Warm up What are some symbols of American culture? What do you think of when you hear the word “Europe”? What European countries can you name? What are popular tourist areas in Europe? How do most tourist travel through travel?
Cultural Differences Between Europe & America 100 year old church is old to Americans/ new to Europeans US: Ancient = 200yrs Europe: Ancient = 2000 yrs Americans drive large, boxy, automatic cars. Europeans drive small, round, manual cars Why?
Cultural Differences Between Europe & America Washing machines only have cold water in Europe Small refrigerators (market every day) No baby showers or bachelorette parties in Europe Schools and universities are “FREE” in many European countries No prom night Europeans speak 2-4 languages
Cultural Differences Between Europe & America Americans marry & divorce more Europe’s most popular sports: football (soccer), tennis, cycling & formula 1 USA most popular sports: baseball, basketball, American football & ice hockey
Hope for the future or threat to European culture? Refugee Crisis
Where do the refugees come from?
1. What potential problems will the refugees cause? 2. Is there a moral responsibility to help refugees? 3. Should there be any requirements for refugees to enter a country? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvOnXh3NN9w Syria: In a nutshell
So what? (answer in notes) 4. Do you think the refugees pose a serious threat to core German culture (remember the article we read about Canada)? 5. If you were the chancellor of Germany, what would you do? So what? (answer in notes)
K Only In groups of 3, each student will read an article and fill out the following in their notes: You should have a Cause/Effect in your notes for each article Article One Article Two Article Three Cause Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3
K Only - Daily Grade: On a separate piece of paper, answer the following question in complete sentences 10pts Discussion Question: Should Germany continue to accept refugees or should they close their borders? Why or Why not? Create a t-chart Yes/No and write down 3 good points for each side using facts from the articles to support your answer (90 points) 1. 2. 3. Yes : Germany Should continue to accept refugees because... No : Germany should close its borders to refugees because…
L- Only Copy the next 3 slides into your notes Refugee Crisis Cause 1 Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3
Cause/Effects of Refugees Cause: Large numbers of refugees are welcomed in Germany Effect: Workers for Labor shortage in German Industries because of negative population growth and Germans prefer to go to University instead of into trade occupations Effect: After 3 months, refugees may work For the first 15 months, they must prove no unemployed EU citizen wants their job – usually feasible Integrating unskilled refugees is harder than skilled or educated refugees
Cause/Effects of Refugees Cause: Large numbers of refugees enter Germany Effect: Strain on German infrastructure Border Control issues Effect: Process the refugees Speedy deportation of migrants for economic reasons instead of seeking asylum from persecution of war Effect: Housing – temporary shelters Effect: School – need teachers and students may not speak German
Cause/Effects of Refugees Cause: Large number of refugees do not have proper health care Effect: Public Health Crisis Diseases are reappearing that have not been seen in years: diphtheria, Ebola, hepatitis, malaria, measles etc. 20 types of vaccines are in short supply Effect: Cultural differences cause issues with care: Language barriers & Muslim women/men do not want to be seen by doctors of opposite sex Effect: German taxpayers pay for healthcare of asylum seekers
What is Propaganda? A form of communication aimed towards influencing peoples attitudes toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Statements may be partly false and partly true. Usually it is repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order reach a large audience. How has propaganda influenced Western Europe in the past?
Assignment (L) Assessment Grade Create a propaganda poster which is either for or against migration to Germany. Posters must include a catch phrase/slogan (20 points) a hand-drawn, colored illustration (30 points) a 3-5 sentence SS paragraph which explains the political viewpoint represented in the poster on the back. (50 points) **All posters must be school appropriate