Abdomen and Thorax Injuries Unit 16
Bell Work: Review On your note taker List the boarders of the abdomen and the thorax AND include which border contains which landmarks EX—superior border Divide the abdomen into the 4 quadrants and list the organs within them Bell Work: Review
Objectives Define terminology Differentiate between abdominal & thoracic injuries and know their mechanisms, signs, symptoms and treatments Objectives
Terminology Kehr’s Sign Referred Pain Apnea Dyspnea Asthma Hemothorax Radiating pain in the LEFT shoulder and arm resulting from an injury to the spleen Referred Pain Pain that begins in one area, but is felt in an another area of the body Apnea Temporarily stop breathing Dyspnea Difficult or labored breathing Asthma Condition in which the air passages constrict in response to a stimulus Hemothorax Blood in the thoracic cavity Terminology
Rib Contusion/Fracture Mechanism Impact or direct blow to affected rib Signs and Symptoms Dyspnea Pain helps determine if it’s a fx or contusion Contusion: Pain remains constant during breathing Fracture: Pain increases with inhalation and decreases during exhalation…Severe and Sharp Point tender Possible Deformity Treatment Apply Ice Refer for Xray: 3-4 week recovery Possibly braced Rib Contusion/Fracture
Exercised Induced Asthma (EIA) Mechanism Physical activity and/or environmental conditions trigger a stimulus The stimulus causes the airway to constrict and/or increase in mucous production Exercised Induced Asthma (EIA)
EIA Treatment Signs and Symptoms If on medication: use inhaler to help dilate the bronchi Reassure and calm athlete Call EMS if condition worsens Gradually increase activity when they return Signs and Symptoms Coughing Wheezing Dyspnea Chest Pain or Tightness Anxiety EIA
Hemothorax Mechanism What does ‘hemo’ mean? Internal Injury: ruptured blood vessel or ruptured lung External Injury: Penetrating wound What does ‘hemo’ mean? Hemothorax
Hemothorax Signs and Symptoms Treatment Dyspnea Bluish skin tone Rapid, weak pulse No breath sounds from injured side Loss of consciousness (LOC) Treatment Call EMS immediately Control bleeding (if any) Hemothorax
Mononucleosis (Mono) Mechanism “kissing disease” Spleen enlargement due to virus or bacteria Mononucleosis (Mono)
Mono Signs and Symptoms Treatment Fatigue Fever Swollen tonsils/throat Soft, swollen spleen Kehr’s sign Treatment Removal from physical activity Self limiting Rest, good hydration & nutrition Mono
Liver Laceration Mechanism Signs and Symptoms 2nd most common abdominal injury Blunt trauma to UR quadrant Signs and Symptoms UR quadrant pain Deep breathing Weak pulse Nausea Vomiting Light headedness LOC Liver Laceration
Liver Laceration Treatment Immediate 911 referral Control external bleeding Monitor CABs NO FOOD OR FLUIDS Shock Liver Laceration
Appendicitis Mechanism Inflammation of appendix Occurs when appendix becomes blocked or infection Appendicitis
Appendicitis Signs and Symptoms Treatment Dull pain near navel Sharp LR quadrant pain Abdominal swelling Loss of appetite Treatment Medical emergency to remove appendix NO FOOD OR FLUIDS! Appendicitis
Closure What condition refers pain to the left shoulder? What condition is also known as the “kissing disease?” What s/s differentiates a rib contusion versus a rib fx? What is the 2nd most common abdominal injury? What is one factor that triggers exercised induced asthma? Closure