Special Education “Huddle” December 2, 2014
December 2, 2014 Special Education “Huddle” 11/27/2018 December 2, 2014 Special Education “Huddle” Good Morning and Welcome! We will begin the Huddle shortly. Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 URL http://connect.enetcolorado.org/data_services/ Goal: Provide a weekly forum to answer LEA questions on Special Education Data Reporting. Support at: datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones) many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you
Agenda Special Education December Count Student 11/27/2018 Agenda Special Education December Count Student Pupils Attendance Information Codes Allowable Eligible Facilities Educational Orphans Detention Centers Funding Educational Environment Codes Primary Providers Parentally Placed in Private School Exceptions Grades
11/27/2018 Who Is Reported in the Special Education December Count and What Data Requirements are Fulfilled by the collection ?
Reporting Students with a Disability Report All students on an IEP who receive special education or related services in your Administrative Unit Resident students who are eligible for special education and related services regardless of where they receive services Resident student(s) who are parentally placed in a private school and do not receive any services from your or any other Administrative Unit If you are unsure about whether or not to report a particular student please send us an email with the specific circumstances of that student and we will let you know if they should be reported on your December Count Student So who should be reported on the December Count Student collection. All students on an IEP who receive special education or related services in your Administrative Unit Resident students who are eligible for special education and related services regardless of where they receive services Resident student(s) who are parentally placed in a private school and do not receive any services from your or any other Administrative Unit We want to particularly stress that if you are unsure about whether or not to report a particular student please send us an email with the specific circumstances of that student and we will let you know if they should be reported on your December Count.
Pupil’s Attendance Information (PAI) The next few slides will cover the Pupil’s Attendance Information field in more depth.
Pupil’s Attendance Information (PAI) When in doubt, email us! Please remember to include the following information in your email: How did the student get-----(there)? Is the student on an IEP? What type of setting is the student in? How was the student placed in this setting ? Who is providing the services? Who is paying for the services? How did the student get-----(there)? Is the student on an IEP? What type of setting is the student in (e.g. Residential or attending the DHH program in Adams 12)? How was the student placed in this setting (e.g. placed by the courts or IEP team decision)? Who is providing the services? Who is paying for the services (e.g. Adams 14 is paying tuition to Adams 12 for the services at the DHH program)? Having the answers to some of these questions included in your email question to us will significantly reduce the response time.
11/27/2018 PAI Coding Facts PAI code is a 2 digit code and collected in the December Count Snapshot only. There are 2 types of PAI codes: A codes and B codes. On December Count, students part of a contractual agreement should be reported by both the AU of attendance and the AU of residence. The AU of attendance should report an A code and the AU of residence a corresponding B code. Refer to PAI code chart to determine appropriate codes to use. http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/decembercount2014paicodes PLEASE PRINT AND KEEP HANDY Posted under Interchanges/Special Education IEP-Additional Resources Use an appropriate A PAI Code for a student who is ATTENDING a school/educational program within your AU. Use an appropriate B PAI Code for a student who RESIDES within your AU, but is attending a school/educational program outside your AU. The A and B codes are reciprocal, so two AUs can’t both report A codes for the same student and vice versa with B codes. 10
Pupils Attendance Information Pupil’s Attendance Information – For each record submitted provide a code from either the A code list or the B code list: A – District of ATTENDANCE. Pupils Attending an Educational Program Operated by the Reporting Administrative Unit, including students served under Schools of Choice and on a tuition contract. B – District of RESIDENCE. Resident Pupils Attending an Educational Program Not Operated by the Reporting Administrative Unit. Do not include students served by another administrative unit under Public Schools of Choice, even if you are paying tuition. 11
11/27/2018 13
Pupils Attendance Information A Side Administrative Units Use Codes 01-17 State Operated Programs Must use code 19 Students served by Admin Unit and SOP Two entities must determine who is eligible for funding Administrative Units Use Codes 01-17 State Operated Programs Must use code 19 Students served by Admin Unit and SOP Two entities must determine who is eligible for funding
