2018-19 Tentative Budget Presented by: Mark Mathers, Chief Financial Officer Mike Schroeder, Budget Director April 10, 2018
Agenda for Tentative Budget General Fund Update on General Fund Structural Deficit (adjusted for certain base budget changes and other changes) Action on Budget Recommendations Review of General Fund Sources and Applications Other District Funds 2
Action Items Needed Today for General Fund 1 Take action on Recommended Reductions Approve, approve as modified or not accept Take action on the one item with No Recommendation (Internal Auditor) Take action on Budget Additions Confirm use of fund balance to cover deficit, or direct staff to seek additional reductions 2 3 4 3
General Fund Deficit and Budget Recommendations 4
General Fund (in Millions) Structural Deficit FY19 General Fund (in Millions) FY18 Structural Deficit Carryforward ($16.6) Revenue Increases $3.3 Employee Salary Increments & Health Ins ($10.0) Salary & Benefit Basis Adj $4.9 Other Operating Increases ($1.8) Special Education Transfer $1.8 Structural Deficit Before Rebase/Contras $ (18.4) 5
Required Action Base budget reductions have reduced the deficit to $9.2 million. At that amount, without additional action by the Board, the District will: Fail to comply with the new Board Policy to have a structurally balanced budget by FY21 Deplete almost all of our fund balance by FY21. 6
Action Item #1 – Budget Reductions Budget reductions were proposed by departments and represent management’s professional judgment on how to achieve savings with the least impact. Reductions were then scored by Financial Review Committee with Leadership Team overview based on assessment of the degree of impact in relation to following criteria: Alignment with District’s strategic plan Degree of impact to direct instruction Risk assessment Fiscal impact Availability of alternative delivery service Perceived results of program 7
Where & How Do We Reduce Costs? 8 rev.
Addressing the Budget Deficit Budget Reductions Do NOT Equate to Service Level Reductions Grant Funds Reallocation of Staff to Proper Fund Shifts to Other Funds Process Improvements / Work-Around’s Review of Other Agencies’ Approaches Use of Different Service Delivery Model New job application software (Applitracks) may allow reduction of HR and Position Control staff in FY 2020 Reductions Through Greater Use of Automation Central services reductions Increases to walk zones Professional development & training Tolerable Reductions to Service Levels 9
Major Budget Recommendations Total of $4.2 million of reductions identified, in addition to $9.2 million in base budget reductions and contra accounts Deletion of Positions 6.05 positions shifted from General Fund to other funds 30.12 positions beginning in FY19 2.00 positions identified for FY20 Reduce District travel budgets by 50% Increase ES and MS walk zones by ¼ mile – reduction of 8-10 drivers Further reductions of operating budgets 10
Transition Plan for Deleted Positions The preliminary budget identifies positions that are proposed to be eliminated by Fiscal Year 2020-21. Some of these flagged positions are currently occupied by an employee(s). For incumbents in these positions, below is a summary of the process that is recommended to the Board: Professional-Technical and Educational Support Professional Positions For Pro-Tech and ESP employees in one of these flagged positions, if that position or a comparable positon becomes vacant prior to FY 2020-21, the position would be eliminated and negotiated agreements would be followed. Human Resources and Labor Relations will assist employees to find other positions. If there are no vacancies in a flagged position by FY2020-21, there would be a reduction in force in FY2020-21 following the negotiated agreements. 11
Transition Plan for Deleted Positions Certified Positions Certified staff in one of these flagged positions would go through the regular transfer and overage process for open positions as outlined in the negotiated agreement. Historically, the high turnover rates of certified positions for the District has allowed teachers to fill positions that have been vacated because of retirements and separations. 12
Changes to Feb. 28 Recommendations Base Budget Adjustments Upon further review, base budget adjustments in certain areas are not available and have been reversed (ROTC, Family School Partnerships, MTSS, Parent U., etc.) In reviewing trends for energy prices, we reduced our base budget adjustment for fuel costs (gas) down from a reduction of $400,000 to only $50,000 Recommendations for Budget Reductions Removed proposal to reduce 4.5 FTE counselor positions (although this proposal would have maintained at least one counselor per ES) 2% additional cuts to Board/Superintendent Budget Additions Added Fingerprint Technician position Modified bond personnel cost 13
Updates to Revenue Projections Property Taxes (District keeps 2/3 of 75-cent operating rate) State’s Pro Forma Projection is higher than our projection in February Results in $697,211 in greater revenues for FY19 Government Services Tax For FY18, currently tracking at 10+ % year-over-year growth This increases the base for FY19, but we still assume +5% growth. Adds $614,568 to revenue projection 14
Summary of Budget Recommendations by Office 15
Reductions by Functional Area Figures shown do not include “contra” adjustments for salary savings. 16 rev.
