methods for testing are blood tests.” In rare cases up to 6 months, for these tests to be accurate. 11/27/2018
When should you get tested for HIV? 2 tests given to test for HIV are: Elisa Test Western Blot Test “A positive result on the ELISA screening test does not necessarily mean that the person has HIV infection. Certain conditions may lead to a false positive result, such as Lyme disease, syphilis, and lupus. A positive ELISA test is always followed by a Western blot test. A positive Western blot confirms an HIV infection. A negative Western blot test means the ELISA test was a false positive test. The Western blot test can also be unclear, in which case more testing is done. Negative tests do not rule out HIV infection. There is a period of time (called the "window period") between HIV infection and the appearance of anti-HIV antibodies that can be measured. If a person might have acute or primary HIV infection, and is in the "window period," a negative HIV ELISA and Western blot will not rule out HIV infection. More tests for HIV will need to be done.” When should you get tested for HIV? 11/27/2018
However… 11/27/2018
process allowing people with HIV to live longer, Even though there is no cure, ARV drugs can slow down the replication process allowing people with HIV to live longer, healthier lives than those who are infected with HIV who are not taking ARV drugs. “There is no cure for AIDS, but there are drugs that can slow down the replication process allowing infected people to stay in the HIV category for a longer period of time.” 11/27/2018
It is VERY important to remember that people infected with HIV who are on ARV drugs can STILL TRANSMIT HIV! “It is important to remember that just because a person may be taking ARV drugs for HIV, they can still transmit HIV to other people.” 11/27/2018
Discuss with the class. 11/27/2018
“STDs: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You or Worse” 11/27/2018