A Side: In-District 01 – Resident, Designated School Attends district school within students attendance area Attends AU/member district operated center based or alternative program Student receives homebound/hospital services 02 – Resident (Open Enrollment) Parent or student has chosen to attend a district school outside student’s attendance area 03 – Resident, Non-District Site - Within a member district of the AU Student is an infant on an IFSP Student is served in a private preschool on an IEP Student is served in a non-district Head Start program 08 – Resident, Non-Choice Detained in a detention center Attends an expelled student program at a district site Attends Ridgeview Academy (DPS only) Committed at Robert Denier Detention Center (San Juan BOCES only) Held in a jail/other facility for the detention of adult offenders pending criminal proceedings as an adult 01 – Resident, Designated School - Within a member district Attends district school within students attendance area Attends AU/member district operated center based or alternative program Student receives homebound/hospital services DOA and DOR must both be member districts of AU 02 – Resident (Open Enrollment) - Within a member district of the AU Parent or student has chosen to attend a district school outside student’s attendance area 03 – Resident, Non-District Site - Within a member district of the AU Student is an infant on an IFSP Student is served in a private preschool on an IEP Student is served in a non-district Head Start program DOR and DOA must both be member districts of the AUS 08 – Resident, Non-Choice – Within a member district Student is detained in a detention center Student attends an expelled student program at a district site Student attends Ridgeview Academy (DPS only) Student committed at Robert Denier Detention Center (San Juan BOCES only) Student is held in a jail/other facility for the detention of adult offenders pending criminal proceedings as an adult DOR and DOA must both be member districts of AU
A Side: Out-of-District 04 – Non-Resident, Choice (Public Schools of Choice) Attends a district school or program under the Public Schools of Choice Law (C.R.S. 22-36-101 et. Seq.) Enrolled in an on-line program or school Resides in another state Attends Rocky Mountain Deaf School (Jeffco only) Student is a foreign exchange student 05 – Non-Resident, Non-Choice Only for Students publicly placed Lives in a group home Attends Ridgeview Academy (DPS only) Committed at Robert Denier Detention Center (San Juan BOCES only) Lives in a residential facility that does NOT have an on-grounds school Held in a jail/other facility for the detention of adult offenders pending criminal proceedings as an adult. 11 – Non-Resident, Detention Center 04 – Non-Resident, Choice (Public Schools of Choice) – Outside the AU Student attends a district school or program under the Public Schools of Choice Law (C.R.S. 22-36-101 et. Seq.) Student enrolled in an on-line program or school Student resides in another state Student attends Rocky Mountain Deaf School (Jeffco only) Student is a foreign exchange student Reported by the DOA only. May not be equal to DOR 05 – Non-Resident, Non-Choice – Outside the AU of Attendance Only for Students publicly placed Student lives in a group home Student attends Ridgeview Academy (DPS only) Student committed at Robert Denier Detention Center (San Juan BOCES only) Student lives in a residential facility that does NOT have an on-grounds school Student held in a jail/other facility for the detention of adult offenders pending criminal proceedings as an adult. DOA must be a member district of AU. May not be equal to DOR 11 – Non-Resident, Detention Center – Outside the AU See list on page 8 of the Special Education December Count Student Data Elements and Definitions https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/appendix_spdstuddefs_2011.pdf DOA must be a member district of AU. May not be equal to DOR.
A Side: Out-of-District (Cont’d) 12 – Non-Resident, Administrative Unit Placement Student placed in a program on the basis of a tuition contract Student attends Medical Day Treatment Program at the Children’s Hospital (Aurora only) 12 – Non-Resident, Administrative Unit Placement Student placed in a program on the basis of a tuition contract Student attends Medical Day Treatment Program at the Children’s Hospital (Aurora only) DOA must be a member district of AU. May not be equal to DOR
A Side: Parentally Placed in Private School 14 – Resident, Private/Parochial School, Served at District Site Legal residence within the AU Parentally Placed in a Private/Parochial school within the boundaries of the AU 15 – Non-Resident, Private/Parochial School, Served at District Site Legal residence outside the AU 16 – Resident, Private/Parochial School, Non-District Site 17 – Non-Resident, Private/Parochial School, Non-District Site Legal residence outside the AU. 14 – Resident, Private/Parochial School, Served at District Site Student’s legal residence within the AU Student Parentally Placed in a Private/Parochial school within the boundaries of the AU DOR and DOA must both be member districts of AU 15 – Non-Resident, Private/Parochial School, Served at District Site Student’s legal residence outside the AU Student Parentally Placed in a Private/Parochial school within the boundaries of the AU DOA must be a member district of AU. May not be equal to DOR 16 – Resident, Private/Parochial School, Non-District Site DOR and DOA must both be member districts of the AU 17 – Non-Resident, Private/Parochial School, Non-District Site Student’s legal residence outside the AU. DOA must be a member district of the AU. May not be equal to DOR.
