English Debates 2nd Day
English KARUTA Please pick up the card I am reading! L CL R CR
English Card Game Please give me the card that I am reading! I found a beautiful reef! I found a beautiful leaf!
English Card Game Please give me the card that I read! I love this lace shirt.. I love this race shirt!
Topic “Listening to rock music is not good for children”
Evidence Evidence is sufficient? Causality What happens when you don’t do it? Does anything else cause the problem? Analogy Analogies are not similar
Practice 1 “We should encourage children to read a lot of books and novels rather than comic books. For example, the literacy rate in Korea is gradually declining year by year.”
Causality (a) Many other reasons could affect the declining literacy rate in Korea. (b) The Korean educational system might be concentrating on other things like exams (c) How about computer literacy? Evidence Does reading comic books really harm the literacy rate? Does reading novels enhance the literacy rate?
Practice 2 “Ryan can speak, read and write Japanese really well. Now, Ryan takes Russian classes at McGill. So, there is no doubt that Ryan will pick up Russian very quickly.”
The analogy assumes that Japanese and Russian are similar. Causality There is no evidence that taking Russian classes can guarantee improvements. Evidence There is no evidence regarding whether Ryan improved his Japanese only through taking classes.
Topic “Listening to rock music is not good for children”