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GRADE 9 World Literature Year-long course, 1 credit. Levels: Honors, Accelerated Academic and Seminar* Required for graduation; all ninth graders take World Literature.
*World Literature Seminar World Literature with reading support. Fulfills English graduation requirement; Readings adjusted appropriately for students reading below grade level. For students with demonstrated need for reading support as determined by learning support teacher or reading specialist.
Co-curricular activities Co-curricular: Partial credit; does not fulfill English graduation requirement. Application and teacher recommendation required. Newspaper Literary Magazine Yearbook Multimedia Magazine
English as a Second Language Offered at all grade levels to students who are not native English speakers and in accordance with the district’s ESL policy. ESL may be repeated for credit each semester as needed.
Summer Reading All English courses at Conestoga require summer reading. For World Lit for 2016 2017, students will choose from a list of texts. The list will be posted in May. Honors students will be required to read two books; others will read one. Students who change levels in the first semester must complete the summer reading and assessments for the new course. We hope that everybody will read more than that the required minimum.
GRADE 10 American Literature Levels: Honors, Accelerated, Academic Year-long course; 1 credit Levels: Honors, Accelerated, Academic and Seminar* Required for graduation; all 10th graders take American Literature; Preparatory to Keystone Literature Test
*American Literature Seminar American Literature with reading support. Fulfills English graduation requirement; readings adjusted appropriately for students reading below grade level. For students with a demonstrated need for reading support as determined by a learning support teacher or reading specialist.
English as a Second Language Offered at all grade levels to students who are not native English speakers and in accordance with the district’s ESL policy. ESL may be repeated for credit each semester as needed.
Co-curricular activities Co-curricular: Partial credit; does not fulfill English graduation requirement. Application and teacher recommendation required. Newspaper Literary Magazine Yearbook Multimedia Magazine
Summer Reading All English courses at Conestoga have required summer reading assignments. Titles will be published on the CHS website in May. Students who change levels during the first semester mush complete the summer reading and assessments for the new course.
GRADES 11 & 12 (choose two of five in grades 11 & 12) Year-Long Literature Courses (1 credit) British Literature (H, X) Comparative Literature (H, X, A) AP Literature & Composition (AP)
GRADES 11 & 12 (choose two of five in grades 11& 12) Year-Long Language Courses (1 credit) Language & Composition (AP, H, X, A) Reading and writing nonfiction The Writer’s Craft (H, X) Reading and writing fiction and poetry
Co-curricular activities Co-curricular: Partial credit; does not fulfill English graduation requirement. Application and teacher recommendation required. Newspaper Literary Magazine Yearbook Multimedia Magazine
English as a Second Language Offered at all grade levels to students who are not native English speakers and in accordance with the district’s ESL policy. ESL may be repeated for credit each semester as needed.
Summer Reading All English courses at Conestoga have summer reading assignments. Titles will be published on the CHS website in May. Students who change course or level must make up the summer assignments and assessments for the new course.