A Side: State Operated Program Only used by the State Operated Programs to report the students they are serving Students may also be reported by the AU of Residence with a PAI Code of 32. 19 – State Operated Program Only used by the State Operated Programs to report the students they are serving Students may also be reported by the AU of Residence with a PAI Code of 32. DOA and DOR must be zero-filled
Pupils Attendance Information B Side Admin Units/SOPs Use Codes 22-32 Report students based on where they receive their educational services Admin Units/SOPs Use Codes 22-32 Report students based on where they receive their educational services
B Side: Out-of-District 22 – Licensed Eligible Facility or State Operated Program Attending On-Grounds School Publicly placed in a licensed facility with an approved on-grounds educational program including: Residential child care facilities (RCCF) Day treatment centers Residential treatment centers Secure residential treatment centers and specialized group facilities licensed by Social Services Hospitals licensed by the Colorado Department of Health 23 – Licensed Facility, Attending Public School Publicly placed in a licensed facility (e.g. Residential Child Care Facility (RCCF), Day Treatment Center) or Group Home and is attending a public school’s educational program OUTSIDE the DOR. 24 – Court-Mandated Juvenile Detention Detained in a short-term placement at a juvenile detention center OUTSIDE the AU of Residence to fulfill a court mandate and the educational services are being provided by the AU in which the detention center is located. NOTE: Youth committed to long-term facilities should be reported by the AU with a PAI code of 32. These students will also be reported by the Division of Youth Corrections with a PAI code of 19. 22 – Licensed Eligible Facility or State Operated Program Attending On-Grounds School Publicly placed in licenses facility with an approved on-grounds educational program including: Residential child care facilities (RCCF) Day treatment centers Residential treatment centers Secure residential treatment centers and specialized group facilities licensed by Social Services Hospitals licensed by the Colorado Department of Health DOR must be a member district of AU. DOA must be zero-filled 23 – Report students based on where they receive their educational services Publicly placed in a licensed facility (e.g. Residential Child Care Facility (RCCF), Day Treatment Center) or Group Home and is attending a public school’s educational program OUTSIDE the DOR. DOR must be a member district of AU. DOA must NOT be a member district. 24 – Court-Mandated Juvenile Detention Detained in a short-term placement at a juvenile detention center OUTSIDE the AU of Residences to fulfill a court mandate and the educational services are being provided by the AU in which the detention center is located. NOTE: Youth committed to long-term facilities should be reported by the AU with a PAI code of 32. These students will also be reported by the Division of Youth Corrections with a PAID code of 19.