Recommendations by Functional Area Overall, Central Services/Administration is proposed to be cut 7.4%, the largest cut for any area. 16.2
Proposed Reductions in Instruction EL Program Total of 136.5 EL teachers in FY18 budget Benchmarking results to CCSD $1,237 per student vs. $223 per student New Service Delivery Model Site Facilitators + training of general ed teachers Ultimately shift from strict staffing ratio model to needs based Staffing may increase based on actual EL enrollments in 2018-19 16.3
Proposed Reductions in Instruction GT Program Total of 52 GT teachers Reduction of 2 FTE equates to a 4% reduction 1 FTE is a GT coordinator 1 FTE based on reduced enrollment in SWAS Depending on GT enrollment and based on adjusted State staffing guidelines, total GT staffing may increase or be flat in 2018-19. 16.4
Structural Budget Deficit FY19 (in millions) General Fund Revenue $ 463.4 M Expenditures (before rebase/contras) ($481.8)M Structural Budget Deficit (before rebase/contras) ($ 18.4 M) Budget Rebase and Use of Contras $ 9.2 M Structural Budget Deficit before Reductions ($ 9.2)M Recommended Reductions $ 4.2 M Deficit (before Additions) ($ 5.0)M 17
General Fund Budget with Recommendations 18
Future Years Additional reductions will be necessary in FY20 and FY21 to reach a structurally balanced budget by FY21. Without these additional reductions, we will draw down our fund balance to below $9 million. 19
Addressing the Budget Deficit In order to meet the Board’s target of a structurally balanced budget by FY21, future reductions will be necessary. 20
Future Structural Deficits 21
Take action on the one item with No Recommendation (Internal Auditor) Action Item #2 – Take action on the one item with No Recommendation (Internal Auditor) 22
Action Item #2 Internal Audit Position The Internal Audit Function reports directly to the Board. An internal auditor position is currently vacant and a decision to keep or eliminate the position is necessary as part of the budget process. The position is utilized to perform risk based audits to ensure cost efficiency and effective management for District operations and student activities by offering solution based recommendations. Through 2015 the department has made recommendations to save the District $3 million. Internal auditor positions were reduced from 4 to 3 positions in FY18. 23
Action Item #3 – Take action on Budget Additions Approve, approve as modified or not accept 24
Additional Budget Requests Action Item #3 25
Action Item #4 – Confirm use of fund balance to cover deficit, or direct staff to pursue additional reductions 26
General Fund Summary Information (Does not include budget reductions other than Base Budget changes) 27
FY 18-19 General Fund Revenues ($463.4 Million) 28
FY 18-19 DSA Per Pupil Funding ($5,737) 29
Enrollment History 30
FY 18-19 General Fund Expenditures ($472.6 Million) 31
General Fund Expenditures The preceding slide reflects that 71.29% of our expenditures are going to schools in the following categories: Regular, Special, Vocational, Other and Co-Curricular Instruction Student Support and Instructional Staff Support $42.3M of the $46.5M Transfers goes to Special Education. Student Transportation 3.52% is for buses, fuel and bus drivers/staff for students. Operations and Maintenance 10.14% is for Utilities, Custodians, School Police for primarily our schools. School Administration 7.50% is for Principals, Assistant Principals and staff in the schools. Each school requires leadership and support staff for teachers & parents. Central Support 5.13% is for Fiscal, HR, IT, Purchasing, Printing, Risk Management, Accountability, Internal Audit, Mail Services to again support the schools General Administration represents 1.35% of the budget for the Board, Superintendent, Deputy Supt, Area Supts, Chief of Staff, Legal, Ombudsman and Community Relations. 32
FY 18-19 General Fund Expenditures by Type ($472.6 Million) 33
General Fund FTE Data 34
General Fund FY18-19 FTEs 35
General and Other Funds FTE Data 36
Other Funds 37
Building & Sites Fund 38
Capital Projects (Bond) Funds 39
Special Education Fund 40
Class Size Reduction Fund 41
Special Revenue Funds (Grants) 42
Debt Service Fund 43
Internal Service Funds 44
Enterprise (Nutrition Services) Fund 45
All District Funds Summary 46
FY18-19 Budget Timeline March thru June, 2018 February-March Board Budget Work Sessions April April 10 - Last Opportunity for Board Approval of Tentative Budget (due April 15) May Public Hearing on Tentative Budget (May 22) Last Opportunity for Board Approval of Final Budget (May 22) June Final Budget Due by June 8 March thru June, 2018 Continued Budget Review, Alignment with Priorities and Initiatives, Ongoing Review and Prioritization of Budget Offsets Department of Taxation Pro Forma Ad Valorem Projections Public Hearing on Tentative Budget File Tentative and Final Budgets 47