Minneapolis, MN -- Feburary 3, 2003 Start page ITL Subcommittee Minneapolis, MN -- Feburary 3, 2003 16
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee Overview ITL background Current AICC Certified Products Test Suite Status AICC Test Suite ADL Test Suite Test Suite Plan
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee ITL Background : ITL (Independent Test Lab) - Independent organizations contracted by the AICC to conduct tests ITL Tests for compliance with the following AGR’s AGR-006 - File-based CMI AGR-010 - Web-Based CMI ITL is responsible for “Designed to AICC Guidelines” Logo program
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee ITL Background (continued): The following product categories are tested: CMI related product types CMI (LMS) systems CMI (LMS) Application Service Providers (ASP’s) AU (content) related product types CBT Courses (Collection of AU’s) Individual AU’s Authoring Tools Courseware Generation/Assessment Systems (i.e. “other”)
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee ITL Background (continued): 2 Test Lab Locations: US Naval Undersea Warfare Center at Keyport (NWUCK) Keyport, Washington USA University of New Mexico (UNM) Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee AICC Certified Products (AGR-006) 1 File-based CMI systems (Currently) Backlog 0 in the “pipe-line”
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee AICC Certified Products (AGR-010) 2 - Authoring Systems 22 - Web-based CMI systems 3 - Web-based Courseware Generation/Assessment Systems 10 - Sets of Web-based Courseware [Total of 37] Backlog 3 Products (3 CMI) in the “pipeline”
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee Designed To Logo Program 14 vendors applied for AICC Designed To Products status since June 1, 2002
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee AICC Test Suite Tests Minimum Compliance for AGR-006 (file-based) and AGR-010 (web-based) Test to the older version HACP and File-based Communication Methods only (no API at present) Freely available (but licensed) - 826 Registered Organizations
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee AICC Sample Lesson Written in Authorware An example implementation of an Assignable Unit (minimum & optional features) Source code included Uses HACP Communication Freely available (but licensed) – 425 Registered Organizations
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee ADL Test Suite UPDATE (June 2003) SCORM Certification has begun at Keyport. Unknown whether other sites have begun. ADL has test suite software that tests conformance to SCORM (runtime) API (AICC JavaScript API derivative) SCORM runtime is different in “policy” with some functions compared to AICC (minimum requirements are different) “slash n burn” elements not included
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee HACP Test Suite (Last Update Sept 2002) ADL has delivered AICC/HACP test suite !! This effort is the result of a prior commitment made by ADL during the joint AICC-ADL development of the JavaScript API. File-based tests are not be included. AICC will be responsible for support the software. Additional development (financed by AICC) will likely be required. Initial review appears to indicate that the test suite is incomplete. (Programmer on the project left before completion - at CTC)
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee The “Plan” : Keep using Existing Test Suite ( Until new tests are available) Update CMI001 – “Disambiguate” Review ADL provided HACP & API tests Develop new testing procedures (and possibly software) AFTER a complete testing process is established - update AGR-010 to formally recommend the API for use in CMI/LMS systems.
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee What’s Next : Complete CMI001 “spec maintenance” for File-based & HACP methods (this will drive new test requirements) Develop new testing software requirements document Look for potential test suite contributors. (LaSalle University in Montreal has expressed interest.)
Independent Test Lab (ITL) Subcommittee THE END