Small Farmers and Rural Poor sm farmers, w/out slaves Life in the South 9-2 Small Farmers and Rural Poor sm farmers, w/out slaves Most Southerns’ were __________________________ or just a few Yeomen __________ - didn’t have slaves, largest group of whites in the S. ______________________\ 50 to 200 acres owned their own land Tenant Farmer _____________- worked on landlord’s land, paid rent w/crops they grew, ______________________ didn’t own land
Plantations (P) “Mansion like” Lrg estates, several thousand acres, ___________________with fine furnishings, number of slaves was a ______________________ measure of $$$$ Expenses, they didn’t change P had fixed costs – ________________________, such as housing, food for workers, maintenance. Value of Cotton DID change to do all jobs Lrg P had many slaves _______________; blacksmith, carpenters, weavers, tend to livestock etc.
City life and Education9-2 Cities RR lines ports Most big cities in S located near major ___________or _________; Columbia, ________________and ___________ big rail cites Chattanooga Atlanta Free Blacks _____________could form their own communities, but still _________________ against and had limited rights, could not be active in politics or move to other states discriminated Education S - education wasn’t as developed as N high rates of illiteracy (can’t read) S - had very ______________________________ hardship S- Homes were very far apart, _________to send kids to school S - believed that _____________ was a ______________matter school private
Is this an example of a plantation mansion? yeoman’s residence? tenant farmer’s home? A home of the rural poor?
Descendants of the Shirley family still reside on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the mansion. This key is still used to unlock the front door.
In addition to the mansion (Big House) many other buildings were located on the plantation. A root cellar – located adjacent to the mansion – was used to store root vegetables in order to preserve them (no refrigeration yet)
A smoke house was used to smoke and cure meats (a form of preserving)
Livestock would often be found on plantations Livestock would often be found on plantations. Dairy products, wool, etc. were provided by cows, sheep, goats…
The Shirley Plantation is located on the banks of the Ohio River The Shirley Plantation is located on the banks of the Ohio River. Many plantations were located on rivers – this made it very easy to ship the cotton, and other crops.
Mississippi River – and the Atlantic Ocean Port City? Railroad City? Seaport or river port? Mississippi River – and the Atlantic Ocean
Port City? Railroad City? Major Railroad Center – will be burned during Civil War by Union Troops