B Side: Out-of-District (Cont’d) 27 – Non-Public School (Contractual Agreement) Publicly placed attending an educational program administered by a non-public school (e.g. students attending a private or a special education program in a non-public school.) AU/local school district CONTRACTS with non-public school to provide educational services Not to be used if attending a non-public school and educational services are provided by AU 28 – Outside of Colorado, Public Education Agency Attending an educational program OUTSIDE of Colorado operated by a school district or other public agency based on CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT 29 – Outside of Colorado, Non-Public School Attending educational program OUTSIDE of Colorado administered by a non-public school based on a CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT (e.g. students attending private or parochial schools, or special education programs in a non-public school. 30 – Colorado Public Agency (Contractual Agreement) Attending an educational program INSIDE Colorado operated by a public agency (e.g. non-district HEAD Start, County, Judicial, Higher Education (pre-K-12 program operated by an Institution of Higher Ed.)) 27 – Non-Public School (Contractual Agreement) Public placed attending an educational program administered by a non-public school (e.g. students attending a private or a special education program in a non-public school.) AU/local school district CONTRACTS with non-public school to provide educational services Not to be used if attending a non-public school and educational services are provided by AU DOR must be a member district of AU. DOA must be zero-filled 28 – Outside of Colorado, Public Education Agency Attending an educational program OUTSIDE of Colorado operated by a school district of other public agency based on CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT DOR must be a member district of AU. DOA must be a valid state code. 29 – Outside of Colorado, Non-Public School Attending educational program OUTSIDE of Colorado administered by a non-public school based on a CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT (e.g. students attending private or parochial schools, or special education programs in a non-public school. DOR must be a member district of AU. DOA must be a valid state code. 30 – Colorado Public Agency (Contractual Agreement) Attending an educational program INSIDE Colorado operated by a public agency (e.g. non-district HEAD Start, County, Judicial, Higher Education (pre-K-12 program operated by an Institution of Higher Ed.))
B Side: Out-of-District (Cont’d) 31 – Administrative Unit (Contractual Agreement) Attends an educational program operated by ANOTHER AU based on a TUITION AGREEMENT Include students tuitioned to Aurora who attend the Medical Day Treatment Program at the Children’s Hospital (AU of Residence) Do NOT include students publicly placed in a licensed facility – see PAI Codes 22 and 23 31 – Administrative Unit (Contractual Agreement) Attends an educational program operated by ANOTHER AU based on a TUITION AGREEMENT Include students tuitioned to Aurora and attend the Medical Day Treatment Program at the Children’s Hospital (AU of Residence) Do NOT include students publicly placed in a licensed facility – see PAI Codes 22 and 23 DOR must be a member district of AU. DOA must NOT be a member district.
B Side: State Operated Program Receives educational services from one of the four State Operated Programs Department of Corrections Division of Youth Corrections Colorado Mental Health Institute - Pueblo The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind NOTE: These students will also be reported by the State Operated Program with a PAI Code of 19 32 – State Operated Program Receives educational services from one of the four State Operated Programs Department of Corrections Division of Youth Corrections Pueblo Mental Health Institute The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind NOTE: These students will also be reported by the State Operated Program with a PAI Code of 19 DOR must be a member district of AU. DOA must be zero-filled.
Eligible Facilities What is an Eligible Facilities Code? A unique code assigned to an eligible facility (approved on-grounds educational program) by CDE Where can I find a list of eligible facility/detention codes? Allowable Setting Codes for Eligible Facilities http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/org_facility-stateoperated Please download the Allowable Eligible Facility Codes list for your reference
Detention Centers Students detained on December 1st must be reported on the December Count It is the responsibility of the Administrative Unit where the Detention Center is located to: obtain a list of all SPED students who were in the Detention Center as of December 1st notify each student’s District of Residence (DOR) Pupils held in these centers may be included in the pupil count by the DOR if: - Pupil was in attendance in the current school year preceding the count date - Pupil has not withdrawn from the district of residence - Resident district received notification from district in which the detention center is located verifying pupil was in the center on count day Students not in attendance in the current year preceding the count date are eligible to be counted if the DOR is also the district where the detention center is located. The district where the detention center is located (DOA) may count a pupil that is not eligible to be counted by the DOR Do NOT count detention center pupils as facility placed students REFERENCE: CSBOE Rule 2254-R-5.16 NOTES: often times students in Detention Centers are reported by 3 different entities (DOR, District where Detention Center is located and DYC) which results in them being included in your duplication report. You can proactively research the circumstances prior to submitting your December Count to ensure that the proper entity has reported the students DETAINED in Detention Centers , with the appropriate PAI and funding codes. If a student is COMMITTED, he/she should be reported by DYC and NOT where the Detention Center is located.
