Third Year History Date: Why we study history. “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it”. (George Santayana) . As we explore space, will we learn from Christopher Columbus. Where we see corruption and wrongdoings, will we reform and revolutionise. As we fear the arrival of war, will we remember how the other two began and ended. This is up to you.
Third Year History Date: General schedule of the class 5-10 minutes warm-up – get your head in the place it needs to be for the task. Read through a section, marking what needs to go into the notes. Answering the questions and complete tasks to study the information. 5 minute cool-down, questions, homework (homework should never take more than 10-15 min)
Third Year History Date: Last thing before we start: Journals Notes copy, exercise copy, Pen And Pencil (we shall be marking the book a lot) Buy a small folder as well for worksheets.
Warm-up – mind maps The history books are big, bulky and scary things that are not very exam-focused. That is why your copies and notes are your greatest allies in this subject. Them and MINDMAPS! As a warm-up, I want you to make a mind-map of you summer vacation.
Warm-up – mind maps Fact Fact Fact Heading Fact Fact Heading NAME Headings: Things like holidays, exams, news, water issues, Trump, activities, etc Fact Fact Fact Heading Fact Fact Heading NAME Heading Fact Fact Heading Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact Note to me, do sample on board of my summer.
Warm-up – mind maps Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact Heading Heading Fact NAME Headings: Things like holidays, exams, news, water issues, Trump, activities, etc Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact Heading Heading Fact NAME Fact Heading Heading Fact Fact Fact Fact Fact
Layout of the Exam – 2 hours 30 min Section 1 contains three different picture questions.
Layout of the Exam Section 2 has two different document questions.
Layout of the Exam Section 3 consists of 20 short answer questions; you have to answer at least 10.
Layout of the Exam Section 4 has two different sections containing three different people in history, you must do one different person in history from each section.
Layout of the Exam Section 5 is a source question whereby you must answer several short questions and an account.
Layout of the Exam Section 6 consists of 4 long questions, you have to answer at least 2.
History Syllabus – book one Section 1: The Work of a Historian Section 2: Ancient Ireland Section 3: Life in Ancient Rome Section 4: Medieval Life Section 5: The Renaissance Section 6: Explorations Section 7: The Reformation Section 8: Plantations Section 9: The Age of Revolutions Section 10: The Industrial Revolution
History Syllabus – book two Section 1: International Relations Topic A: War and Peace in Europe. 1920 – 45 Topic B: The Rise of Superpowers Topic C Move to European Unity Topic D: India – A Study in Asian Nationalism Section 2: Political Developments in Ireland. 1900 – 2000 Topic A:Political Developments in Ireland. 1900 – 1921 Topic B: Independent Ireland. 1921 – 2000 Topic C: Northern Ireland. 1920 – 2000 Section 3: Ireland: Social History.
Reflection I think... I know... I want to know...
Homework And the homework is........
And the homework is........ Make sure you have a pen and copy. Make sure you have Book One
If underestimated time Show new format of note-taking