PCI Training May 2003 Charlotte Longhurst, Training Manager
Facts about PCI There are lots of facts you need to know about PCI But what is important?
PCI is … BIG Broad Deep Serendipity
BIG An index to 4,000+ periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences on the Web and CD-ROM 13 million+ citations - that’s a LOT! It’s taken over a decade to produce so far and it’s still growing (22 CD-ROMs to date!) It’s been one of the most successful Chadwyck-Healey brand products Some libraries use it to catalogue their holdings 1 million entries are added each year Thousands of scholars depend on PCI for their research It will grow to encompass at least 5,000 journals and 20 million individual articles Overview of the International SBU’s three responsibilities: C-H publishing We want to differentiate more the Index Product from the full text Product – the value of the Index has been lost and we need to concentrate on building the value of the index as a navigation tool to the Humanities It is the only resource of its kind – no real competition – Pooles Index – only 19th Century
B R O A D 37 different subject classifications: Agriculture Ancient Civilisations Anthropology/Ethnology Applied Arts Archaeology Architecture Area Studies - Africa Area Studies - Asia Area Studies - Australasia Area Studies - Europe Area Studies - Middle East Black Studies Business/Management Economics Education Fine Arts Folklore Geography History (General) History (The Americas) Humanities (General) Jewish Studies Law Library/Information Science Linguistics/Philology Literature Music Performing Arts Philosophy Political Science Psychology Public Administration Religion/Theology Social Affairs Social Sciences (General) Sociology Women's Studies Overview of the International SBU’s three responsibilities: C-H publishing We want to differentiate more the Index Product from the full text Product – the value of the Index has been lost and we need to concentrate on building the value of the index as a navigation tool to the Humanities It is the only resource of its kind – no real competition – Pooles Index – only 19th Century Also article-level linking from PCI to JSTOR
DEEP! 1770 – 1995 The coverage of a journal can go from the very first issue right up to the 1990’s and some start as early as 1770 You can find citations from journals that were printed before the French Revolution or the founding of the United States We aim for complete runs of journals up to the 1990’s and look to you for assistance in sourcing original journal issues that are hard to find Overview of the International SBU’s three responsibilities: C-H publishing We want to differentiate more the Index Product from the full text Product – the value of the Index has been lost and we need to concentrate on building the value of the index as a navigation tool to the Humanities It is the only resource of its kind – no real competition – Pooles Index – only 19th Century
SERENDIPITY * * the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident The broad subject coverage and the depth of the contents means you can often find references that take you in completely new directions Overview of the International SBU’s three responsibilities: C-H publishing We want to differentiate more the Index Product from the full text Product – the value of the Index has been lost and we need to concentrate on building the value of the index as a navigation tool to the Humanities It is the only resource of its kind – no real competition – Pooles Index – only 19th Century
What’s even better than a great index? An index that links through to the full text articles? Overview of the International SBU’s three responsibilities: C-H publishing We want to differentiate more the Index Product from the full text Product – the value of the Index has been lost and we need to concentrate on building the value of the index as a navigation tool to the Humanities It is the only resource of its kind – no real competition – Pooles Index – only 19th Century
PCI Full Text What is it? Digitised backfiles of a growing number of titles which are currently indexed in PCI Currently 204 Full Text titles and growing How can you buy it? On subscription - including the full (PCI) index Outright purchase for permanent online access in PCI FT collections 1 & 2 Full PCI Index and FT £10,200 New Full Text with relevent Index records: £6,250 No longer Image only – ASCI text policy – agreed policy on all historical periodicals to have same PRODUCTION STANDARDS – APRIL ONWARDS PCI WILL HAVE SAME SPECIFICATION AS APS AND ABI ARCHIVE. Programme to go back and create ASCI for the rest.
Sales Support Tools Sales Development: Sarah Allen sarah.allen@proquest.co.uk Customer services: Laura Van der Klugt laura.vanderklugt@proquest.co.uk Technical support: support@proquest.co.uk Search Assistance: E-mail query or feedback to the webmaster link on each product
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