Funding Status 50 – Eligible for ECEA Funding PAI Codes:01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 11, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 51 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding, Lapsed IEP PAI Codes: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 11, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 52 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding PAI Codes: 23, 24, 32 53 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding, Tuition Contract PAI Code: 12 54 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding, Private School PAI Codes: 14, 15, 16, 17 55 – Not Eligible for ECEA Funding, Detained Student PAI Code: 11
Setting Codes What is a Setting Code? 3 digit code representing the major instructional setting (more than 50 % of the student’s education program) Where can I find the codes and How do I know which Setting Code to Use? http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/decembercounteducationalenvironments2014 How do they relate to Allowable Eligible Facilities? Special Education December Student Allowable Setting Codes for Eligible Facilities Setting Code – 3 digit code representing the major (more than 50 percent of the student's special education program) instructional setting. Birth through Two Codes 101-107 Ages Three Through Five Codes 204 - 212 Ages Six to Twenty-one Codes 301 - 308
Educational Orphan For all students, indicate whether the student is an “educational orphan” (state statute 22-20-114(1)(a)(1)(b)). In order to be identified as an educational orphan, the child is one with a disability whose parental rights have been relinquished by the parent parental rights have been terminated by the court parents are incarcerated parents cannot be located parents reside out of the state and placement was made by the Department of human Services within the Administrative Unit student is legally emancipated (state statute 22-20-114(1)(a)(1)(b)). For all students, indicate whether the student is an “educational orphan” (state statute 22-20-114(1)(a)(1)(b)). In order to be identified as an educational orphan, the child is one with a disability whose parental rights have been relinquished by the parent parental rights have been terminated by the court parents are incarcerated parents cannot be located parents reside out of the state and placement was made by the Department of human Services within the Administrative Unit student is legally emancipated Reference page 20 of the “Special Education December Count Student Data Elements and Definitions” for allowable codes https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/appendix_spdstuddefs_2011.pdf Reference “Listing of Residential Facilities in the boundaries of each AU” https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/spd_ed_orphans.pdf
Parentally Placed in Private School For all students, indicate whether the student is placed by his/her parents in a private or parochial school. If the child is attending a private school, indicate whether or not he/she is receiving services on an ISP. 34 CFR 300.129 through 300.44
Provider Information Provide EDID for student’s Primary Provider/Service Coordinator EDID must be included on student records with a Job Class Code of 202 or 238 who provide either direct or indirect services For additional information, see the Personnel Training Webinar on-line
Exceptions http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_sped-december Before requesting an exception, please double check that your data accurately reflect the circumstances of the student being reported. http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_sped-december INSTRUCTIONS Grade to Age Please do not include both names and sasids in your email communications to us regarding particular students or scenarios. Please use just the sasid to refer to a student when emailing us questions.
Grade Level Grade Level MUST be within the grade range of the school Must match the grade level of the Primary and Secondary Provider’s grade levels reported Please pay special attention to the students grade levels. The grade level MUST be within the grade range of the school or you will get an error. As part of the grade case load match, it will be necessary to make sure that the records in the staff files for the primary and secondary providers listed in the student files reflect the exact grade levels for the students they are serving.
SPECIAL EDUCATION DECEMBER COUNT TIMELINE Due Dates What is Due October 1, 2014 Interchanges may be submitted November 12, 2014 Collection Opens Staff and IEP File must be submitted December 8, 2014 Create your First Special Education December Count Snapshot December 17, 2014 90% of your total record count for Staff and Student must be passed Interchange Validations January 7, 2015 Complete Snapshot – Passing all Interchange & Snapshot validations January 14, 2015 Complete Snapshot & Approve – send in signed Staff & Student Data Validity Certification Reports January 15, 2015 – February 3, 2015 Duplicate Process underway February 5, 2015 All Final reports signed and submitted. Data Submitted to CDE http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/decemberct2014timeline
Special Education December Count Contact Information Kristi Gleason SPED December Count collection coordinator 303-866-4620 – gleason_k@cde.state.co.us SPED December Count Data Team Members: Lindsey Heitman 303-866-5759 – heitman_l@cde.state.co.us Orla Bolger 303-866-6896 – bolger_o@cde.state.co.us For technical support questions, please email datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us and remember to cc the SPED December Count data team.
Thank you for joining us today!