By: Parminder Singh Mike Osorno P.4 Kristallnacht By: Parminder Singh Mike Osorno P.4
After Hitler took power in 1933, he made new laws to get rid of the Jews. Background Okay so after Hitler took power in 1933, he wanted to get rid of the Jews immediately. So he ordered all Jews (This was one of the laws) to carry identification cards. This was so he could identify them because the major plan was yet to take place.
Effects of Hitler’s New Law One of the laws turned out to be a program known as the Kristallnacht. Ernst Von Rath Herschel Grynzpan Effects of Hitler’s New Law Then he forced Jews out of Germany and back to Poland (where they were originally from). One of the people that had to leave was this guy named Zindel Grynzpan. His son (hershel) lived in Paris with his uncle. When he got the news that his parents were forced out of Germany and had to abandon their business (they owned a small convenient store) he wanted to get them back. His plan was to assassinate the German Ambassador but he ended up killing the Third Secretary of the French embassy (ernst von rath) This assisination tipped off Hitler’s Chief of propaganda and he decided to take it out on the Jews. One night he sent mobs throughout German-Jewish cities in Germany and the mobs burnt all of the Jews’ houses, businesses, and even killed some Jews
Statistics of the Kristallnacht During the two nights, approximately 90 Jews were killed, 7,500 homes and businesses were burned, and 250 synagogues were burnt down. Statistics of the Kristallnacht First intial attch was on November 9-10 but there were more attacks spread out Synagogues are where Jews meet up for religious worship it mtranslates into “house of assembly”
Jews were increasingly loosing rights and got no help from any country, to where they could go for help. Aftermath Throughout the months that passed after the Kristallnacht, Jews were getting pushed out of Germany and getting sent into concentration camps. This of course later led into World War 2 where Hitler committed a genocide against them (the Jews)
Etymology “Night of Broken Glass” It is also referred to as the night of broken glass because that was symbolic towards the glass that was left of the buildings and houses that were burnt down of the Jews. It was the only thing people saw on the streets other than the kristallnacht taking place ORIGIN
Overview Hitler rose to power. The assassination of the Third Secretary. The Kristallnacht. Overview Okay so after Hitler took power in 1933, he wanted to get rid of the Jews immediately. So he ordered all Jews (This was one of the laws) to carry identification cards. This was so he could identify them because the major plan was yet to take place. Then he forced Jews out of Germany and back to Poland (where they were originally from). One of the people that had to leave was this guy named Zindel Grynzpan. His son (hershel) lived in Paris with his uncle. When he got the news that his parents were forced out of Germany and had to abandon their business (they owned a small convenient store) he wanted to get them back. His plan was to assassinate the German Ambassador but he ended up killing the Third Secretary of the French embassy (ernst von rath) This assisination tipped off Hitler’s Chief of propaganda and he decided to take it out on the Jews. One night he sent mobs throughout German-Jewish cities in Germany and the mobs burnt all of the Jews’ houses, businesses, and even killed some Jews November 9-10 Synagogues are where Jews meet up for religious worship it mtranslates into “house of assembly” Throughout the months that passed after the Kristallnacht, Jews were getting pushed out of Germany and getting sent into concentration camps. This of course later led into World War 2 where Hitler committed a genocide against them (the Jews)
“Kristallnacht: Background & Overview. ” Jewish Virtual Library “Kristallnacht: Background & Overview.” Jewish Virtual Library. October 22, 2013 Bodeeb Julia. “Kristallnacht: 70th Anniversary.” Yahoo Voices. October 22, 2013 Works Cited (if listed) Author (last, first). “Article Title.” Website Name. Date of access.